I got kicked out of a wrestling show for being racist

I got kicked out of a wrestling show for being racist.

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good, you fucking bigot

Have you tried not being racist, simp?

towards japs, muzzies or blacks?

I'm usually not.
Some fat white land whale couldn't control her alcohol and said something I shouldn't have.

What did you do?

I tried to start a MAGA chant

I was being racist.

You were being racist?

I remember this thread, was about a year ago. I was laughing my cock off

Good, too bad some good brothers didn't beat your skinny fat white ass up. You Nazis should be afraid to even leave your homes.

But I'm a Mexican. I was being racist towards white women.

oh, well then you shouldn't have been thrown out, you weren't being racist at all

Kek me too

Fellow Mexibro, being racist against white people is impossible. You shouldn't have been kicked out and should expose the racist promotion on Twitter.

Try to control yourself next time, it's really that simple.

No, I was being pretty racist.


nah, you can't be racist towards whites, it's just ribbing

quit exposing the business simp

Huh? What you mean?


She was a heeb.
White Jewish women outrank Christian Mexican Men on the oppression scale.

What happened?

oh fuck, you didn't mention that, yeah, you got what you deserved

Well there goes your whole thread, you cant be racist to white people. Literally impossible

Jewish is a religion, still white, still cant be racist towards here. Sage this thread

She was Jewish.

I was racist.

>White Jewish women outrank Christian Mexican Men on the oppression scale.
Mexicans are just under Muslims on the oppression scale, with blacks coming in at number three. Jews have more power and average financial income than even whites per capita

Jews are POC

pretty based of them, hopefully your work or school find out and kick you out too.

Jews are also the only people that have laws in place to protect their group specifically from bigotry, really activates the almonds

No they are not, 99% of Jews are nothing more than whites larping as ancient Israelites

I got hired to be Vince's double after I said "FUCK NIGGERS, YOU MUST BE WHITE TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS" out loud in my best Vince McMahon voice. I have about 20% WWE stock share, and everytime you see Vince in public that is actually me. I regularly have to sleep with Steph, that isn't a part of the business deal with Vince, but rather something that Hunter pays me good money to do so that he can watch.

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based eevee poster going over haitch every night

Shit taco


Was it at a wrestling show?