When the cashier lady at store says "Have a good day" does she really mean it?

When the cashier lady at store says "Have a good day" does she really mean it?

Attached: doomer.png (400x400, 131K)

she is making minimum wage to be treated like shit by foreigners, what do you think?

Does it matter?



Cashier lady here. When you say "y-you to", do you mean it?

do you happen to work at woolworths?

My handler talk for me at store i have severe oral disability

Yes, when I tell the cute cashier at the supermarket that I hope she has a nice day too, I hope that when she gets off work, she gets to go home and get good and fucked by a nice-looking chad who makes her squeal as she cums.

Oh fuck yeah baby

I think your oral abilities are fine, young man. Why don't you test them out on this?


I work in retail.

Hell no.


Don't you fucking cringe my posts.

No, I don't care about anybody. I just want to get my shit and go back to my neet safehaven

When people say they'll stop watching WWE, do they really mean it?
.... Think about it

Those who say it never do. Those who do never say it

I used to say "see you next week" every fucking week. Then I said I was done. THEN I was actually done. Now I just watch RoH nonsense and play vidya

why the fuck would you watch roh of all companies? It's more bland than vanilla. I say this as someone who was a complete ROHbot from 05 to 2010

Don't make posts that make me cringe ya virgin

No we're secretly hoping you get in a car crash after you leave

So am I

Attached: image.png (517x626, 151K)

Huh? What ya unzippin?


Fuck this fucking place. You make Reddit look normal

MAMMIA MIA ya seething huh wouldnt ding-dong diddly wanna ding-dong diddly ding-dong diddly ding-dong diddly be ya

That would be a good day if it proved fatal