Last thread . The ace of stardom Mayu Iwatani retained the WHO belt and Natsuko is next in line for a shot. Who ya got? Also, where is Tam??
/Stardom/ General
Other urls found in this thread:
On my hands and knees beggin ya to have sex
based ace reppin stardom on a global level
based Mayu going to MSG.
too slow, brother
Already a thread
Yeah I wonder who she's gonna face there
Based Ace Mayu
what's next for /ourgirl/?
hopefully challenging Mayu at MSG after Mayu destroys my girl Natsuko
so is there any new news on what's going on with Tam?
that would be awesome, but I think Mayu will be facing whoever ROH's top girl is at MSG unfortunately
I can't imagine Mayu was much happier with this performance than the last one. Both pretty lame matches.
ACtual thread made earlier and not by a salty Oedo Tard fan
you're the only one salty about anything
sup /kon/?
tired of talking to yourself yet?
How did ROH manage to fuck up a Mayu match?
>ye we're gonna have you go for about 5 minutes and end with a rollup
>How did ROH manage to fuck up?
Ayy, joining the party with the most people, whuddup niggas!
hell yeah agua has another containment thread to cry in, this thread should be cozy
get full use of that vpn OPetty
looks like he's gonna cry in all of them instead
Where can I get a "never end voyage" shirt? I can never find any.
long gone, sadly. Unlike Mono's photobook which is still in stock somehow when every other photobook seemed to sell out within a day or so
>getting this worked over another failed thread attempt
eventually you'll realize blaming your boogeymen won't solve any of your problems
ROH is fucking cancer, but Mayu in MSG before Io and Kairi is funny
>says the guy who calls everyone who thinks hes a faggot (many such cases) agua
The only one who cares about threads is you, that's why you've made hundreds of them for multiple generals, staying on Yea Forums 24/7 so you can make a new one the second the old one ends, whether its 2pm or 2am. Its literally your life. vs a whole 1 or 2 times someone has tried to make the new stardom one in spite of op autism
I know it's a little confusing because the autist is trying to get Momo over again with another thread, but here's the /oedo/ thread .
lol at the ace BTFOing the idiots who fell for meme contracts
I'm the OP of this thread, your post is very guilty looking. Also, who are you quoting, little fella?
I noticed that too. All the others sold out quickly. They're still shilling Momo's on the Stardom Twitter
No thanks
Put an Utami vs Mayu match for 15 minute at MSG and blow out anything AEW will ever do with their division
This but with the white belt
what was the motive behind this, agua?
I forgot, you prefer to roleplay as someone who watches joshi in the other threads.
lmfao is this real?
i don't get it
I hope Io, Kairi, and Mayu manage to go out for one night since they'll all be in NY together.
>/oedo/? No thanks. I'm not interested in LARPing. I'm more of a /stardom/ guy.
PFFFFFFFFT I thought the twitter message thing was just a meme, what a tremendous faggot
we are all just as confused by it
>works the /woo/tists
>works the twitter trannies
>works the false fans
>works the Edrones
>works the NuJapanlets
>works /Oedo/ into mass paranoia
>works the TJLGBTPW universe community
>works the Miki fetishists
>works staff into Karōshi trying to appease his insatiable demands
>works the gatekeepers
>works the pseudo-gatekeepers
>works the fickle waifuists
>friends with Maki Ito and Tam Nakano
>works Gatoh Move into a household name
>Possibly the only westerner that can say they supported child prodigies such as Riho and Tsukushi from adolescence to adulthood
>works the catalog
>works the bump limit
>works his cat into asphyxiation
>works his hard drive with his exhaustive Joshi picture collections
>works his body into marathoning puroresu beyond normal human limits
>knowledgeable about numerous other subjects but doesn't bring them up as he has too much respect and love for wrestling to post offtopic
>world class Arcana Hearts player
>works new fans into becoming genuine supporters of the industry
>works Suruga Mei into Next Big Thing status
>works the state of Connecticut into letting him live rent free
>works his sexuality watching too many ASUKA matches
>works me into serving him as a vessel
>works ramen into spaghetti
>works the guy that posts all the bad stuff about him into crippling anxiety and a slow suicide
>works the Happy Science Group into teaching him the secrets of life
>exposed Tetsuya Naito
>works NXT into signing past-their-prime traitors to open up spots for new talent back home while giving the industry more prestige worldwide
>works western fans into feeling guilty for debasing Japanese culture
>works his parents into high emotional distress do to their failures in his upbringing
>the false fan thread just found out that Natsuko is the next contender because they found a tweet that said it
>OP knew this after actually watching a stardom show from a week ago
makes ya ding-dong diddly think
Your entire life (which consists of being a NEET that spends the entire day refreshing Yea Forums) is consumed by agua, along with OPetty. He's drive you to delusion where you think every random poster you don't like is him
guilty looking post
>Your entire life (which consists of being a NEET that spends the entire day refreshing Yea Forums) is consumed by agua, along with OPetty's. He's driven you to delusion where you think every random poster you don't like is him. Talk about rent-free
imagine getting so worked by an anonymous board that you start angrily messaging random people on Twitter at what I imagine was probably like 3 in the morning.
you seem to be here a lot more than anybody else since I see you constantly bitching whenever I catch up on the threads. Get a life.
It wasn't made official until just now, after Mayu retained the belt.
60+ posts in an hour, someone is boiling, don't cause yourself harm trying to get your thread over
You have /oedo/ to discuss your e-celebs. Keep that out of /stardom/.
>Your entire life (which consists of being a NEET that spends the entire day refreshing Yea Forums) is consumed by /oedo/. They've driven you to delusion where you think every random poster you don't like is from there. Talk about rent-free
and half of them are from (You) attempting to derail it, sad!
Everyone, please stop arguing.
Nobody cares about threads except you, that's why you've made hundreds of them and spend your entire life refreshing Yea Forums to make a new one the instant they reach the bump limit, whether its at 2pm or 2am.
>That's totally the same thing as one or two times someone tried to make a new one but didn't anticipate the terminal autism of OPetty!
hiding this pedo cringe
kek he's still trying. I'm gonna miss Shkeh.
it's his coping mechanism when his threads don't work out
based, I apologize for when someone calls you odetty
>oedo is always faster than Stardom because you post there more
>Stardom suddenly becomes much faster whenever someone else makes a stardom thread before you
Not even him but you don't exactly hide it well
This is my 4th post. Chill out, stop replying to yourself and go and watch some matches that didn't make tape or something.
last thread was faster than /oedo/ too because the autist got in another fight, nobody believes your bullshit dude
some great Stardom chat in here
This is a shitshow, but at least this OP just ignored the other one instead of fighting with him in the other one. Sad display. I will save with /kon/.
You do.
OPetty could have just not bothered to make this one but he too much of a spastic
Actual thread for Stardom discussion free of autistic Oedo Tard OP and his friend in case you want to discuss wrestling and not e-celebs and roleplaying
looks like a bunch of pics with some complaining about this thread or /oedo/ mixed in along with people asking which thread is the thread.
pot meet kettle
He literally asked someone else to make it Then made one himself when someone did
Oedo Tai is a Stardom faction. Try watching sometime
someone else said they were making this one in /oedo/ when he asked since he was making the new /oedo/. doesn't Yea Forums have a cooldown period for making threads? Regardless, complaining about it provides nothing to the thread.
I guess he's trying to ruse people into thinking he isn't obsessively making every OP, even though it's obvious he's making them. He's done that in /tjpw/ as well.
You would know, you've made hundreds of threads for multiple generals while refreshing Yea Forums 24/7, waiting for the exact second they hit the bump limit so you can instantly make a new one, regardless if its 2pm or 2pm, even on weekdays.
>the post right before
I'm not even bothering trying to explain anything to that autist anymore. He just called me OP for explaining it lmao. I honestly can't imagine how stressful it must be living with such delusions.
>s-sup guys, been busy hanging with people today
>also im here exactly when the thread ends as usual on a friday night
based OP having a life unlike you
Sorry pal, roleplaying to anonymous strangers on a Burmese snake charming board isn't my idea of having a life
How are you able to create a new thread the instant the old one reaches the limit for multiple different generals 100% of the time, hundreds of times, at any hour of the night or day, even if its 3am on a weekday, for over a year now?
holy fucking worked lmfao
he must get good reception in your head
Unironically, because he makes most of the posts
>roleplays in direct response to people noticing hes always here 24/7
>anyone but him being worked
oof no wonder he's posting so much in here
I miss Ruaka and Yoneyama bullying everyone
wait I thought I was OP? Now you're saying he is? Which is it man?
>Which is it man?
I hope Ruaka's recovery is going well
now you're OP too, sorry that's how it goes when you know who is having a fit.
I made that post linked. If you want, you can reply to it there and i'll show you my (you). You also think i'm the Op of that thread, and a poster who apparently messaged someone on twitter. I'm starting to feel sorry for you, so take a moment to remember what board you're on, the fact none of us like you weeb faggots, how easy it is to jump in while you retards argue and comprehend how worked you are right now.
kill yourself OPetty
>16 posters
>103 posts in an hour
holy seetheoli
if anyone even thinks about talking shit on my've been warned
Get it to 280+ posts so OPetty will be forced to spend hours into the night refreshing Yea Forums waiting for the second this thread to hit the bump limit. Actually he will probably do that anyway regardless desu
just a /kon/ looking to /kon/
Looks like a young male like most of your waifus
Shiki isn't my waifu, she's my hero
all the stale memes getting a run out
This isn't a Momo OP!
nah this one has Stardom's ace in it
Worked weeb
best bum in the biz
seething over the GOAT Mayu
until we do you will spend all hours of the day posting about how OP is always here like you did all day today
Mayu does it all
what's SLK's ceiling?
>Makes hundreds of new threads across multiple generals for over a year the millisecond they hit the bump limit, close to 100% of the time every time, at any hour and any day
>Vs make 1 thread one time, severely underestimating the sheer autism of the regular OPetty
>Y-you're the REAL neet!
the roof of my Buick if all goes right
>Makes hundreds of new threads across multiple generals for over a year the millisecond they hit the bump limit, close to 100% of the time every time, at any hour and any day
then why didn't that happen tonight? You retard.
>then why didn't that happen tonight?
It literally did
It would have if the Oedo thread didn't hit the bump limit simultaneously as the Stardom one so he had to pick one. Rest assured, this won't happen again since the regular OP was probably be devastated by it since it is his entire life.
why is everyone so obsessed with OP? from what I've seen he just posts the threads with whatever is going on in the company, but for whatever reason one or two posters seem to go nuts over it.
they need a scapegoat for their personal problems
guilty looking post
Sup OPetty, find a job yet?
>one or two posters
no, no, no, this is some guy that messaged someone on twitter
well yeah agua is obviously one of them, I give the benefit of the doubt though assuming that it isn't just him though. I don't understand the obsession when the guy just posts the threads with whatever is going on.
old salaryman confirmed, based
Talking about yourself in the 3rd person doesnt seem healthy
wait that's agua?
Spanish for water? I have no idea what you faggots mean by it and dont care enough to find out
I figured there wasn't any real reason for it, alas.
Everyone is agua
why did we message the guy on twitter?
lmao, I don't get why this question has been dodged it seems like a simple thing to clear up
>3 hour thread
>130 posts
I'm not even going to scroll down I bet it's just arguing over cagematch and Momo attendance
this time it was agua and maybe another dude (I'm still skeptical) fighting with anyone and everyone over /oedo/ OP who didn't make this thread. It's the saddest display yet, don't waste your time reading it.
ok I scrolled down and it's people seething that someone made a thread, and agua arguing with both himself and other people, and also people calling eachother agua
in summary, another /stardom/ thread
exactly, but now you know who is going to bump the other one from page ten for the next two weeks because he spends every second of the day on here
>He's still talking to himself
I know, I just checked and he's literally just posting /oedo/ pics in that thread now. Weird way to spend a Friday night.
I had a dream that Mei Suruga and AnnCham formed a tag team called ‘Ann and Mei’ but everyone kept thinking they were saying ‘anime’, so they went with ANIME as their team name and I was watching them in a Stardom ring. Why is reality so trash, bros?
haha that motherfucker got me, I went to get the full res image of Hazuki from it and it was actually the url for a picture of Momo
Ann has a nice ass but an alien like face
based yokonami, best duo ever
Match was meh, but at least she's going to MSG.
What is it with Mayu and not laying/sleeping on beds in America.
Her head in general nukes the whole package. It's borderline creepy
March 24th card announced.
Kagetsu vs Hanan (what?)
Starlight Kid/Xia Brookside vs Yoneyama/Leo vs Hina/Rina in a 3 way tag battle
Utami/Azumi/Konami vs Kyona/Natsuko/Iida
Momo/Bea Priestley/Viper vs Hazuki/Sumire/Miyagi
Mayu/Saki/Tam vs Hana/Goya Kong/Rebel Kel for the artist titles (I thought Oedo Tai were the next challengers?)
better looking than shiki rousey who quit because some people had derogatory critiques of her wrestling work, despite getting the most streamers every show
She needs to pass on her genes before it's too late
Mayu's gonna get fat
imagine a fat Mayu
How can she be so perfect, lads?
both will be drafted to Oedo
It's okay, QQ and Stars will get Hazuki and Sumire
The thread from the LARPer or the thread from the false fan /joshi/tuber.
which is real thread
>IP count didn't increase
it's very sad
She looks like a white person with Down’s syndrome. Prove me wrong.
she's Japanese
Will the oedos return to hating Hazuki and Sumire again like they did before they joined?
Sumire to STARS.
Hazuki stays in Oedo Tai.
will agua return to diddling children?
I want Sumire in QQ so she and AZM can have funny interactions. Also it would make the story come full circle if she was made to be the flag bearer.
even Sumire couldn't save QQ
Will opetty go a single day without thinking about agua?
>>>/oedo/ is that way salty drone
clearly it's the opposite since agua calls literally everyone OP
worked hard by the truth
Many such cases!
so...why did you message that guy on twitter?
are they the ones that discuss stardom? I figured /stardom/ would be the right thread for it.
This is the right thread: .
This is the thread for discussing e-celebs, roleplaying, autistic internet feuds, and general meta things.
This is the thread for actual Stardom discussion .
/oedo/ is where you want to go since you are an Oedo Tard fan that enjoys cartoon character wrestling over gritty QQ style wrestling
of the question being dodged? I'm not sure what you're implying from this post.
>actual Stardom discussion
>one guy bitching about this thread and /oedo/ and spamming pictures to save it from the archives every couple hours
check out then maybe you can eventually have something to talk about
he does that because he needs a break from stirring shit in here
Not true and that is still far more relevant than this thread which is 90% e-celeb and meta discussion with no chance of ever getting on track.
There's a total of 4 meta-posts in the other thread.
This thread has at least a hundred.
it is true, and the only reason this one won't get back on track is because that same guy will spend all day trying to derail it like he does in every single Joshi thread. Not sure why people still need this to be explained, it happens every day.
yeah because there's a total of like 4 posters, it's not rocket science buddy.
>The thread absent the /oedo/tard has little shitposting and arguing
Jesus all this bitching just keep /kon/ and carry on
You are greatly overestimating how much people care about autistic e-celeb Yea Forums threads. Just because its one guy's entire life who makes multiple different generals 100% of the time hundreds of times a year, waiting all day for the exact second the old one hits the bump limit so he can instantly make a new one before anyone else regardless of its its 2pm or 2am on a weekday doesn't mean everyone else is like that.
How does Mayu do it?
Damn, kitto looks like that.
guilty looking post again
Red belt.
Does OPetty bump this thread whenever the actual discussion thread gets bumped because he's freaking out that people will see it on the front page over his meta thread and post there? That would require him to be on Yea Forums 24/7 refreshing which he usually is and he's probably the only person who cares that much about an Yea Forums joshi thread.
Mayu and Saki cyber sessions. At least, that's what I choose to believe it is since I can't read moon.
do you ever get tired of thinking about him all day?
very cute, wish I had a clue what half of it said though.
At first glance it's like "where are you, what time is it there, when are you getting back" etc. I need to do my reps more.
I'm awful with most kanji so I can only make out some random parts out of context which is essentially useless
Do you ever get tired of talking in third person, OPetty?
I only know the core 2k kanji on a good day. Just remember that none of us will ever learn Japanese.
I'm probably the tenth person you've accused of being OP now, you really should get help.
what have you used to learn? I finished the Japanese for Busy People, but have been sluggish on getting into genki. My dream to confess my love to Hiromi at her bar will be fulfilled if it's the last thing I do.
>Japanese for Busy People
You're right, you couldn't be the OP.
I think he's the one who suggested it to me in the first place, fag.
Oh, I'm sure. Totally not OP talking in third person again.
go respond to yourself in the containment thread again, I'm tired of your delusions.
I do the core 2k on anki, some deck I found mostly inspired by Heisig. I also utilize a vocab deck that uses vocab in sentences so I get more familiar with reading. And yes, I also use Genki for grammar.
There's many roads to learning Japanese but the one trait necessary for all of them is persistence every single day. If you fail one day then do it the next day but just don't stop.
Go respond to myself in /oedo/? Do I look like OP?
Who are you talking to?
yeah I make sure to do at the very least some duolingo every day
you're so obsessed that I'm sure you wish you did look like him
the person he responded to, retard.
Nobody cares about your blog
Listen projector-kun the only eceleb discussion occurs when you post twitter conversations between them, and not only expect us to know who they are but also care
Why is Mayu such a slob?
you care a lot about everything posted here
>This MikeRoberts85 creeper
this is the wrong thread
post in the real thread
I am convinced agua is behind those pathetic "puro twitter" threads that get 16 replies and then 404. He calls everyone OP just like that lunatic calls everyone John.
The only one who cares a lot is the guy who's made hundreds of new threads over the year for multiple generals and monitors each one 24/7 so he can post a new one before anyone else the instant it reaches the bump limit 100% of the time every time, whether its at 2pm or 2am weekday or not
You can convince yourself of a lot of things when you're a lunatic who has lost touch with reality.
sounds about right to me
be patient with agua, he has autism
Rossy mentioned in his Shueisha interview that "certain popular wrestlers" will be joining Stardom in April.
Shida to Stardom confirmed
Based Toni is pulling the okie doke on Vince
/oedo/ in shambles.
Hana is always gonna be /oedo/ though, they will only be in shambles if she dies
worked by the truth
when is Candyfloss coming back?
based Kyona
Based JKGreeN.
I assume this is the real thread since nobody is begging anyone to post in here and it has 25 posters as opposed to 7 in the other.
They sealed their fate when OP tried to bark rules at people about whom was or wasn’t allowed to be posted
nah they sealed their fate when they put the ultimate anti-draw in the OP
That's called OPetty using VPN.
meh, I respect momo. Cute picture. Especially in times where trainees have been dropping like flies, you appreciate the one who overcame her share of adversities in Stardom getting to age 18, including whatever rude fans there are, and never had a second thought about coming in to work anytime she could because she actually had the passion for it.
right, that's much more likely than the autistic guy trying to fight with people here just being wrong again.
Are you even a stardom fan? Go back to the /oedo/ thread
260 posts of undiluted cringe
/oedo/ seems to be the only thread that actively follows stardom, I don't understand why you're trying to make it seem another way.
>/oedo/ seems to be the only thread that actively follows stardom
Good one. They still think Hana is a member of Oedo Tai.
/Oedo/ post the same shit every thread and anyone interested in posting about Stardom has probably gave up on this general
>They still think Hana is a member of Oedo Tai.
SHE IS! Hana is Yurie's love slave and Yurie is the secret leader of Oedo Tai. It will all be revealed that Kagetsu has been taking orders from Yurie and Hana this whole time! IT'S SO OBVIOUS!!!
I miss her too, man.
based Kyoko with the dubs of truth
I want Hana to have Yurie help her do something just one time, like when Fuka came out of retirement to help her stretch someone. Was it Hiromi?
I'll be in Tokyo again this August, is Stardom X Stardom a big show?
Hana looks so pretty when she's not dressed up as a slut
You're so lucky, how do you afford it? Go and harass Hana after a show!
Namefags go back
t. seething incel too poor to afford a local wrestling show let alone an $8,000 holiday to Japan 3 times a year
lol owned
el bumpo
i want tamu to shit down my throat
Red or blue?
And wasn't Mayu meant to have another RoH show tonight? Who did she face?
oh my god i just found out that this thread was made by a pedophile, im going to post in the other one from now on...
/oedo/ just died hope opetty hasn't killed himself
I think it would be great, if WWE gave Ruby one night off and she flew to London to wish good retirement to Kris. Would be great thing to do.
EVE is teasing Act for the show. WWE could let Kairi go too... and EVE could bring in Yoshiko and they could reenact the only event in Stardom's history that anybody actually remembers.
Uhoh it’s almost the bump limit opetty about to spend the next 5 hours refreshing Yea Forums so he can make a new thread the second this one bumps before someone else does
why didn't you bump it?
here's the new /oedo/
Who has the cutest teeth?
Porn Title: "Ugly Gook Lesbian Desperate to Eat Your Pussy"
I'm a 47 year old white male. Can I make Hana my bride due to her daddy issues or do I need to be a latino?
Bea making Momo look attractive by comparison.
that might be the worst thing posted in this thread
I asked the same question after she won the title last month and jetlag was the reason given. The past couple times she came over she barely got in a day before the show, worked two nights, before going back the next day. I was hoping she'd have time on either end of that trip to either visit Kairi & Io and/or go to Disneyworld. The woman works hard and needs some downtime on these trips and enjoy herself. Hopefully she can do that Mania week.
>The perfect woman doesn't exi-
I'd love to take Jungle bar hopping in NYC, but will only be around for the day of the show. I have to hope they'll do the same thing next year in Tampa and have the schedule line up so I can do it.
why are you so obsessed with OP?
oof to all three
but the ugly one is the only one that isn't doing the pussy eating signal
here's the new thread