None of you guys actually believe he had cancer right

None of you guys actually believe he had cancer right

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Oh but he did. I will gladly suck the shit straight out of Vinces anus because im a based Chad. He would never lie about that stuff

No he didn't, it was a hoax like Jewsy Smallhat's

Inb4 that one fag who says the same yhing every time abouy how they "exaggerated but the cancer was real".
You're a mark.

No, but I believe he will be taking Daniel Bryan's title as soon as Smackdown makes the move to Fox

Bryan against Roman is the only money feud left in WWE

>finally get Roman cheered
>destroy all the build up so he can beat up vegan soys

He IS cancer.

Are you saying cancer isn't real? Dude, my grandmother died of cancer, did she fake it too? Fuck you. You're lucky to be hiding behind your coumputer in your mother's basement, because if we were face to face, I would shoot on your ass.

He definitley had cancer. The risk of lying about it just to get him over is simply far, far, far too great for a company like WWE to go for. It would require a conspiracy with too many moving parts that would be extremley unlikely to stay covered up and if (when) found out would be a scandal on another level.

The real takeaway from the whole thing is who much better care the rich get than the rest of the plebs.

Roman did not have a cancer.
Roman was the cancer.

who cares faggot

>getting worked by your grandma

he had cancer lite, just pop a few pills and you're alright

He didn't. Only e-drones believe it

He had it 11 years ago. The recurrence was a work.

Your Grandma just signed with TNA my man.

Of course he had cancer. He just had that well known type where you show no obvious side effects from treatment and are completely cured and cleared to work within 3 months.

It's absolutely a constructed narrative, they've been trying to get him over as a solo act for 6 years now. Nothing's working? Let's pretend he's dying, take him off TV for a few months, then bring him back. Anyone booing him will be labeled an asshole and ostracized. It's honestly brilliant in its absolute carniness, I didn't think Vince still had something like this in him.

lost my shit, thank you user

Big dimes granny going over.

Attached: grannygonnaswingonabitch.gif (500x255, 953K)

The fans were the cancer all along

His cancer was not as serious as the WWE advertised, its also true that he got Rothschild-tier treatment.

Maybe he's prone to another remission hence why the WWE retired The Shield, just in case Dean is no longer with the WWE and Roman can literally no longer wrestle.

security just sitting there with a smirk on his face enjoying the show

He could have just been sick and needed to take a break. Remember when he was sick and Angle had to be part of the Shield? Being on the road all the time especially as a top guy can be exhausting, and he definitely needed to go away for a while, he was extremely boring to watch

People who think its a hoax are
a) Brainlets about cancer
b) Are the posterboys of the dunning-kruger effect

Let me help you in here.
c) Melzer-drones.