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while we all know Ospreay's not winning the cup i really hope he gets the upset here


I will take break from work just to watch this.

Ospreay looks fucking great

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no live link yet
Technical problems... so I guess I will watch on demand

Bros will kazu win and get his belt back?

No it’s too soon. He needs to suffer.

it's on

like Tenzan tier?

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he means the show.

Alright lads this will be the first njpw thing i watch other than kenny okada 1. What should i expect

>Tags that are just building to the next tournament match
>Maybe the worst Ishii match of the last 2 years
>Okada to kill himself to help get his IRL best friend over more

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You picked a wrong time.
NJPW tweeted that the stream will be bad.
VOD will probably be fine, but they have technical problems.

Fuck they are tagging tonight
my cock is hard

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The Ishii/YH segments in their tags have actually been really great. Give it a chance.

I will give you that
based choppa man can do anything

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Except reach the top shelf.


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it's been fine so far

holy shit taguchi just got raped

What happened to Based Funky Weapon?

jado was literally shoving his kendo stick up taguchi's asshole

Is this regular for njpw?

When it's Taguchi undercard comedy stuff, every so often yeah.

Japs have weird fetish for sticking stuff in butts and Taguchi is using this "humorous" thing they find very funny to be over. Works for him in Japan.

this is the second time i have seen it happen in the last 2-3 years but it's just Taguchi who's the undercard comedy guy

>muh butt jokes is ok when it's NJPW doing it
>its cringe when WWE does it


everyone thought Rikishi was based...

sort of

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lol at miho shoot stepping on taguchi's taint

Mate. read again what I have written.
I have not said it is OK. I am saying that fucking Japs are fucking weirdos and it works for fuckign Taguchi to be fucking over in fucking Japan.
And yes, you made me seethe.
And yes, I think it is fucking atrocious. And I hate it. No it is not OK NJPW is doign it. Fuck this.
fuckins asshole making me mad

Except ride on the biggest roller coaster at disneyland.

Honma should just give it up.
im always afraid he might have another freak accident again

i love Kota and Goto's please don't talk to me i have autism friendship/team

Hes not good enough for a trainer position in the dojo and hes not a homegrown guy either. i think they are letting him ride out his contract out of pity because I doubt a career undercarder that worked deathmatches for the first 10 years of his career is really a priority in terms of cushy after ring jobs.

How are lij and los ingobernables in cmll related?

considering how jado, part of the booking/management team, was the one who injured him, I wouldn't be surprised if your guess is accurate

Naito created LIJ after touring in Mexico after his failed WK8 main event push. He toured with Rush, Almas, and Mascara. When he returned to NJPW he was more carefree with the crowd and generally resentful to management and the fans that turned on him during his face push.

Naito was in Ingorbernables in CMLL and brought that attitude with him back to Japan. They work together all the time.

Much like Roman in da E Naito was pushed to hard the crowd turned on him.But unlike Roman and he was punished for getting shit booking like losing at WK and they let the IC title go on last over his world title match. Naito in kayfabe and real life and developed a friendship with Rush/la sombra. So him and Gedo thought he needed time away so he went and spent some time with ingobernables in mexico

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>henare and Colt Cabana
the real J.O.B squad

Holy fuck look at this nigga, i might never watch the E again after knowing evil exists

shut up nu japanlet.

i haven’t watched any of this year’s cup has anyone got an image of the bracket in English to show who’s left

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Ya sizzle?

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Colt Cabana still it in, Jesus Christ. My boy ZSJ hopes goes all the way again

the crowd are really into this underdog run from him

This promo was really fucking good

the non cringe undercarder

That a dumb kid that's been watching since 2016 thinks he can explain to others just because he saw a 7 minute youtube vid? Yeah. Sit down and shut up, ya simp.

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I fucking hate ZSJ, it says a lot when TAKA needs to cut your promo's just to get heat for your otherwise boring ass


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Okay im tired as fuck ill try again tommorow Yea Forums

ZSJ is growing on me

I never understood people who just hate him. He is very good wrestler. And having someone look like him on a show adds variety.

Also, fucking namefag, are you comig to Japan for WK weekend again? I wasn't this year, I am coming for 2020. Two days and Liger's retirement is too much of a treat to miss out on it.

I'm going to G1 for the last 3 days (short trip, going to other countries). I'm going to the double dome too, probably for a longer trip.


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Why didn’t okada come out?

I just wanted to know, I don't want to meet or anything like that, cause who the fuck would want to meet some asshole from Yea Forums.
Will be fun posting photos of two full Dome shows to have a laugh at those people who say that Inoki put 70k+ people there on monthly basis.
I don't know if I am jealous of you going to G1, I probably wouldn't be able to stand the temperature in August in Japan, I am from much cooler country and such heat kills me.

I want to meet you

I don't.

>2 neckbeards on an anime imageboard meeting in japan for a japanese wrestling show

It was an AJPW Anniversary show, Tanahashi was a guest.

Push Yoshi Hashi

This is enough.


why isn't yoshi just a junior?

You need guys in CHAOS you can beat. And then rebuild them as underdogs. And then beat them again. They have Jr. jobbers, they need HW jobbers.

why is ospreay wearing sonya deville's attire

ospreay has had that for like 5 years

Oh thank fuck i was getting a little worried then

It's over. Thanks god.

YOSHI confirmed for Switchblade's inside man.


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lol Ospreay fucked his ribs on Okada's shoulder

that pose interruption was fucking great though

comon will

that was a dope stormbreaker counter, the kicks were sick

Red Shoes just slow counted our boy

Very good match. Thought they would of let Ospreay kick out of more shit tho

Wtf i hate the E now

>that spinning pile driver

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Him kicking out of rainmaker should be saved for the bigger show

He will when they have a match not in front of 2000 people. Wait until a Sumo Hall match or even a block final at the Budokan this year.

You the guy who watched NJPW only for the second time?

>even a block final at the Budokan this year.
You don't understand how badly I want that.

>Really Okada you need me to put you down a second time?
>Well fuck sure....

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about as bad as you want to finally get laid?

the best boi

WK this year is actually really hard to judge. They are going to want all 5 top guys(okada, tana, ibushi, naito, jay) in the featured title matches. Maybe Will can carry the NEVER belt all year and really up its value, you could slot in Jay against him for that. Although I could easily see Ibushi taking the IC belt and holding it until a Tanahashi match at WK where he wins, and Okada holding the belt until WK for a Naito match.

Jay might get the SSM slot this year against someone, but I have no idea who.



1 4 1

It's time.

Let's say Ibushi vs. Ospreay for IC belt at London?
But if I have that, what will Ospreay do at WK?
Shibata match?
Yes, I want that. I want that again. I don't care if Shibata dies afterwards.

Since they have 2 nights next year it should be easy to book

he should change it up, that attire is reserved for people that like to have sex with women

heh, kick your ass

Fuck yeah