General SOAPing thread

General SOAPing thread.

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I remember writing in to a contest to win a pair of these from an issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly
Heard you had to be at a full sprint to get enough momentum to grind anything that wasn't a stair rail for more than a second

>IGN Sports: What does Bradshaw think about the part where he's soaping your ass in the shower?

>Edge: Like I said in the book, no knuckles disappeared. It was simply a gentle caress. [laughs] I actually haven't seen him or talked to him since the book has been out. He doesn't even know it's in there until he reads it, so it should be pretty interesting to see his reaction. I think he'll get a kick out of it. He loves doing stuff like that. It's like his way of weeding out the prima donnas to see who is going to be a cool kid and who is going to have an attitude. I just laughed along with it and joked around with him. It was one of those things where I knew I was starting to belong. If they were willing to have fun with me like that, then I knew they must like me, so I just kept doing what I was doing.

You can still find them.

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>It was one of those things where I knew I was starting to belong
you don't belong in WWE until another man tries to finger your ass?

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how many ankles have those claimed?

I had more problems on rollerblades and ankles, these weren't bad depending on the surface

Am I supposed to believe I'm not going to die doing this

Gotta pay your dues, kid.

It was a product of the 90's, ya might as well tell me I can still find pogs

Rolling around at the speed of sound


>that 40 year old boomer who still SOAPs

>too pussy to skateboard
>too gay for rollerblades

Soap shoes.


Me on the left

I invented this alt. sport. It's called "Freestyle Walking" you fucking retard.

Nash made up those rules in the summer of 92, and everyone still follows them

this made me sad...

Nobody on Yea Forums soaps or even knows how to use soap.

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No one even knows where to get soaps that aren't sweaty and crusty as fuck.

based and SOAPpilled

it was a different time

woah holy fuck. nostalgia wave. I was obsessed with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle when I was a kid and I wanted those Soap shoes so fucking bad, even though i was an unathletic fatass

good times, thnks fr th mmrs


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Juanzemiz is /ourguy/

Post pits


All the soap in the world can't wash away what happened to me

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