Wrestling's future

>No foreign heals, because that would reinforce xenophobic stereotypes
>Absolutely no language, or story lines that may be seen as degrading or objectifying to women
>Women and minorities must have at least 50% representation on each show.
>Promos must be heavily scripted and edited, to ensure they don't contain words, or phrases that may cause offence, or make the audiences uncomfortable
>All bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms are unisex, so as to be inclusive to the trans community
>The national anthem will not be played at events, because it may be uncomfortable to undocumented immigrants.
>White male talent will all play heals, by default, to reflect their role in society.
>White males wrestlers must also compete with one arm tied behind their back,so as to counterbalance their privilege.

Did I miss anything?

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make the switch

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>Nu-Japanlets still seething that we took Kenny
B-but simpblade
Love how you faggots pretend to like him now
Don't worry, Okada is taking the belt off him at MSG

All the possible things you listed (everything except the last two) would unironically make wrestling better.


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Based AllPajeets

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All showers and bathrooms being unisex would be great

Great, I like Okada too.

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I would never leave the bathroom

Are you saying this is what AEW will be or what WWE is currently and AEW is the solution?

This is what both of them will be.

There is no escaping the SJW plague.

>muh sjw bogeyman
tips fedora

This motherfucker is dying

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why would I switch to a company that just gave the fat, boring and worst wrestler in the world Chase Owens the belt?

But he's didn't win the belt.....

>muh anthem

you ameriFATS realize how obnoxious and annoying are with shit like that???

>commentators use gender neutral pronouns for the talent, like xir, or xim to make their progressive audience feel more welcomed

A place that forgot what national pride is like wouldn't understand.

Literally no one gives a fuck about the anthem

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it's fucking Vince, he's stuck in the 80s.

>tfw OP ain't even fucking trouble.
I mean, it may not happen tomorrow but come 2040 this could very well be the case.

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Being a heel just because you are foreigner is absolute retarded and doesn't work nowadays. Look at Rusev or Jinder.

This. Unless you come from North fucking korea what's the point

>White male talent will all play heals, by default, to reflect their role in society.

Are niggers and pajeets supposed to be Tanks and DPS then?