Is it worth watching Yea Forums?
Thunder never was important, nice to have it available tho
Russo tried his best to make it important but by that time nobody was watching WCW anyways
>Russo tried his best
Nice try Vince
Thunder never drew a dime and was never any good.
The only way WCW and ECW is worth watching is getting the original, taped shows from a torrent site.
Holy shit. It's been 4 years, how have they not uploaded all the episodes yet.
Are there actually any of those? I've been looking for old Nitros
I'm not subscribed to the network but do they censor much of the ECW content?
Unedited episodes are available on XWT
All the OG music is changed to WWE music same as WCW - it's really jarring. There's s little editing going on, too.
enjoy the spyware and your
Russo did try his best. His best was just shit.
Lots of it, absolutely anything licensed is dropped of course but that was one of the unique points of ECW. So that's lost. I've seen Gertner promos completely removed from some shows too
Just because you got banned for being too retarded to keep a positive ratio doesn't mean you have to lie.
Been an XWT user since 2012 and been using the same pc too.
It's unwatchable on the network. Wouldn't waste my time
Only thing Nitro did was work Vince into doing Smackdown
Hooray more WCW 2000 kino
Thunder was based
I like lightning myself
Still better than anything WWE has done in 15 years.
anyone like wcw power plant?
Network ECW content is unironically UNWATCHABLE. WCW stuff by comparison is fine, you lose a few of the ripoff themes but it's nothing major. Not only do you lose every single theme in ECW, you also lose music playing through promos and matches. The audio becomes such a cacophony of pure noise you don't know what the fuck you're listening to anymore.
Fuck Thunder. I want those cozy-as-fuck mid-90s WCW Saturday Nights. THA MUTHASHIP IF YOU WEEEEELLLL.
VHS rips with local infomercials is the ONLY way to watch ECW, and they should be watched after midnight for the full experience
Agreed wholeheartedly.
>Ah, the leading brand?
It's worth it for the unintentional comedy. Also, the episode where Kevin Nash does commentary and shits on everything is GOAT. At least I recall that was an episode of Thunder.
Thunder was unironically comfy as fuck. Sure there were a lot of throw away matches but you got to see alot of the dudes that barely got any time on Nitro.vAlso compared to modern WWE its pretty based.
Can't wait to watch Jerry Flynn vs Scott Norton!
It was the nWo B-team and cruiserweight show
Tfw true ECW is lost to time.
Three count comes to mind
I would unironically watch any Scott Norton match over 90% of current WWE any day.
>when you realise the B stands for BASED
Boomer here,
Thunder was wcw's equal as to what wwe main event is now.
Full of pointless matches with jobbers, most of the roster big leagued Thunder so what you were left with was Horace Hogan, Lash Leroux etc.
Fun fact: Eric Bischoff wanted nitro to be nwo and Thurber to be wcw. Like a brand split. Bret Hart was planned to be flagship talent of Thunder, this was the main reason he was brought in allegedly.
They should of done it!
The Network dubs over WCW themes, but the Sid Network theme is unironically BASED and have been humming it to myself for days. Wish I could find a full-length clean version
Some are good especially when leading into a PPV
>Thunder was wcw's equal as to what wwe main event is now.
I'd rather watch Thunder than current WWE PPVs
All the top guys wouldn't work thunder but thats not a bad thing. You can see some essential big poppa pump kino, positively kanyon, prime jericho and other shit that was kept off nitro due to the top guys.
Bret helped kill all of wcw instead
There was a tag team match I think I saw on Thunder with Rey and Eddy doing some really flippy shit. I didn't expect it from Eddy back then cause he was all roided up after that car wreck.
I went to the 1st thunder ever, and some others
Only if Nash is there