Employed by wwe for 13 years and still there

>employed by wwe for 13 years and still there

why is he not getting his universal/wwe championship match like kofi is?

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He's not black

Because he's not black

He no nigga


He's a toy collector with a shit Youtube show. Who the fuck is gonna take him seriously as the top champion?

Based off just that most of Yea Forums

I still Woo Woo Woo

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He and Hawkins will get the tag titles. Then lose them the next night.

Who's going to take Kofi seriously?
Insert Ryder in Kofi's spot and he would have just as much support.

He's not black so he doesn't get special privilege based on the concept of victim-hood.

Black privelege.

this guy deserves better.

Ironically Ryder was over as fuck around 5 years ago. He could have gotten a massive push and most fans would have been okay with it. But Ryder made the mistake of getting over by himself, and Vince buried the fuck out of him. Despite being buried for damn near the past 6 years, Ryder is still somewhat over.

Because he actually deserves it.

Ryder exists simply for Vince to point at and remind others that you arent allowed to get over without his permission.

Kofi was 100% a company man and is only now seeing any reward for it.
Ryder, however, will be punished eternally.
Honestly, he will probably be the very last WWE Champion on Raw's last episode as a final fuck you.

>Who's going to take Kofi seriously?
The vast majority of people still watching.

Honestly this shithole is the only place I've seen so vehemently against Kofi getting a possible WWE title run.

Ryder and Hawkins' toy podcast and youtube channel are good plugs for the toys. They're friends with the Mattel guys so they will probably get a sympathy tag title run and guaranteed employment for a while.

>Kofi was 100% a company man and is only now seeing any reward for it.

Years of being paid handsomely, booked regularly and given titles/exposure doesn't count as "reward"?
How much of a mark are you?

He is going to be given an even bigger reward and make more money and receive more exposure for his efforts for over a decade.

In what way is that a bad thing?

Did I say it was? The initial statement "only now seeing any reward for it".
In what world is Kofi, one of the most consistently featured guys in modern WWE, only just seeing reward for his efforts?
New Day's a hugely promoted act and even prior to that he was midcard champ numero uno.
He's already been given more than he's worth.

Zack was more over than Kofi was at both their peaks.

He has been a largely midcard act for the entirety of his career despite being a solid workhorse and a draw with ND.

I know its impossible for many here to comprehend as many are actually proud to not have any kind of employment and exist simply as a leech, but some people actually want to move up in the company they work for.

It would make no sense for Ryder. He's borderline Brooklyn Brawler tier if there were wrestler power levels or tiers. Kofi is at least upper-mid card tier, and has been a main event tier guy in the past. The power of positivity is getting him back to that and haters are gonna hate.

>He has been a largely midcard act for the entirety of his career despite being a solid workhorse and a draw with ND.

That's bad how? He gets paid a lot and ND has been one of their most featured act in both terms of screen-time and advertising. Even prior to that he was, as I said, pretty much their go-to midcard guy, always given plenty of merchandise and accolades to validate him being shown prominently on the actual TV product. He's not "just getting rewarded". His entire career has been an embellished one.

>I know its impossible for many here to comprehend as many are actually proud to not have any kind of employment and exist simply as a leech, but some people actually want to move up in the company they work for.

Holy fuck, nice projection kiddo.
It's nice that he wants to move up, but the assertion that he's deserved this "promotion" for working so hard for a company and never being given his due truly falls completely short when he's been given his due so many times over.
You could argue him as being overrated by the company, if anything, when you gloss over his accolades. Pre-ND Kofi was always on air and always given something to do despite being an utter bore.

While I agree, Jinder going from jobber to main eventer in like 40 days will always argue with you.

Anyone could be booked to be WWE Champion. Absolutly anyone.

>do basically nothing for the past 3 years
>get inserted into a wrestlemania match solely because neville got injured
>it's the best match of the night and your win gets the biggest pop of the night
>lose it the next day
>return to doing nothing for the next few years
why do they do this to him

I'm sure if Vince one day makes the mistake (in his mind) of replacing an injured wrestler for Ryder in a WWE title match, he would not be able to stop the fans anymore.

Considering I'm talking to a brick wall of retardation here, I'm going to quit. Your argument basically boils down to "you're already in the midcard which pays decently, you should just be happy staying there".

You arent alone here, the people in charge share this very same mentality which is exactly why WWE has practically zero star power today. Far too many times they never pulled the trigger on a star who could've broken through, but hey, they got their TV time, right?

kofi can actually wrestle and is over

> "you're already in the midcard which pays decently, you should just be happy staying there".

No, you hard-of-reading imbecile. I'm not making that argument whatsoever. He shouldn't be happy and he should want more. They ALL should.
I'm simply stating that the notion that he's had, in any way, a disserviced career and he's only just getting the push he deserves it completely fallacious considering he has, if anything, had a career inordinately decorated relative to his levels of talent.
Does that mean he should "just be happy and never want to reach for anything more"? No. I never said that. You're conflating two entirely different stances to effectively argue with yourself because shoe size exceeds your IQ.
However, he has no reason to, in any manner, be unhappy with his career or feel he's just getting his dues. He's already gotten what he's worth and then some.

Not only was he a replacement, everyone else in the match choose him to win when they were given the option to pick. He has the respect of everyone in the back except the people booking him.

>as a final reward.

based kofi working the racists

>However, he has no reason to, in any manner, be unhappy with his career or feel he's just getting his dues. He's already gotten what he's worth and then some.

Yeah, you are retarded, I'm out.

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>absolutely zero argument presented
>conflated my own with an entirely different stance to try and paint a narrative
>"u-u dumdum, k-kofi deserve m-more! i-i'm out!"

Imagine being so low-minded you get worked by a WWE storyline to the tune of "I'm worth more than my highly decorated career has already granted me, please have sympathy for me, the millionaire shoe-in Hall of Famer."
Imagine thinking Kofi is anything noteworthy as a talent.

ur fuckin dumb

Exactly this. Kofi didn’t “get over with the smarks” randomly. He was put into a position that Vince knew might give him momentum.
Kofi threw pancakes around and shucked and jived for 5 years never complaining. Vince just gave him a shot as a little reward

He had his Wrestlemania moment a couple of years ago when he made his boyhood dream come true and won the Intercontintal title in the ladder match up

And the DAY after he was buried.
I don’t even like the guy but lmao that was brutal.

>absolutely zero argument presented
Check the pic you replied to and stop being a vapid retard.
Bryan had a similar tale in 2013-2014 and had even bigger accolades and even more screentime to his name

You already have solidified your head that Kofi has had enough given to him to the point where he has no reason or weight to complain in this ongoing story. It's honestly pointless to keep going.

your fucking dumb you fucking bitch

>You already have solidified your head that Kofi has had enough given to him to the point where he has no reason or weight to complain in this ongoing story.

Yet again, you completely miss the point.
I'm not talking about story, I'm not saying he SHOULDN'T want more, and comparing Kofi to Bryan is absolutely 100% facetious. Kofi isn't a speck as over as Bryan.
You THINK I'm saying he has no reason to continue personally, that's not remotely true whatsoever. His reason is to earn new things and reach new heights. Of course he does, just like Bryan.
What I'm actually saying nobody has any right to say he deserves this because of everything he's already been given. Does that mean he shouldn't try to attain it? No. Does that mean there's basis for complaint in regards to his career? No, of course not. He's already done a lot more than the vast majority of his contemporaries.
Look at the initial thing I refuted
>Kofi was 100% a company man and is only now seeing any reward for it
He has been rewarded for it for a decade prior to this.

>What I'm actually saying nobody has any right to say he deserves this because of everything he's already been given.
So midcarders dont ever deserve a push because they've already been given a run in the midcard, got it. No wonder all WWE really has left are already established, and quickly diminishing nostalgia acts.

>He has been rewarded for it for a decade prior to this.
STOOPID is hardly any reward.

>pretending you aren't asshurt as fuck

Zack is still more over than Kofi despite him and Hawkins getting squashed by Otis, and Ryder not being on TV for over a year. The smarks, marks, and normies alike all still love the broski

>there are people in here who think kofi can actually wrestle and isn’t just a spot monkey meme machine
It’s gonna be awful watching DB drag his ass through a fuckin inevitable 35+ minute fight

>So midcarders dont ever deserve a push because they've already been given a run in the midcard, got it. No wonder all WWE really has left are already established, and quickly diminishing nostalgia acts.

You're twisting what I said because you misunderstand it.
Whether or not a midcarder deserves a push is situationally dependent on that midcarder. That's an ENTIRELY different debate at best tangential to this one. Personally, I don't think Kofi's good whatsoever, but like I said, that's utterly unrelated.
It's not about whether they deserve a push beyond main event. It's about whether or not they have the right to complain about their career thus far.
Kofi has never been Ryder'd where his overness has been intentionally quelled. ND was coddled and allowed to grow. Pre-ND he was treated very well.
There is zero grounds for you or him to legitimately complain about what he's done in his career thus far. To do so is utterly facetious.

>STOOPID is hardly any reward.

>near-constantly on television
>one of their most advertised/decorated midcard acts
>tonnes of kid-friendly merch
>ND has obviously been dominant in absorbing screen-time

STOOPID is the word I'd use to describe (You) if you don't think that's ample reward for someone of his caliber.

>Zack is still more over than Kofi
You dont believe this.
No one believes this.
Zack is literally on everyone's spring cleaning predictions every year despite him having the safest spot in the company for a low card talent.

how the everloving fuck are you missing his point despite having it spoonfed to you repeatedly
its like you're talking in kayfabe you dumbass

>It's about whether or not they have the right to complain about their career thus far.
Considering the accolades he has, the merch he has pushed, and the influence he has on other stars (fuck the rumble this year was practically a love letter to him) yes, being there that long without ever having a decent opportunity in the main event scene gives Kofi a right to complain in the context of this story being told.

>Kofi has never been Ryder'd where his overness has been intentionally quelled.

Because he's shit. Do you think Ryder would've been able to perform half as well as Kofi in the two gauntlet matches and the Chamber? Also, New Day is more over than Ryder ever was. Fuck off, Zack

He knows who his father is