Where does Kenny Omega rank on the list of greatest wrestlers of all time? He's top 3 at least, I think

Where does Kenny Omega rank on the list of greatest wrestlers of all time? He's top 3 at least, I think.

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Unironically top 5

like top 30 will be top 20 by the end of it all

>He's top 3 at least, I think.
Maybe if you filter it down to include only faggots he could break a top 10

Not in the top 50 unlike okada and tanahashi.


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The definitive list of all-time greats is listed in every observer newsletter you drone. Here is the current updated list as of today:
1) George Lambo
2) Mitsubishi Sakapatata
3) Kenny Omega
4) Matt Buck
5) Jeff Buck
6) Brian Ibanez
7) Cody
8) Brandy
9) Seth Rollins
10) Kevin Nash

Better than all current NJPW including Okada and Naito

Nowhere close to Misawa, Kenta Kobashi, and all the old gooks

>10) Kevin Nash

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Sixty millionty seven point nine stars combined right there.

top 100 at best

>putting omemega ahead of Misawa, Jumbo and Okada

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Misawa, Kawada, Shawn, Kenta Kobashi, Daniel Bryan, Liger, Tanahashi, Bret, AJ, Benoit, Toyota, Undertaker, Okada, and Taue are the best workers of all time.

all time? probably top 30

This. And top 30 is fairly generous. I'd say top 50, personally.

>someone named Omega being anywhere near the top

On acolytes alone he's already top 10. You have to be a retard to not see it.

>2 time Tokyo Dome Main eventer
>First gaijin to win the G1
>IWGP HW Champion
>Multiple Tokyo Sports best bout awards and Okada/Omega is on the same league as Misawa/Kobashi in terms of awards.
>Highest rated match of all time on cagematch
>Ranked 1st on PWI 500
>Had the two biggest promotions in the world bending over for him

>Tokyo sports

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He's the guy lucky enough to be Okada's gaijin foil at the same time when Meltzer went senile. He's very good but barely would scrape NJPW's top 3 let alone the the world all time.

The guy who invented guitars?

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Wrestlers in the last 10 years, sure, he is in top 3. All time, that shit is pretty much guaranteed to hulksters, warriors and the others so no.

Best of our era probably

>Not NJPW top 3
>Okada foil
Then why Okada vs Jay or vs Tana isnt talked as much as Omega vs Okada? Not only in popularity/Meltzer circles but on Japanese awards as well. He, Okada and Tana were/are the best NJPW wrestlers of this decade.

Ibushi and Okada are better, so yeah 3 sounds about right.

of wrestlers who only wrestle twice a year I think he’s the best

Because Jay and Tana aren't Okada's gaijin foils. Omega got in there before Jay, riding the wave of Okada's stardom. I said he would barely scrape top 3, probably more likely top 5 after Ibushi and Naito. Omega's definitely up there in the mix and has profited greatly from the situation he's found himself in, but top 10 all time is laughable this early in his career.

>Where does Kenny Omega rank on the list of greatest wrestlers of all time?

How do you gauge greatest?

You know, the guy who writes the list for the newsletter.
You know he's a big deal because even when he's only wrestling in a backyard in front of 7 people he still wears his pro gear.


Top 50, maybe.

If he had have went to WWE instead of AEW NOW rather than 2023 he'd be Higher, he's going to have a limited amount of good opponents for the next 3 years, just Jericho, Pentagon, Fenix, Hangman & Ambrose for now anyway

We have to be honest, he'd be incredibly lucky to scrape 30th.

Guy's talented, but he hasnt revolutionized the industry, mainstreamed, been THE defacto guy on the biggest stage available and so forth.

Fuck for all of Punks bluster and angst he still wanted/needed to headline Wrestlemania.

As much as Dynamite Kid was a fuck up, he made a bigger impact on the technical aspect of wrestling and matches with Tiger Mask are considered legendary.

Rocks in-ring is average, but he's the most recognised draw in the world.

Kennys... Kenny?

Retard Kenny Omega is easily top 20 all time. Name 49 better shithead, go on I dare you.

We don't know yet. He hasn't had finished his main career yet. We will see when he's done what he can do.

>Guy's talented, but he hasnt revolutionized the industry
He is one of the guys mainly responsible for the CAW-style every move is a knee strike trend

No he isn't faggot.

Ya seethe?

Ya fumin?

top 50
unless you mean purely on in-ring?

Begging ya to Ding-Dong Diddlyhave sex

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm don't wanna mess with that list

>Daniel Bryan

Why? Not enough flips for ya?

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Daniel Bryan refers to him in WWE, wrestlign a lazy and soft wwe style and relyign on memes to get over with a garbage crowd of simp
>omg he say yes and kane said no and then he say yes and kane say no and he say yes and kane say no lmao so epic xD
>holy fudge now he say no and kane say yes he say no and kane say yes omg omg omg
Putting him alongside the rest on that list is moronic.

Off the top of my head...

Lex Luger
The Yetay
Rico Constantino
Dr. Isaac Yankem
The Fat Chick Thrilla
Santino Marella
Brooklyn Brawler
Fake Razor
Brodus Clay
Duke The Dumpster Droese
Shark Boy
Bastion Booger
The Mountie
Repo Man
Papa Shango
The Berserker
Grandmaster Sexay
Andy Kaufman
King Mabel
The Boogeyman
James Ellsworth
Waylon Mercy
Sean O'Haire
Disco Inferno
Kerwin White
The Goon
Val Venis
KISS Demon
Booty Man
David Arquette
The Hurricane
Damien Sandow
Hugh Morrus
Max Moon

You know there’s more to wrestling than just doing flips right?

The elephant in the room is AEW. Being he's THE GUY there, if it becomes a legit success as a major league promotion, then there's an argument to be made, objectively, where he stands as an all-time great.

You can already begin the conversation, though, with what he's done with New Japan in helping their local, and especially international business grow.

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I really wanted to trash your faggot ass but since you're a coward and posted a joke list instead then I will have you know you are not even worth my spit. Get out.

You sound obsessed and below 70 iq.

based user telling it like it is

He still needs to prove that he can be the ace of a company. I don’t see it happening with in aew. He needs a rival on his level. Sadly, there isn’t nobody who they can sign to be his rival.

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>Sadly, there isn’t nobody who they can sign to be his rival.
I think there can be someone who appears like Okada appeared to be rival for Tanahashi.

Too early to tell.

>He's top 3 at least
This unironically


ya boiling

Active wrestlers? I’d say top 20

All Time though...barely into the top 50 if we’re being generous. Too early to tell, his career could tank tomorrow and he’d fall out of the top 100. You’re comparing what could be an”flavor of the month” to legends. Slow down buddy.

>Active wrestlers? I’d say top 20
Name 19 better you shithead.

Are we talking purely in-ring? He's top 5
Are we talking overall "best wrestlers" in a more comprehensive sense, accounting drawing power, influence, pop culture impact, overness, speaking ability/verbal charisma? He's not even top 50.

Nyla Rose

Benny Ortega

#1 without a single shred of irony

omega cuck absolutely seething

i'd put him somewhere between 350 and 400

Your shitpost is an automatic win for me. Nice yield, shithead.

Not even in my top 50.

>Too early
He's 35 you should know by now if he's gonna be one of the GOATS

>He's 35 you should know by now if he's gonna be one of the GOATS
Not really. With not burning his life away with drugs he can have 10 years on top still.

>couldn't even cut it in wwe developmental

Fuck off bitch you couldn't name 30 better if your life depended on it