>heel and face cutting promos
>heel walks down the ramp like they're going to fight
>shakes head and walks away
>heel walks back down the ramp again like for real they're going to fight this time
>eventually walks away again
Wrestling tropes you hate
remember when Seth did this for like 12 years straight
> two (or more) unrelated heel/face teams up together for no other reasons than they are also heel/face
>Babyface is a comptent fighter that can hold on his own
>Suddenly becomes weak and needs to cheat/run away to win after turning heel.
>Babyface turned heel is suddenly allies with every single other heel despite history between them and vice versa.
>next week
>heel has to insult the fans to get heat
This one wouldn't be as bad if they didn't have every fucking heel ever doing it. Even Brock Lesnar does it. It's so fucking cheap and over-done.
>”Referee’s decision is final!!” In one match
>has his call reversed in another match
>face runs in to save other face
>face gets beat down too
>heel music hits
>wrestler keeps getting up after getting hit by a clothesline to get hit by another like 3 times
>face: "Hello [town]!!"
>heel: "[town] sucks!!"
>whip, rebound, drop down, rebound, leapfrog, rebound
Hey, buddy, haven't you seen wrestling before? It's going to be a hip toss. It's always a hip toss, right here. Watch out for the hip toss. Here it comes...
>guy grabs a table from under the ring
>more times than not the guy setting up the table is going through it later >fucking kick pads
>pure strike
>slaps thigh
>suicide dive
>they do the exact animation of a 2K game where they look back and forth then hop a bit before running and diving
>tag match
>face in peril
>getting double teamed
>teammate in the corner starts a clap
>audience joins in with the rhythmic clap
Why can't heels feed off the positive energy? Especially the delusional heels. Why not join in with the clap and think it's all for them. Would also love to see heels stomp the face in rhythm with the claps.
>Why can't heels feed off the positive energy?
because they're heels you retard. why can't buu feed of spirit bomb energy?
>I hate your guts! You’ve stolen my woman, slapped my dad and run me over with a forklift...but this Sunday I’ve got you all to myself in a cage! No escape, time for you to pay.
Match starts, collar and elbow tie up, run the ropes, hip toss...well better try to escape!
>Hello fellow heel, I know we have nothing in common but you want to tag together?
>Sure, why not? Teaming up with you gives me no advantage whatsoever but...got to kill some time before the next ppv.
>As the Corporate representative I get to determine who wrestles in the main event and I don’t like you, so I’m going to put you in the main event of RAW for the next six weeks! If you still don’t learn your lesson you’ll be facing me in the main event of the next ppv! How do you like that asshole?
>How will these two rivals function as a tag team tonight?
This is a very gay thing to complain about, but whenever a babyface stripped at the end of a bra and panties match made (still makes) me mad. I understand it's a pointless T&A match, but it buries the gimmick as a humiliation match. Either have the face go over or let the heel win and the babyface strip her at the end.
Moves: Tower of Doom spots. They're all ass.
Psychology: *Music plays midmatch* Let me stop what I'm doing and get my ass kicked or rolled up.
this fucking shit whats the point of a fucking cage match if they are just going to walk out a fucking door this shit makes me so fucking angry
Thats Russo and his shitty writing for ya
That's how it works in PJ Masks, but once you hit Spongebob levels of maturity, you know that bad guys aren't just these mean-for-no-reason people. Like I said, there's delusional heels who think the crowd secretly loves them, etc.
>dragondildo z reference
Rent free
>no dq match
>not bringing at the very least a steel chair with you into the ring
>bell rings
>collar and elbow
>heel slaps on a submission hold
>babyface grabs the ropes
>heel gets tired and just breaks his own hold anyway
>submission is locked in.
>wrestler is screaming in pain, desperate to reach the rope.
>finally grabs the rope.
>immediately stops screaming and writhing in pain...despite the fact that the other wrestler hasn’t broken the hold.
>holding the rope just magically relieves the pain
>Moves: Tower of Doom spots. They're all ass.
Agreed. I understand it in shit like war games or multi man ladder matches even if it’s overused. But when the women bust it out in normal matches, I get shoot mad.
>heel thats tormented the roster for months, beats up a babyface
>nobody shows up
>babyface never gets revenge
>has long back and forth match, barely wins
I just want, after one of these babyface beatdowns, for them next week to get a fucking pipe and go ham on a motherfucker. Why cant this happen anymore?
>>dragondildo z reference
Cringe and Tryhard-pilled
Hurrr big sweaty men, dis what a champion looks like meme. Size queens are the trailer trash of the fanbase
How about:
>Heel is assaulting a baby face in the middle of the ring. Just attacking him with foreign objects, chairs, electrical cords, everything.
>Baby face is beaten into hamburger meat, handcuffed and stomped into unconsciousness.
>All of the other absolute Boy Scout baby faces in the back just sit around craft services enjoying a meal or adjusting their boots in the locker room.
>Nobody lifts a finger because they’re not specifically feuding with the heel in question.
>Next segment a new baby face is in the ring giving a promo about honor and friendship as the previous baby face is carried away on a stretcher.
Cringe and doesn't-have-sexpilled
>the slingshot spot where one wrestler basically boston crabs the other then falls to his back and catapults the other into the turnbuckle
shit makes me cringe everytime. the only person who can do it decent is Ziggler
Post Cesaro fucking himself up
Seth hasn’t even been alive for 12 years
Cringe you fuckin Bulbasaur
Randy Orton match.
>finish involves rko in some way
>John Cena hit me with a flying shoulder block!
>Better get up quick..
>Yikes, hes dropped me with another!
>I should throw an overhand punch! No one has tried that out!
Ahh, I see you too watch Raw my friend
>Obvious distraction comes out that the babyface shouldn't even care about
>Still goes retarded and gets distracted and beat by the heel
>Referree gets barely hit and rolls around like a bitch for 30 minutes while the heel obviously cheats but the ref doesn't notice.
As a heel: dominant 20 minute control segment
As a face: 20 minutes spent selling
Also how slow and stupid they become when they start looking at that damn door
The door is retarded.
This makes sense in some submissions. It gives you leverage. The whole point of a submission is that it's constricting you, often with gravity helping out.
>face hits big move and goes for pin
>heel manager gets on apron so ref stops counting
literally since the beginning of wrestling
Fuck off, that's good
Referee being a dozen times weaker than a wrestler is just proper power level booking
Because initially the point of a steel cage match was for the babyface to beat up the heel without interference from any of the heel's buddies, and then the babyface would just walk out when he was through with his fun. The alternative ending was the heel would slip out through the door barely clinging to life, sticking it to the babyface. Of course, this has been warped over several decades, and has become what we see now: bullshit that makes very little sense.
Wrestlers immediately going for the pin after a finisher that the other guy was gonna kick out of anyway. Couldn't they stall a little bit on the ground and slow down the count to protect the finisher instead of the guy kicking out of a "devastating" finisher 2.5 seconds after he took it?
Yes. Also cage matches used to involve time limits, like "This Monday night, I'm getting you for 15 minutes in that cage, no more excuses, no more running way, 15 minutes, you're all mine, and no one can save you..." There would always be a swerve, like the heels bump all the refs or slip in a chain or brass knuckles. Or it's really a blow off, but once the time limit is up, the babyface dramatically slams the door closed and goes back to beating up the heel to a bloody mess (can be inverted, with the heel winning, but babyface gets some shine back during the time after).
The problem is New York didn't do any of that shit, and actually copied the Mexican cage rules, which involved climibing out to safety, but they kept the American doors. This might have been because of the NY athletic commission deeming cage matches too brutal, so WWWF promised they wouldn't be bloodbaths. In current WWE, the closest thing to a real cage match is Hell in a Cell, but that quickly got fucked up and turned into just another hardcore match formula.
Good eye
What about when a referee is a former deathmatch wrestler tougher than the entire roster combined and still bumps like that, like the NXT main ref?