KaneChad Thread

Name ONE OTHER PERSON in the history of this business, scratch that, this plane of existence that could pull off this fucking ensemble the way this fucker did right here.

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Where's the flowing chadly locks of hair? Where's the duster? Where's the fanny pack? Get these jabronis the hell outta here, are you kiddin me.

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Mmmmmmmmm wouldn't wanna mess with Grandma!

why are they standing on a towel

Taker dosent want old people germs in his house.

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he’s the jannetty to our last mayor tbqh

Yikes was he pale there, must have skipped tanning day that week

and yet still dabbed on him, got to go to saudi and make mad dosh, and still came out on top and saved face by getting the 100k donation

I think thats just a shitty rug

Kane was usually pale before he started wearing the singlet

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Lol Taker looks like a goth rocker

by dabbed on him, you mean tim reaching the term limit then winning the house seat, right? tim is also a local chad, but i guess ya wouldn’t know that

Kayfabe-casual Kane is kino.

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He looks like a fan cosplaying here lol...if it wasnt for Torrie next to him I would be convinced that wasnt him

no homo but i want kane to dick me down with his big red cock

When did the hair become part of the mask?

what would your father say if he read this?

after he shaved it off for the unmasking in 03.

the last night he wore it in 03 it was a wig then he camme back with the wig in 2012 when he brought the mask back. he was growing it out for real around then too but they did the whole corporate kane thing and he cut it and its been a wig ever since

Absolutely nobody.

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*hits peak body at 45 years old in your path*

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