Who is his favourite wrestler?

Who is his favourite wrestler?

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Iron Sheik

the sicilian shooter

Attached: Little_Guido_-_James_Maritato_04.jpg (600x607, 44K)

Daniel "Blood and Soil" Bryan

Kofi Kingston

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Kairi Sane

Brock Lesnar

Rene Dupree


Unironically CM Punk

Mustafa Ali

Hogan of course

Attached: Hulk.gif (200x200, 3.06M)

If ya actually read his manifesto, it's unironically current Daniel Bryan.

Attached: bryan-rowan-1.jpg (1125x633, 80K)


You look at his face and you can tell it's probably Bill Goldberg or David Starr, maybe Noam Dar.

>le whitey dindu nuffin, twas a crypto jew maymay

Bret hart

Nice try kike
It really is. Daniel recognizes that to save the earth, we need to eliminate or move all shitskins

>to save the earth, we need to eliminate or move all shitskins
>Whites have polluted and irradiated the Earth to the point of irreversible damage
>B-but its those brown people

Unironically Chris Benoit

Whiteys BTFO

Probably any shoot-fighter

He was inspired by Eric Bishoffs tedtalk.
You can tell this guy stole from the pro wrestling handbook. He used emotions to provoke a reaction instead of intelligence.

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There's no real point in responding if all you're going to say is "BROWN PEOPLE GOOD, WHITE PEOPLE THE PROBLEM!" Rabbi


Prune gang bitch!


Candace Owens

Definitely not Dakota Kai or Jay White


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