These two performing at the same time for the same company is a miracle, right?

Is that why WWE is so bad now? Did Vince make a deal with some divine entity to beat WCW, but the catch was his company would never be good again?

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WCW beat itself. WWE would be better off having one of them back then and the other to replace Cena instead of Reigns

All the real men went to go do MMA. Now we're stuck with a bunch of marks larping as pro wrestlers

To have two mega stars at the same time is damn near unheard of.

we have 3 right now in New Japan Pro Wrestling: Tanahashi, Naito and Ocarder

Literally Vince's cash cows. Without them he'd be long gone


nice picture of rocky beside his jabronlet friend

Don’t you mean three megastars?

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If you look at the rating's graph the whole AE was a miracle, so yes.

Just watched Thy Kingdom Come, what a fucking mark.


Japan is an island. Those 3 are hardly known outside that island. They're the equivalent of territory top guys in the 80s.

MMA hasn't effected WWE talent that much, just the fanbase. The UFC is dying for LHW and HW talent. There aren't even many guys in MMA now with charisma. The problem is the WWE recruited way too much indy talent. Back in the day Gerald Briscoe was scouting amateur wrestlers and football players. NXT has a bunch of both now so it looks like they're going back to that.

You act like Gerald Briscoe recruiting actual athletes was a positive. Aside from Kurt Angle, Goldberg and Brock Lesnar, name literally one wrestler who came into the business directly from another athletic competition and became a massive star.

Uhhhhh, The Rock?

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Obviously doesn’t count. He had family in the business.

>name a star with this background except all the stars I can think of
Name an indie star that reached any of their levels. Don't worry, none of that 'aside from' bs here.

Yeah, Mankind was great

Imagine thinking 30 second CTE being more lucrative to you not only financially but health wise than fake fighting

Steve Austin is technically an indie star.

Austin and Vader were both football players

cringe rocketty was always the jabroni

Neither of these guys would be allowed to get over, they would be better than anything on the roster today by miles, but with the affirmative action, PG scripts and the diverse sensitive faggot fanbase they wouldn’t have been the same as they were. It’s only going to get worse.

Stone Cold was a D1 football player. JBL played pro (USSF or some shit) for a year. Ric Flair wrestled, played football, and ran track in high school. Even fucking Daniel Bryan played football in high school.

I actually tried to google up some guys who weren't at least high school varsity athletes. The Hardyz both played baseball and football. Daniel fucking Bryan played football. Cesaro was a three sport (I suspect "football" may mean soccer, so two sport) athlete when he was younger. Big E, football player and national champion powerlifter. Triple H, baseball, basketball, and later bodybuilding for whatever very little that's worse. Cena, D3 college football.

The Young Bucks were the only dweebs I could find that were completely pro wrestlers from the get-go, which might explain why they're such massive, stupid faggots. They've never played a real sport in their lives, so they have no sense for the psychology behind the drama. Or how to actually knock someone over. Or how to not look like skinnyfat teenagers well into their 30s.

I guess I didn't look up any Mexican wrestlers. They seem more like the type to be pro wrestlers from the start.

Austin worked the territory’s and so did Vader

Randy Fucking Savage
Verne Gagne
Ernie Ladd
Ron Simmons

That's not including the numerous guys who played college football/basketball, including half of the greats from the 80s and 90s. (Stone Cold, Nashetty, Stan Hansen, Bruiser Brody, Terry Funk


>Verne Gagne
>Ernie Ladd
>Ron Simmons

Wow look at these household names

Did you thank Austin for drawing the house?

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Vader was a true international superstar at one point between title runs in Japan and WCW and doing tv shows.

All world champions you fucking faggot zoomer

>Jinder Mahal
>Seth Rollins
>Jack Swagger
>CM Punk
>Daniel Bryan

All world champions ya fucking simp.

Neither of them would shine or be entertaining in current WWE. They wouldn't be able to do half the shit they did and would have every promo scripted for them

>New Japan
> mega stars


This. EC3 is what The Rock would be today and Austin wouldn't have had his character in PG WWE

Being in ECW for a cup of coffee between your WCW and WWF stints doesn’t make you an indie star.

The territories were indies.

Randy Savage was MLB level talent. This cunt you're replying to knows fuck all about anything

You just need better writers. You could easily create new megastar from current talent pool but creative is garbage.

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I wish WWE would have 2-3 aces again. The one face of the company thing completely fucks them when injuries happen, or when the fans go off him.

Rock would never have been a mega-star if Austin hadn't laid the groundwork first. The attitude era was all Austin, he was the literal draw that made people tune in. There were a lot of good characters during the Austin era and the Rock was one of the best, but without Austin, Rock never happens.
This picture is like if you considered both Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior the reasons for the 80's boom. That era was all Hogan. In fact, all the boom periods of wrestling have come on the back of a single star. That's why WWE will never be good again until they get over this self-sabotage style of booking where they're afraid to let someone carry the company to the point where they are bigger than the company itself.

>mega stars
>new japan
look buddy, new japan, even wwe, isn't big. nobody cares about wrestling anymore besides the people who have been watching it.

The biggest problem with wrestling today is the indies and the death of the territories, which acted as minor leagues for Vince.

ECW was the last territory though.

>Rock would never have been a mega-star if Austin hadn't laid the groundwork first.
Nah, Rock would have still become an all time great and a major star, just would have taken longer. You can definitely make the case for someone like Goldberg though, who would never have become what he did without the nWo. This is the entire point of competition in the business though and why wrestling was so great back then.

Triple H sucks

This is spot on lad
Every Hogan needs a Macho Man and every Austin needs a Rock, a company needs AT LEAST two aces but 3-4 at any given time is ideal, though it would be no small feat to book it all convincingly

Yeah sorry I forgot Kurt Angle.

This is actually true but the picture should be either Mankind or Mr. McMahon.

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The only based individual on that list is Swagger unfortunately

Even young mark me knew Paul was a joke. True story. In my little group of mark middle school friends, hhh was the only one we genuinely all didnt care for and not in a oh he sucks boo i hope he loses. But in a its a hhh match FAST FORWARD.

Nu drones dont know what theyre talking about. How That simp could write an essay and forget the rock shows how braindead these #ilovetarps inbreds are.

I know this is a lie because literally everyone used to fast forward every match to the finish that wasn't Austin or Rock.

when a company swallows the competition, it no longer has to win anybody over. having a direct competitor like WcW only made bringing a quality product every week more important. remember a month or two ago when they started Raw with Vince and kids promising a brand new WWE... wtf happened to that?

They realised AEW still wouldn't be on its feet for months.

Just Vince showing up made ratings jump. That's how shit the current roster is. An ancient Vince who can barely talk is a bigger draw than the current shitters they have.

All of these are upper midcard geeks atm.

They only did that because all time low ratings + the AEW thing

>barely talk
>destroys Kofi shitters in 2 minutes

Austin said that if MMA were a thing back in the day he would ha e been a fighter instead of being a wrestler.