ITT: Predict Triple H's WrestleMania entrance
ITT: Predict Triple H's WrestleMania entrance
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Jason takes manhattan.
Thanos style capeshit
>two guys wearing X-COM ADVENT-ish armor blow horns
>the trumpeters march down followed by a dozen guys in bad sci-fi mook cosplay
>last are Triple H (gold skull mask/crown, gold football pads like WM 30, Infinity Sledgehammer) and Steph (dressed like Gamora/the blue girl)
He's gonna give em the greenlight
you tell me
Comes out in MMA gear because unlike the fake fights on the card, this is for real!
*Screen fades to black*
*Camera shots of a busy New York*
*Shots of city center, Central park, war memorials, statue of liberty etc*
*Over dramatic WWE narrator's voice*
>New Yorkkkkkkkkk
>The big Appleeeeeee
>Three City of Dreamssssss
>It here is were many come to forge their own storiesssssssss
>Or set out to create their ownnnnnnnnm
>New Yorkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
*Screen goes to black*
*Camera shot of darkened Met Life Stadium*
*Half the crowd lights up in a fireball as the stadium explodes into a fireball*
*Kills 20,000 people out of WWE's attendance, doesn't affect worked attendance later on in evening*
*Over empowering green lighting burning the retinas of the screaming and panicking survivors*
>it's time to praise Allah..
>time to praise Allaaah
*Triple H comes out dressed as Bin Laden. Stephanie in a full body burka*
>it's all about allah and how you praise him
>it's all about the mat and if you can lay it
>mecca calls me and now i must face it
>oh great allah, my faith has not left me
>all these infidels, they will not shake me
>like my left hand, they're nothing but feces
>a goat is my wife, her name is Stephanie
>her brapping is haram, but I can still breathe
>look it's a bomb, ready to blow
>like the fires of hell, where america will go
>he is Allah, and he makes the rules
>patience brother, it will soon go kaboom
>sports entertainment in the land of New York
>join based islam, brother, it's all meant to be
>salah in two hours, you must come pray
>My time is nigh, on the network press play
>time to pray again...
comes out dressing like this + the skull mask
It's cringe
Time to re-examine your life.
He's going to SOAP down the barricade
He's totally growing out his beard to go for the kratos dad of war gimmick
cringe samefag or sympathy post
His entrance has already been leaked, pic related.
Does an entrance really happen if no one's around to see it?
This. Either Thanos cosplay or Ronan.
Comes out to Steph's theme and speedwalks down the ramp.
He'll break out of his restraints and kill his opponent
Based lyric chad
>generic rock music plays
>loud noise
>a person with Triple H's physique wearing one of his old costumes comes out
>he slowly walks down the ring
>loud noise interrupts the rock music again to announce someone else
>it's another guy dressed in an old Triple H costume
>this repeats a dozen times
>if any of the costumes show the guy's face, they wear ski-mask type coverings
>they all surround the ring (which Batista is in) wielding sledgehammers
>Steph comes out to her theme and grabs a mic
>She gives some gay promo about the past, and then introduced the real Triple H
>HHH comes out with Vince to his left, Shane to his right, and all their children swarming them
>Every single one of them, including the daughters are wearing the exact same suit
>They walk down the ring slowly
>Steph kisses Triple H on the cheek and hands him a water bottle
>The entire family grabs a water bottle and does Triple H's spitting thing together
>The impostor Triple H's grab the cooler full of water bottles and try doing the same thing
>This goes badly and terminator HHH short-circuits, golden mask Triple H has water pour out of every hole in the mask. Biker Haitch slips
>The real Triple H starts directing the fake ones to leave
>He takes off his suit and gets into his ring gear while the camera is focused on the fake HHHs leaving
Flanked by Police escort, EMTs and lawyers because - unlike all of the other matches which are scripted entertainment - his is a real fight.
so much copypasta
would actually be good
Muhammad Atta before driving a plane into the arena killing everyone in attendance. Shortly after AEW announces a MSG show
It'll just be this video on the Tron:
Wholesome, yet cringe.
Triple H comes out draped in fur with a big game hunter gimmick.