Making transphobic posts about Becky Lynch

>making transphobic posts about Becky Lynch

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This. Let's make transphobic posts about her tranny fanbase instead

Attached: tranny bexcel.png (632x925, 707K)

fuck you /pol/tard I can't wait for whites to die out

>have sex with bex
Imagine unironically shilling for Beko past fucking midnight in potatoland...

Attached: download (51).jpg (221x228, 11K)


Neither can I. It'll spell the end for the human race.

kekek, the state of the lil fella

Attached: engpepe.jpg (961x836, 88K)

Probably because he's drunk on fosters like all Irish niggers are.

ya seethe?

Bexcels are trannies because The Man is a tranny, so they idolise him. it all makes sense now


kill yourself kike

trans trash don't deserve respect

>shitposting weak bait on Yea Forums

Attached: Disappointed Pikachu.jpg (407x286, 14K)

Becky a

Becky a shit worker with bad skin, a lazy eye, flapjack tits, awful legs, who did some soft core porn while addicted to crack, yes

The embarrassment some of you are going to feel someday looking back at your crush on a 31 year old crackhead

>shit worker
Fucking simp

You took that bait

cringe then based

you mean holy fucking based?


Except some dipshit can just bump his garbage bait since no one pays attention to the unique ID counter.

holy fucking incel seethe

>being a discord tranny

Attached: 42373F68-B6A4-464A-B2C1-4AA67D09B4A8.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

>cheap heat

Attached: doink-the-clown.jpg (400x396, 40K)

You must be OP then!