the son of an irish dock worker, and the eldest of three children, Carter the Deanchrist was orphaned at an age where children should be more concerned with playing than surviving.
The son of an irish dock worker, and the eldest of three children...
Hi Carter
ding-dong diddly hard times daddeh
Hi carter
God, seriously asp, who is this ugly fuck??
Carter aka Dean Mark.
I've heard a lot of mentions of him, is he like wokfcuc??
Carter is the resident autist of this board. Think Hogan in terms of pure cancerous drawing power. Wolfcuc is more like Triple H 02-04 reign of terror, whereas Carter is 80's Hogan or 90's Austin.
The copypasta sums most of him up I think which I'll give you
>works Yea Forums with multiple trips
>is responsible for working the mods into making the ding-dong diddly filter. It backfired.
>aside from bringing in other board talk, is also responsible for creating majority of Yea Forums lingo
>posted CP threads regularly kayfabing and working the janny into becoming a fully fledged pedophile
>works other anons into becoming carter imposters, accusing others of being carter and convincing themselves they are carter
>worked out with balor and kendrick at planet fitness. were impressed with him
>leaves mark like chad serial killer ;^)
>is royalty on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /wooo/ and other boards... yet is also the boogeyman
>strong masculine jaw
>had a nxt tryout in 2016. decided to stay with Yea Forums despite a generous offer
>one simple comment in his true form Dean Mark !!F0v4EQGwWZW garners more (you)s and dimes than anyone to a monstrous pop
>actually courted queen yelissa, despite the fact they're actually likely cousins
>benches 500lbs
>multiple feuds with bretcuck, fartchad and others
>faked his own death and kayfabed being in jail
>absolutely btfo mmamanlets on Yea Forums after conor mcmanlet was destroyed in boxing
>works /s/ by making them seethe over harmless diva threads
>works /pol/tards into a seething shoot daily
>is halflife's gman, metal gear's patriots, batman's joker, the architect from the matrix and the Illuminati of Yea Forums
>not uptight and scared of being a cuck
>works Yea Forums into thinking he's jewish, black, canadian, israeli, romanian, mexican or a combination of everything
>Yea Forums equivalent of combined hogan/rock/austin drawing power
>now a part time talent because he draws so many dimes, Yea Forums can't contain him
>predicted ambrose would increase the 2016 Smackdown rating to a 4.00. it did. fake news says otherwise
>literal chad. actually leaves Yea Forums to seek sunlight and pick up his meds
>has Yea Forums eating out of the palm of his hand, and threads made about him constantly
fuck off newfag
Kek keep seething like a little bitch
Is he circumcised?
That's one ugly irishman
you tell me.
Hes not Irish, hes Mexican.
He's both, and Jewish, just like Louis Cuck King.
He's obviously some arab shitskin
The undisputed GOAT
Lurk moar
There is no way that man is Irish.
He's actually Italian-Canadian for a shoot.
>still necrobumping this
You're just exposing what an antidraw you are at this point desu
Kys ya manlet nerd
Ya seething, Sharter?
Wheres this pasta from?
Based Carter the biggest draw in Yea Forums history
Carter makes the best memes
Copypasting shit from Yea Forums and wew doesnt count as "making memes" tho
All Deanchad content is 100% original
The only thing %100 original about deanspic is his virginity status
Carter aka Dean Chad?
Yup. That's going on the based list.
That's just not true
>mfw Carter vs Wolfcuc is still 2 weeks away
I thought carter died visiting yelissa during huricane
Queen Yelissa survived and posts on Yea Forums
Carter has been long term booking since late last year getting heat on wolfcuc for his return in the WM game thread
Aren't we a bunch of smarks for knowing this?
Is Carter vs Wolfie the most anticipated match in Yea Forums history?
Wat u mean
Once in a lifetime. It's fucking box office.
The real main event
unironically better than WM35 desu
Carter should be rock
I'm unironically so hyped for this.