AEWdrones confirmed children

AEWdrones confirmed children.

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watch them do a bunch of dick shit again now kek

You would think that children would be the only ones who would find le epic dick joke man funny

is AEW a secret pedo cabal?

>lady brings kids
>Priscilla Kelly comes out and throws her used tampons into the audience like New Day throws pancakes

Kids are the best market for pro-wrestling doesn't mean that they would be a PG product.

Yes it literally does mean it will be a PG product if Brandi is promoting it as okay for kids to watch.

>is it okay to take my kids to Deadpool?
>Of course
>does that mean the movie is PG
>lol no it's rated R

You knows gays can only reproduce by touching children, right?

childish humor is for children is it not?

No kids love toilet humor, blood and violence

>Tfw you watched the AE as a kid when many adults felt it was inappropriate for children

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Based. So did I, and I turned out fine

Well, I didn't. I'm addicted to 90s porn now because I live to find porn stars that look like Debra and Sable since they vehemently worked me into a shoot.

And they still had bushes, so it's not like modern slimetic influenced porn where everyone's hairless so they can all pretend they're jerking it to kids.

NJPW is kids friendly and isn't PG you numbskulls

>Bring your kid to the show
Tranny wrestler
Sonny Kiss fagging it up
Joey Ryan doing dick spots with men and women

>Kid friendly entertainment!

It's 2019 you bigot

God I fucking hate Americans. You puritanical fuckwits are the reason for stuff like this.

Joey Ryan isn't signed. Retard

Jenna Jameson and Brianna Banks

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>bringing your child to THIS

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Yeah and the only reason is because lucha underground is holding him hostage, otherwise he'd be signed for sure.

This is embarrassing

*clap clap clapclapclap*


I'm glad Sling dropped El Rey right when season 4 was a few episodes in and I'm too cheap to buy the season on amazon.

I beg to differ


>Thinking that he would be a top guy if he ends up getting signed
He would be a comedy midcarder and backstage worker most likely

kill yourself leftist faggot