ITT: Movie characters what would make great gimmicks

ITT: Movie characters what would make great gimmicks

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based lance storm

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"I want more life, fucker."

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Pair him up with Lacey

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I know that "dumb muscle" is kind of an overused trope, but I just want to see someone punch a horse on my wrestleshow.

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This little prick as a heel manager = DIMES

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Manager for monster of the week heels

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A legally blind martial arts character that keeps winning because he always seems to land a lucky strike right when it counts.

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Either this son of a bitch or Boris.

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Chong Li would draw the dimes, he could start as xia li's body guard or someshit

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Book them as a tag team with The Drake as their manager.

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This Batsuit with a lucha mask instead of a Red Hood mask would make people watch WWE or AEW. Get on it carnies.

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already happened

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Damn CM Punk looks like THAT?

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