ITT: Wrestlers this board hates but you like

I just can’t bring myself to hate this little guy. He might be a manlet manchild but he’s too likeable and talented for me to feel any negative emotions towards him

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Same here user
Not massively hated cause he's pretty based but ZSJ is one for me
Actually Suzuki is probably a better example

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Been my guy since 2011. I knew he didn't stand a chance in UFC but I supported him anyway and still support him to this day.

forgot pic

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Does it make it easier for you that he used to be Johnny Fatass?

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I havent watchd NXT since 2013 because I'm not a virgin

>Calling yourself Domelord L ドームロード L
>not a virgin
Pick one.

Getting pegged doesn’t count fag

You missed out on NXT 2014 brotha. That year was pretty good

Was the Mexican star there were looking for, checks off everything on the list, but saddled with the brown man bad gimmick and horrible booking.

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Fuck off incel

Nah, he's good. He's really talented. But he's nowhere near as good as the hype. The Revival are the only reason anyone cares about him and Ciampa. Most of the Gargano/Ciampa feud was fairly shitty wrestling hidden behind a bunch of protective "HHH' favorite toys" booking. If Eva Marie yanked the floor apart and slammed Colin Jost hard onto the concrete then that would have gotten just as much of a positive reception. Honestly, it would probably have been even more over.

The Big Dog!

No fuck that faggot. I saved his life. He owes it to me to stop wrestling.

So are we just ignoring Gargano’s excellent matches against Dream, Black, Ricochet, Almas etc? And his matches with Ciampa didn’t have to be technical masterclasses, they were great because of the violence and there was some great wrestling mixed in as well. And their CWC match was kino as well.

E-drone seethe

Wait, why am I taking a guy on ASP seriously?

You just named four people who are better than Gargano.
I love NXT. The Dream match was pretty good. I vaguely remember a good match with Almas. I don't remember the Ricochet match at all, even though I watched it.
I vividly remember neither Gargano nor Ciampa putting on satisfying Black matches. I was disappointed, as Black was my favorite thing in NXT whenever he wasn't injured.

>I love NXT.

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even though his psychology is off, his in ring energy is great.

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SEF has the potential to top 10 in the world if he improves his psychology and stops sticking to a formula

LMAO e drones are so fucking delusional

Shut up who Japan fag, have sex

Bros, just go watch some wrestling and cool down.

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God fucking BLESS it this is like the hundredth time my trip took itself off today. Fucking Stadia.

>he watches wrestling