Wtf I hate Hunter now

wtf I hate Hunter now

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BASED Sid working the Kliqetty

Based Sid

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Necromancer angle resurrecting Warrior for Haitch to go over when

Firmly believe that night Warrior no sold the pedigree was the night that turned HHH into a complete dick.

This makes HHH look like a simp
Someone is getting fired for this

Those Warrior and Sid ones are gonna eat at him the rest of his life knowing he cant get a win back

fuck you I wanted to type it

I thought he had beat Bryan before.

This. He was forced to do it I'm sure, why the fuck would he do it early in the match if he was jobbing.

Where's Connor the Crusher?

he should invite sid back for a legends event and just shoot on him and have a crooked ref in on it to do the 3 count. warrior, yeah, short of digging him up and pinning him on television, that one is off the table - would be good heel heat though

He's going to set up a match against Dana Warrior to get that win back in spirit.

Other wrestlers Triple H has faced and never beaten:
Jim Ross
Terry Funk
Barry Windham
Both of the Nasty Boys
Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell
Manu, the forgotten Legacy member.

Christian Cage?

Has Christian ever fought HHH one on one?

Amazingly enough, no. They did team up a few times in 6 man and 8 man tag team matches in the early 2000s

am i getting mandela'ed or has sycho always been spelled that way?


Only in WWE because of Vince's autism

It's always been spelled that way for Sid.

It's always been spelled that way, zoomer.

No. They never fought before that.

Oh man, it’s another episode of oh my God triple H is so bad! He once fucked my anus with a cabbage!


That’s how sycho sids name was spelled, the word is actually spelled psycho

Fucking edgy faggot retard

seething cancerfag


Gaytch is still seething he can't get his win back from Warrior

I'm pretty sure HHH beat Batista in late 2002 or something like that.

>Putting over all those people
Dont ever say I didnt do anything for this business again, marks

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doesn't count if he's only had 1 match with them desu

>I get to dictate the parameters
Fuck off

That's our word you can't say that!

Calm down, Meltzer

>Implying Paul isnt a massive mark

He's going to get someone to dress up like Warrior and pin him clean to get heel heat and his win back.

Okay Paul

This is true. I'm sure he'd get his wins back from all of them if he could.

>works Nashetty
>works Cunter
*bows down*

WTF these guys didn't get the memo to not make Hunter look vulnerable in a defenseless position!?

With a window wiper

Hunter vs all of them 1v6 just like 2008 raw roster when?

Aside from Batista, has he faced any of them more than once?

>HHH unironically released his target list for the Golden Shovel