Are they responsible for current state of WWE

Are they responsible for current state of WWE

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Stephanie more so than Gaytch.


wtf is she choking him :/

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Wtf user

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Yes, because they have created a system where NXT marks pop for anyone that debuts and thus new wrestlers basically coast on being smark darlings till they reach the main roster and realise they don't have a gimmick or personality.

Wtf this and bases


You can track the slow decent of the attitude era with Trips marrying into the main event and the McMahons making themselves the attraction over the talent. It culminates in the Invasion era victory lap for Vince and several years of RAW becoming a self-indulgent HHH wankfest while Smackdown carried the company

If not for the sheer high of the AE nostalgia the company would have dropped back down New Generation figures long ago. Instead people hung around hoping it would get good again and watching talents they actually liked [Eddy Angle the Hardys etc] fade away while the new stars we were told were important [Cena Batista MVP Great Khali] never truly clicked and guys people wanted to see were ignored because Management didnt anoint them the chosen one [Ryder Punk Wyatt Rusev]. Matter of fact look at the people most over in the company right now and almost all of them are there because as a rejection of the managements choice to overpush a Roman Cena or Charles

They're 70% of the reason. Vince going senile used to be a meme but now the other 30% is legit senile Vince.

Vince is out of touch and probably senile a long time ago.
HHH had only daughters and Steph believes jewmanitarianism is the future of marketing, it's how brands r going 2 win.
Everything else branches off that.

triple nose is going to use his power to bury a hollywood star in wrestlemania when hes not even a full time wrestler and gains nothing for it

of course is their fault lmao

Honestly, I would say no. I think the biggest problem with WWE is that it's a publicly traded company now and has to be all corporate, whereas before it was a more close knit management system.

Yes. They have three daughters and no sons. That's the only reason they are pushing this women's revolution shit. Their spawns can become 30 times champions when they come of age.

Stephanie definitely. HHH would not be pushing a midcard fuckhead like Kofi or women's wrestling if he was really in charge.

HHH knows what fans want and like. He understands what made the wrestling industry great.


Steph is so much like her dad its unreal sometimes

Its Stephs gurrl power ego that drove the Womens revolution but honestly it was utter shit that either needed to be improved or dropped from the product totally just like they did in the Golden age The parts that have worked are incidental just like when her dad stumbled into the Attitude era and accidentally made money

Hell Lynch wouldnt have gotten over to this extent if not for them overpushing Charles and Nia injuring her before she was gonna fed to Ronda as a way of hyping up the Rousey/Flair Wrestlemania match

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>the last thing you see before you fall asleep



This. All of this.


I like to think he emails his matches to Stone Cold, Rock, and Mick Foley. With subjects like "look I won guys I'm still champion" or "hey I'm headlining wrestlemania" or "I won the rumble" they always email back something nice like good for you hunter. And Paul just smiles ear to ear and thinks to himself "they're so jealous of me" while he shines his sledgehammer with an old dx shirt while wearing a sleeveless leather vest that's 3 sizes to small. Sometimes Stephanie will come over and ask "what are you up to game?" His response is always the same "making those no draw losers from the attitude era jealous" she 'll rub his shoulders and say "you sure are champ" as she walks away more often than not a single tear exits her right eye

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>HHH knows what fans want and like. He understands what made the wrestling industry great.

Is that why he beat sting and made him shake his hand at WM. Or why beat Booker t at WM for no reason. Or why he main evented a WM in his late 40s as the champion. Or why he and his over the hill buddy put on a stinkfest in the middle east. Ect ECT

Triple H is the greatest Heel in Sports Entertainment History

>Stock at $90
Umm sweetie I think that's called a backfire

Hi paul

Steph needs to realize that she just can't pull of a smile this big, she needs to stick to the little girl smile not this AAAAAAAAH HAHAHA smile that haunts me in my dreams.

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Man that fake smile of her is killing me.
She was so cute back in the day.
And she kind of still is if she acts natural.

But yeah they are killing wwe, but also is vince.

No, Vince is.

Hi uunter

What a failure

Like ur dads penus

“If cows laughed, would milk come out of their noses?”

Attached: scarysteph1.jpg (414x612, 45K)

William: What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
David: What?
William: Do you smell carrots?

Attached: scarysteph2.jpg (418x594, 81K)

John: What’s the best way to keep a skunk from smelling?
Ron: What?
John: Hold its nose!

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>They have three daughters and no sons. That's the only reason they are pushing this women's revolution shit.
It's unbelievable how transparent they are.



Six words:

June twenty-seventh two thousand and two.

There's your answer.

you're right, hogan vs jericho is the true reason why wwe is in its current state

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Fucking bases


Ever since she showed up full time in WWE, the product has suffered. Coincidence? Imagine what the company would be like if she had no desire to get in the family business and just decided to shop all day and snort coke all night like the other rich girls...

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Mostly the dumb cunt. Nose is responsible for the massive amount of manlets thoigh
