*has her title match take place on the pre-show at Mania in ya path*

*has her title match take place on the pre-show at Mania in ya path*

Attached: D94F8F89-09EB-4E17-80AB-5D80B4BB1DAA.jpg (645x370, 33K)

*proto still seething in ya path*

*Goes on to have title until MITB at minimum, forcing you to post these threads because you can't get mommy out of your head*

>implying Steph will let any women on the preshow

preshow will have the two battle royal and the cruiserweight

Loses to Mandy

Honestly, I think after the Brock/Seth or Trips/Batista match they'll have her title match along with a funnyhaha skit/segment/match before the RAW Women's title main event as a cool down match with zero heat.

I like Asuka, but she's got nothing important at WM at this stage.

It'll be a piss break right before the main event

It doesn't matter because things can change a lot in one year. After Rousey is gone. Becky will be the one with zero shit. After all, her whole gimmick and rise is tied to her. Once Ronda is gone and Charles stops feuding with her. What will she do? Try to act like a bully with Natalya? Go fight the Jobber Squad? Try to act like she's superior to Sasha and lose all the public support in the process? She's gonna be in trouble after Mania unless that group of underpaid writers start working on her post-Mania plans right away.

Contrast to Asuka who can adapt to literally anything and come out strong from the other side. Comedy matches? Done and survived. Tag division? Been there done that. Heel turn? Would even get better. B-show tournaments? Already the MVP team. This is why putting a belt on Asuka is quite safe. She knows how to work the business, unlike the likes of Becky who drown once they're out of their comfort zone.

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Asuka is a one trick pony who stopped being relevant once her meme streak ended

Feud with Nia, Lexi, Ruby, and then get beaten by Shayna.

She let a bunch of them on the preshow last year while she got a 25 minute match on the main card.

Vince will never ever put a title on that 40 year old dyke beast

based and empresspilled
with ronda gone becky will be getting boo'd within the year

Attached: asuka_and_kairi_sane.png (576x746, 531K)

I hope Nia does her job and career ends her

>on the pre show of an 8 hour long WWE event

In her defense, 5 of those hours will be dedicated to Hunter's entrance

I hope Nia's career ends her too. Shouldn't be too long now, she's pre-diabetic already

Have sex

>All those anti-dimes feuds
You just proved that user right.

All this negativity isn't good for you, OP.

All this intravenus stuff is no good for you, still to smoking.

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I can’t wait for the weeb seethe when she drops the title. You guys do realize it’s inevitable right? The reason it’s a triple threat is so they can keep Fatsuka protected and have Sonya or Mandy take the pin because Vince is too much of a pussy these days to not outright bury the fat lard

the same vibrating NEETs that said asuka would be a transition champion are the same that are reduced to posting shit like this
it's the funniest shit ever

>Fatsuka protected and have Sonya or Mandy take the pin because Vince is too much of a pussy these days
Or maybe he sees value in her? Do you think that Vince is too much of a pussy?
It's just that they fucked up when they tried using Asuka get over Carmella as someone whose moves are certain death, when nobody in audience believed that. And they are course correcting and trying to get Sonya and Mandy over by using Asuka. And I hope they use her well, because Carmella story made no sense and was one of the things that made me stop watching week to week.

Mate the same person was saying ONE DDT! When Asuka debuted 2 years ago. And then Asuka beat Alexa. With ease. And then they moved goalposts to the next week.
It's been fun following that one guy in particular. He thinks how much he's triggering some autistic waifuists, but in reality... I won't try. I tried to explain to him twice and both times he thought he is getting to me and making me seethe and harvesting me for lulz.

Fatsuka will definitely take the pin. Mandy and Sonya will be key players after WM. Granny's job is to make them look good

I think one of them pins the other, so they can have one more singles match against Asuka, to get them over. It makes more sense.

I don't know about that. Vince is too keen on placating the marks lately. Hope I'm wrong though, because Asuka has been a complete failed experiment and deserves to get pinned

Carmella was awful, no disagreement from me there

She's beaten Becky on two separate shows in the past couple months, one of those times by submission. This is what they mean they say that wins and losses don't matter.

Carmella is good. But not as world beater level champion. There was such a storytelling discrepency in what we saw on the screen and what we were told. And it wasn't consistent at all.
Same thing with Brock beating Roman at WN. It made no sense within a story they were telling

Much don't care anymore

WrestleMania supposedly the show for the best performer like top team who play at UCL tournament but now it's more like insert everyone into the show. Asuka deserves great opponent, I know Mandy and Sonya are WWE homegrown product but if I must pick between them, I prefer Sonya but I think the damages has been done when Asuka forced her to tap out last Tuesday.

Their target to increase the network subscribers start getting ridiculous and