ITT: minimal, non obvious things about WWE that work you into an absolute seethe

Pic related for me

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padding the Elimination Chamber like it was a children playground

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I was there and I hated it. Especially considering the entire fucking stadium is red, with red seats, for the red wings

Absolutely devastating slam on the thick padding! Those plastic chains sure look painful!

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Them branding everything with a color. RAW has too much fucking red

this. The red/blue crowd lighting is unnecessary. The ring ropes being color-coded is good enough

Fucking hate this more than anything

the chamber was one of the last things i enjoyed and looked forward to and my heart sank when i saw the remodel

When the camera tilts when someones doing some WACKY dancing.

The plastic chambers in the current EC. They look like fucking shit and fake as fuck, and even then they don't wanna break them, it's a fucking piece of shit.

Everything about the production - it's so sterile and fake

Broadcast Tables are padded now too

this. i hate that fucking belt beyond the point of reason, it just pisses me off every time i see it.

Why drop the F from the logo completely instead of adding another line to make it an E?

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*camera cuts away at the impact of a big move*

no more pyro

The apron being a screen
The fucking stupid ring posts that are way too fucking big

Jesus Christ this.

So that they don’t have to change it again if somehow another WWE tries to sue.

Gotta love how WWE have done everything possible to make matches safer (thus making them boring as shit) but are totally fine with their wrestlers working 320 days a year, which has the biggest toll by far on their bodies.

As a big corporate monopoly like McDonalds, their focus is on quantity rather than quality. Higher intensity matches would lead to a better product but prohibit people working 100s of shows a year, so they water everything down to the safest, most routine formula so they can pump out as much shit as possible.

This is why, despite the revenue, WWE is not a good wrestling company from a fan's perspective.

There’s no need for each wrestler to do 100s of shows a year though. Ignoring the fact that house shows no longer make money, they have a fucking massive roster, and if they started doing roster rotations the product wouldn’t be so sterile.

House shows are loss leaders to get people to sub to the network and hulu.

Roster roations would expose the business. Sorry your push ended your 4 month window came up

Because it would look atrocious, dumbass

>All those empty seats

What the goddamn fuck is the point of Shark cage matches? They literally only exist to sell a playset for children.

It wouldn't look worse than the logo they have been using since 2002 though

House shows are how wrestlers are getting paid.
Unless they change the pay structure, even if they are destroying their bodies, wrestlers would be angry, if they cut number of house shows.
Especially those people who sit in the catering during TV shows. People like B team and others.

You answered your own question.
All wrestling is there to make money.
Shark cage matches are there to make money by selling the toy.

I can tolerate any number of stupid wrestling tropes but somehow the sideways backstage TV showing a show that isn’t the show is the one that works me into a seething shoot.

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What were they thinking? It looks like it fell out of a cereal box.

>you spelled "when the camera tilts away when the near the tarps but the later forget during a hot promo or match" wrong


I'll add one of my own...the fucking crowd! Can we get the Attitude Era crowd moved into this era. All but 4/5 crowds a year are hot, the others are just fucking sad....the people that show up that is

Why blame the crowd when there's nothing interesting to watch all but 4/5 days a year? Most of the crowd these days are either kids with their parents (so only half of them at best are making noise) and neckbeards who are only there to take pictures of diva ass.

Im not blaming the crowd like that, but most times they are dead even during hot angles/promos. Doesn't help they sitting there for like four hours either for Raw and three plus for SDL. Fox better do some top tier shit. Pyro, "real" angles, edgy tv14 even other wise they won't even finish out their contract with them.

>most times they are dead even during hot angles/promos.
>they sitting there for like four hours either for Raw and three plus for SDL
That's why. Hard to react to a good segment or match when you've spent the past 2-3 hours watching irrelevant fuck-all because the WWE can't structure a proper show anymore.

wwe has such a terrible taste in making backstage vignettes, even a low budget company like tna can do something 10 times better its insulting

Its really a cluster fuck and theres plenty of blame to go around. This deal with FOX is make or break with them. They testing these new "real" angles with Orton/AJ and HHH/Dave and Ron/Char/Bex.

>Why blame the crowd when there's nothing interesting to watch
Then why go to the show? They know what the product is. The thing about pro wrestling is that there is a symbiotic relationship between the performers and the audience. Audience reaction is a necessary part of the presentation, but modern audiences just sit around on their phones being self-conscious. It's not just wrestling, all live events are like this. Concerts, for instance, are particularly bad in the smartphone era.

This bugs me too. Any time I watch WWE, the crowd is completely dead other than phoning in some cringe chant every now and then. You can actually tell that 90% of the crowd is bored out of their minds and have no idea why they’re there. Yet they keep going.

>Then why go to the show?
Literally just answered the question in the post you responded to. A big chunk of the crowd is kids with their parents, and while the kids will be interested regardless their parents have no motivation to actually be invested in the show so they'll sit on their hands.

>Then why go to the show?

It’s not a meme when people say WWE is a cult. Fans will always go in with optimism, regardless of how bad things are.

Kevin Dunn is a terrible producer. He’s lucky Vince loves him because he’d never get a job anywhere else in tv.

>what are single digit aged kids that are easily entertained?

They trying to cater to ALL crowds and the only crowd they haven't pandered to is the LBGTQ community at least in an on screen cpacaity. Stop trying to please the masses and stuck with a large demo core. Fuck everyone else! Wrestling wil never be mainstream again like the 80s/90s. There's too much other and better shit to get lost with

the false cycle of hope with the wwe cycles of booking and promos. I had the pic from IG but i cnat find it that sited this exact thing

Renee yelling "OH!" every time anyone does anything.

>everyone and their fucking mother uses a suicide dive
>6 man/women main events
>hugger section/the man/diy signs handed to members of the crowd on hard cam
>the crowd still reacts to things that they like with yes chants
>despite what’s happening with Becky and Kofi, getting over organically is a punishable offense
>announce one week that Paul Heyman will be on raw. The following week Paul heyman shows up to announce that Brock will be on raw next week. The following week both show up, Paul cuts the same promo he always does and brock bounces from side to side

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Kinda like the fruit by the foot

It seems like everytime one of their big names gets major injury it’s during a house show

Have one roster take the first half of the year, the other for the second half. Gives people a chance to recharge and for more talent to get exposure. Less product saturation also.

add in 'same boring matches with same boring people' and you just described raw for the last 4 years

EC3 never walking out to TNA_EC3 - Trouble (theme song)_2014_RnB.mp3 ever again.

>not calling moves
>90% of storylines revolving around titles
>bloodfeud matches with wrestling holds instead of just brutal beatdowns
>no more proper backstage fights
>the cringy promos where a wrestler pretends to hold a camera by just extending their arm next to the camera
>Kevin Dunn
>completely ignoring that there is a world of wrestling outside wwe
>talking about matches that are "clashes of styles" when everyone wrestles the same style
>not building any stars

the list goes on.

>this man is huge but moves like a Cruiserweight

That was the worst theme song ever. It's like they went to the composer and said "Hey I kinda like "Fallout Boy - My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark", can you make a terrible generic version for this theme?"

>he unironically knows the names of Fallout Boy songs

scripted promos killed my interest completely, how am i supposed to get behind these people if the retards backstage are making them say shit no one would actually say?

I hate how every wrestling match is choreographed. Wrestlers do the same routine every match. I can allow myself a suspension of disbelief but God every match a wrestler uses the same tactics. Change it up. Also super kicks and suicide dives are spammed to hell and back.

Rollins is the worst offender of this imo.

Can you list me three matches you really like?

Not the same guy but I agree with him 100%.

My three favourite matches are:

>Austin vs Bret Hart WM13
>Okada vs Shibata Sakura Genesis
>2001 Royal Rumble

Rollins has been having the same match since he was ROH champ back in 2010

I never really watched ROH but Rollins is the most overrated wrestler in the world imo.

There's some really good shit from 2004 to 2009.
prime 'fuck you up' Samoa Joe, Punk signing his WWE contract on the ROH title, the Generation next/ Embassy feud with the crazy steel cage match to end it. Definitely worth looking up if you like daniel bryan and want to see him wrestle less prearranged

Bam Bam Bigelow drew lots with that gimmick but all the posers who've come since make a mockery of it

>this is awesome

That chant is autism. The idea of wrestling is the suspension of disbelief. Chanting "I find this entertainment to be enjoyable" is cancerous.
React. Respond. Cheer. Boo. When you chant how much you're enjoying it, you're actively ruining it.

Oh we're still going with the counting being on the road traveling and exercising as work now? They 2 to 3 shows a week. Maybe 4 tops. Do the math pinhead.

When will these idiots learn though? If you go to a bad show, why go again?

What is Rollins character? Seriously. I know he's currently beloved by the IWC but what exactly stands out about him? What is his gimmick? And it can't be 'being the best wrestler hurr durr.'

>Verne Gagne vs Red Bastien
>Vader vs Heath Slater
>DDP vs Sting

unironically being the best wrestler in the eyes of such people because MOVEZZZ

Bret treated "I'm the best wrestler" as an actual gimmick. He acted 100% the part all of the time. He varied his work. He treated everything as the most important thing there was, and he prided himself in being the top athlete.

Rollins just has an obnoxious laugh. Onions-tier. Everything that's wrong with the current product.

I hate the name more than the look to be honest.

>wrestler takes a totally safe, bland bump through a table
>older wrestler does anything
>wrestler wins a match

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>The following week both show up, Paul cuts the same promo he always does and brock bounces from side to side
I hate that he's such a part timer lazy cunt that does the same shit every time, but I mark out to him all the same.

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A lot of people aren't going, hence the tarps. I went to raw in dayton in 2010 and it was packed, a buddy from work went to sdlive in 2016 and the same arena was half empty. they have lost a ton of drawing power in smaller cities and rural areas

>this piece of shit
I suppose cardboard and plastic is better than a spray painted tarp though.

oof this, it's sad too because the Chamber is always a great match .

that would be such a poor design choice, i'm surprised they didn't fuck up the logo by doing that desu.

>It's fun to go to house shows
The TV audience will never understand.

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>>not calling moves
This boils me, just call the fucking match.

that move that everyone does where they get thrown over the rope and then boot the guy in the head from the apron

>storylines play out on social media
>commentary has to reference social media all the time because of this
5 fucking hours of television for the main roster every week and they can't find a way to have everything on the actual show? Even worse when they're doing this shit with the feud that is MAIN EVENTING WRESTLEMANIA. I could see them reading tweets for some jabroni feud nobody cares about, but something involving the top stars in the company is terrible and lazy.


*wrestler rolls around outside the ring*
As Raw/Smackdown Live rolls on...
*returns from commercial with chin lock rest hold*

Yes it can you whiny marky smark bitch. If it upsets you so much then you shouldn't watch a kids show and bitch about it here.

>belts look like toys
>generic set every PPV
>everyone dresses in neon puke garbage that looks tacky and awful
>commentators silent through 90% of a match
>no pyro
>no signs
>constant social media shilling and advertising
>creative making guys like Kurt spew their catchphrases until it becomes unbearable
>the fact nobody can make facial expressions convincing
>the fact suicide dives aren't banned despite an overwhelming rate of failure
>Contract signings where the contract has huge fucking titles in times new roman
>people pretending Miz is a draw
>The fact Ryder and Ziggler are still employed while most NXT callups get fired a year after their debut

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I was at a RAW and Smackdown taping last year. The crowd (including my friend ans I) was hot during the first hour.
Came Smackdown, we were too tired to properly react to hot segments. When 205 was on, everyone was completely exhausted.

did they take your favorite ficus tree out of your office?

even with the shitty booking his heel run had a very identifiable character. Face Rollins is peak CAW