Is Yea Forums the most embarrassing board on Yea Forums? Imagine unironically posting about a children's TV show about sweaty half-naked men play fighting. It would be less embarrassing to post on places like Yea Forums or /vp/ to /toy/.
Is Yea Forums the most embarrassing board on Yea Forums...
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The anime boards are way fucking worse.
Weebs are a fucking abomination.
Wrestling's cringe but no, Yea Forums is childish tomfoolery for the most part. Obviously, there's people who take it seriously but Yea Forums is low on the autism scale across Yea Forums/nel
Just look at the state of this anti draw board's memes. We're out of the AE now with Carter and other tripfags gone
What is a worse mental issue? Tranny or weeaboo
Tripfag era has been replaced by the gimmickfag era
When I first saw this I thought someone shopped the Dean Ambrose logo in, then I saw the original is like that fucking kek
I missed ya lad. How you doing man?
Is OP the most embarrassing faggot on Yea Forums? Imagine unironically trying to bait fans that enjoy men beat the crap out of each other and half-naked women jiggling about when there are board focused on bizzare sexual tastes, extreme political views, and imaginary monsters. It would be less embarrassing for OP to post on places like plebbit or huffington post.
holy freaking crinfe!
seething incel
redpilled, but cringe
>mfw when I see SEETHING and CRINGE get over on other boards
/vp/ is unironically a good board, though. Better than this shithole.
Bless you vocoroo chad absolute legend. Your promo about work was a GOAT. Take it easy son and stay safe brother
because they didn't come from Yea Forums. majority of Yea Forums buzzwords and memes are from elsewhere
only times Yea Forums memes end up elsewhere is when we start the shittest raids known to man
Weebs hands down.
I fap to some fucking sexy traps and it doesn't even remotely bother me that they're actually dudes, I never fap to weeb pieces of shit because they're insufferable.
Some trannies are alright and have the self-awareness to acknowledge their mental issues, some of them are completely messed up.
Weebs again, some are okay if they just enjoy their stuff for what it is even if they're really into it. Some can be really fucked up from having their minds warped.
Just like wrestling really. You're fine if you enjoy it but if you take it too seriously there's something wrong with you.
Liking anime is worse than liking wrestling.
Yea Forums is pretty embarrassing
/pol/ for being a bunch of cave dwellers thinking their opinions matter
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are pure autism. Grown men liking cartoons.
GOAT (greatest of all time) promo
COAT (cringe of all time) post
Have I been Gnomed?
Yea Forums is unironically the best board on Yea Forums(nel). This is the big leagues of shitposting and vanilla midget simps like OP who never drew a (You) in his life need to gain height and have sex.
That honor goes to Yea Forums