I feel like he's a racist

I feel like he's a racist...

Attached: bruce-prichard-wwe-raw.jpg (770x433, 39K)

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And? What about it?

It's bad to be racist, user

yeah, racist against simps, like you!

Sick burn, bro,

They're all racist.

>I feel like

Lay off the onions

That's just rumor and innuendo

Facts don't care about your feelings.

only if you are a leftist cuck trying to impress other leftist cucks

Cronge conservacuck

faggot leftist kill yourself

He's not a racist.

I can already tell you think you can't be racist to whites

>he thinks racism to whites is a thing
OH NO NO NO NO, LOOK AT THIS INSECURE SIMP, next you're gonna tell me white genocide is real and that the earth is flat

Your nose is showing, rabbi

Attached: 140728-shire-herp-tease_c8zblg.jpg (1480x832, 149K)

circumcision legit makes me sad. it's just so cruel and wrong to do that to children. what a strange world where FGM is considered immoral and wrong yet this is thought of as perfectly normal

The mutilation is bad enough. I'm more concerned about how it's legal to suck the blood out of the infant dick then drink it with wine. Literal fucking pedo vampires

Booker T is one of his closest friends as was Eddie Guerrero. He is a white male though.

I’ve found blacks to be pretty chill. Most that I’ve been around just like to laze about smoking pot and geeking out over whatever their obsession is. Sometimes it’s wrestling or vidya. Knew one guy who was just super into shark week. All of the white People I’ve hung out with have been huge fucking douchebags or massive cucks.

I feel like you’re a cuck

Beta detected

>No black hates whites just for being white, aka, racism
>this bastard actually thinks this
Come to my hometown and you will witness this bullshit regularly.

White genocide is real tho

