According to the people who pay to read the Wrestling Observer Newsletter...

According to the people who pay to read the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, this is the worst wrestling promotion of the past year.

Attached: wwe.png (766x513, 36K)

Post a graph with the ratings.

AEW was voted 2nd best wrestling company (NJPW was first) without running a show.

still more than who japan and aewho

Raw is by far the worst show, but ROH and AAA are worse promotions.

>lower high

It will be back to $20 by 2021

>Making more money means it's better
Well I guess Fortnite is the best video game of all time

Theres also MASSIVE bearish divergence.

I know this is just bait but seeing people on twitter actually get mad about the Observer Awards and go "WELL LOOK AT ALL THE MONEY THEY MADE" is kind of sad.

It's all the drones have.

>our product is shit

State of E-Drones

Mcdonald’s makes a lot of money too. Doesn’t mean their burgers aren’t actual garbage.

Unless you’re an investor (and I doubt any NEET weirdos who post on a play fighting forum are, this isn’t a metric of your company being the best. I actually got a few hundred in at the beginning of the year and sold it after the Saudi seal. But I don’t post about it like a nerd

WWE makes most of their money from Sponcors, not the fans.

holy cope

>1 day
literally irrelevant in a poll about the past year

You sound so smart, tell me more about investing. I've never heard someone use the McDonald's burger analogy quite like you.

>o pay to read the Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Can you imagine being such a cuck you have to pay a fan to hear his BS wrestling opinions?

It’s a good analogy though. Are the transformers movies masterpieces of cinema because they all made a billion dollars?

If you’re an E Drone cultist and want to defend WWE that’s fine, but at least use a valid argument.

Lemme know when every E-drone holds WWE shares so this graph matters to anyone besides wall street gamblers.

So many Voices of Workrate drones SEETHING

>Food analogy

it’s not my problem if you can’t put 2 and 2 together

Half of all people literally suck cock. Popularity is a meme, and almost nothing that is popular is actually good because people are brainlets.
I only care about wrestlekino.

no it wasn't

it will be next year despite making less than 5% of what WWE makes

It figures you're a short trader, seething manlet

>food analogy

back to your containment board you nazi asshole

If the burgers were garbage they wouldn't make lots of money you fucking idiot.

The transformers movies are some of the best movies of all time (except for the latest Bumblebee garbage one). Now I know I'm talking to a fucking idiot. See you faggot

>AEW was voted 2nd best wrestling company

jesus christ is this true? what a bunch of mindless sheep

Lol no also worked

You just did, FAGGOT

>Success in business isn't based on making money.

Ok then.

they're right

how much do you weigh? just asking i love the wwe too.

do you even know what the word promotion means?

no, im just a wrestlign fan, i dont write poetry or novels, i dont need to know that superfluous shit. i watch soap opera for rednecks

does it look like i can read nigga? i’m black

>McDonalds makes the best hamburgers because they sell the most

Same geeks voted Hulk Hogan OVERRATED so who the fuck cares. As long as Gekuhashi and Mokoyama are having 8 star matches in Tokyo they dig it.

objectively, they do. all meltzer has to do is put a disclaimer saying his awards are subjective, but he doesn't, he treats them like actual data

But it's obviously subjective. It's subscriber votes.

it is lol

then why does he use the results as evidence to his arguments? he really needs to separate the categories into opinion and fact