Make Mella Champ again!

Make Mella Champ again!

Attached: floss mella.gif (480x480, 3.34M)

Please remove yourself from existence

no u

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This but unironically
Kys weeb

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My good ol' fellow, with all my love and respect i have a fun time to erupt my white substance onto Mrs. Leah Van Dale.

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>Wanting dumbo ears to be champ again

Not a weeb but I hate this fucking cunt with a passion

Better than the fat whale who's SD women's champ right now

Honestly would be the best option at this point


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We them rebels everybody wanna talk about
We stay up all night and cause a riot scream and shout
Get on the floor
On the floor

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Imagine thinking this. As bad as Asuka is, she at least gets somewhat of a crowd reaction, which is a hell of an improvement over the crickets this bitch was getting

I wanna see her do Orange Justice

that fatass is so cringe that she's about to be on the preshow of WM as a champion

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Mella is unironically a bigger draw than Asuka

I prefer big tits over big ears

Asuka couldn't even get on the show for weeks after she wom the title.

wrestling was a mistake

It's time to put the belt on someone who's actually entertaining and can cut a decent promo

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pleb. Tits sag. Big ears are forever perky


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>cut a decent promo
You mean blatantly copying the Alexa Piss fake apology shtick? That promo? Give me a break

why do WWE cameraman spin the camera like that when someone dances? they've been doing that shit since the attitude era

yea, that was more entertaining than mush mouth moon speak

Now you got me in the mood to make more OC.

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you're a fucking charlatan

t. SEETHING weeb waifuist fag

Well whatever. This bitch is too busy becoming black and Vince will never put the strap on her ugly ass again so all of this talk is pointless