God I hate this fucking cuck. If I ever saw him in the street I’d beat the shit out of him and then dab my dick into Stephanie.
fuckin based
hunter would beat the shit out of you unironically
I very much doubt that. I’m 6’6”, 250lbs. I am a master of various types and forms of martial arts, and in my spare time I dabble in katana wielding. I’ve spent my entire life turning my body into a weapon of mass destruction, with the hope that one day I would meet Paul and beat the shit of him.
Based MeltzerChad
holy fuck lads the real deal in here, Yea Forumsies rally round this man who will lead us to a promised land of dimes
> I very much doubt that. I’m 6’6”, 250lbs. I am a master of various types and forms of martial arts, and in my spare time I dabble in katana wielding. I’ve spent my entire life turning my body into a weapon of mass destruction, with the hope that one day I would meet Paul and beat the shit of him.
BASED roidrage MeltzerChad
>out of words
Can I suck your dick?
Based is the only thing that can be said
over 3000 confirmed kills
Unironically based as fuck
Is that Bill Maher?
Yup, that’s most ding-dong diddly certainly going to be a based from me.
BASED and /ourguy/
I do wank quite a lot tbqhwy
Absolute Chad