Take a bump

Take a bump

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Based piledriver. If you're not shoot crippling a guy, you're doing it wrong

How can you die from falling 15 feet straight onto your ass?
Spine snapping in two?

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It's way more than 15 feet, it's more like 20-25.

And any sudden large fall can kill you. It doesn't necessarily have to be your head. I mean who knows what brutal internal injuries was done to her insides right then on impact?

>something, something, Shane McMahon

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Thats more like 30-40 ft. Probably suffered multiple lumbar separations, wouldn't be surprised if they completely destroyed L1 from that impact.

I just shitposted on /ck/ and thought I was posting on Yea Forums.

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probably around 30-35ft I'd say just going by the height of the guys walking buy and doing a very basic measure up to where she fell from. I believe it's every 10 ft of fall height increases your risk of dying upon impact depend on how you land. I heard of a lady in Tampa FL who jumped off the Sunshine Skyway (bout 100ft up) and survived because she landed 'just' right although she had a ton of broken bones (legs, arms, etc).

This girl could have survived this although I wouldn't be shocked to find out her pelvis was shattered along with her lower spine.

Also huehuehue gib her a Hell in the Cell match.

I always though that song said and im down for Yahweh

>belly to belly yourself
What a retard

theres one that shows the aftermath

Absolutely based

I'm glad i don't hang out with people that watch wrestling other than my brother who is also aware of how cringey wrestling fans are


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Absolutely based.

didn't that guy shoot paralyze himself


shoot deaded himself