>No foreign heals, because that would reinforce xenophobic stereotypes >Absolutely no language, or story lines that may be seen as degrading or objectifying to women >Women and minorities must have at least 50% representation on each show. >Promos must be heavily scripted and edited, to ensure they don't contain words, or phrases that may cause offence, or make the audiences uncomfortable >All bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms are unisex, so as to be inclusive to the trans community >The national anthem will not be played at events, because it may be uncomfortable to undocumented immigrants. >White male talent will all play heals, by default, to reflect their role in society. >White males wrestlers must also compete with one arm tied behind their back,so as to counterbalance their privilege.
>Nu-Japanlets still seething that we took Kenny HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA B-but simpblade Love how you faggots pretend to like him now Don't worry, Okada is taking the belt off him at MSG
Chase Bell
All the possible things you listed (everything except the last two) would unironically make wrestling better.