Are you ready to get the tarps out?
Are you ready to get the tarps out?
The show is sold out you fucking dweeb
Why? Is the G1 Special in Dallas about to start?
Why? Is Nu Japan about to run a show in the west?
Why is NJPW G1 in US about to start?
Is Raw about to start?
*fails to get on broadcast TV in your path*
>he watches TV
>mfw watching TV right now
>mfw I will never see "AEW - Wednesday Night Heat" playing
They'll never sell out again
I remember when dronies said that after All In
Whatever helps ya worked and seething ass cope I guess
>they won’t have another show like All In
Dronies were hoping it would happen again because EDrones loved All Incel
>boiling so hard he's gone into delusions as a coping mechanism
I'm sorry you tried to make a tarps joke and got BTFO but you need to come back to reality
Dude Brock Lesnar guy was in the audience
The literal E-Drone superfan
>E Drone gets BTFO so hard he spergs the fuck out and starts talking gibberish
I don't watch WWE, though.
I'm just telling you E-Drones make most of AEW's fan-base.
>E Drones make most of AEWs fan-base
>WWE can’t sell out a single show
>AEW and The Elite sell out everywhere they go
i mean he's right yaknow
it's been shown repeatedly that cawdy and the cucks want to pander to disenfranchised edrones
they held a rally outside a smackdown taping you goobers, this shit was made because they realized there's an untapped vein of wwe fans that want something new and habitually cling to wwe's teat
That's because WWE run shows at an obnoxious frequency whereas AEW have run two.
>e-drones seething because it won't be a tarp free crowd
Lmao you cucks are the most pathetic since it will sell out, build some hype before it fizzles out like WWE has been for the past decade and wrestling will die in America along with WWE lmao
What's it like hating E-Drones but having to rub shoulders with them?
>makes excuses in your path
E slobs boiling
I told you I don't watch WWE, though.
I was just offering you refutation.
I accept your concession, though. Thanks for the upcoming (You)
This. Pro wrestling is dead in the USA
>gets BTFO again
>continues to sperg out
WWE-Lite drones getting fucking merked in this thread and exposed as edrones themselves
>he thanks you for the (You)
>you seethe and give it him
>it's an episode of "AEW fans reeeee and scream E-Drone despite being E-Drones themselves"
I like this one. (You) always get M E R K E D
>gets BTFO so hard he goes into a samefag rage
Oh no
>has two separate browsers in your path
Pathetic lmao. You truely are gotten to KEK
You guys are all fucking faggots but that's besides the point. We should come together and make fun of the Nu Japanlets because at least AEW and WWE (albeit much less frequently) can fucking sell shows out in America.
Based CHADpan not caring about the Amuttica and sticking to a place where wrestling is accepted culturally!
If ya don’t watch WWE ya must be watching NJPW. And if ya are watching NJPW ya must be seething because their western expansion is dead in the water (ya can thank AEW for that :D).
Now if ya come back and see ya don’t watch NJPW either, nothing ya watch is at all relevant so therefore ya opinion doesn’t mean ding-dong diddly zing-zang zozzle shit.
Fuck off. I'm an E-Chad and I respect New Japan Chads more than any AEW shitter.
>And if ya are watching NJPW ya must be seething because their western expansion is dead in the water (ya can thank AEW for that :D).
I'm happy for that, though.
this desu
american wrestling is shite, im glad they no longer have reason to run shows there since the shows mostly sucked anyway
they never really had much of an "expansion", just dipped their toes a few times
yikes, brainlet
>I’m happy that my company has lost all momentum and all of their stars will jump the sinking ship and sign with AEW or WWE
The state of ya weebfags
This is honestly the most realistic option.
>event sells out because tickets that costs nothing gets bought up by third party vendors
> "Hey guys!!!! Another success!!!!!"
>lost all momentum
They never had any momentum Stateside to begin with.
Their bread and butter is their domestic business which is completely untouched.
Them pulling away from a few middling shows/tours yearly that aren't really worth watching isn't really a deficit.
They lost 1 (one) star.
Come back at me when you're more prepared.
>writes a wall of text
Holy fuck ya are seething, ay? Calm down weeb, maybe ya can ask Goku or Naruto to help build some interest?
>maybe ya can ask Goku or Naruto to help build some interest?
based new jachad MERKING this edrone into a shitposting seethe
>maybe ya can ask Goku or Naruto to help build some interest?
It sold out faggot.
>Cody's master plan is to amass a roster of literally who and "I thought he was dead" and sell out one show a year
He's clearly saving whoever the big signing is for himself. Probably Goldberg. And Cody will lose selling his leg injury.
the scalpers are going to be pissed
BASED! How can Who Japan and Nu Japanlets ever recover OH NO NO NO NO
cringe e-lite deflection.
Is that why there are literally thousands of tickets up on resale sites? It sold out because bots bought them all to resell to fat losers such as yourself.
it's just part and parcel of being a bingo hall fed