>breaking kayfabe this fucking hard
this is your champion nujapanlets? no wonder your american show can’t draw flys to shit
>breaking kayfabe this fucking hard
this is your champion nujapanlets? no wonder your american show can’t draw flys to shit
Based Goodblade.
>WhiteNZ right there in the handle
Goddamn man.
The guy SHOT people! If he had stabbed them CHADblade would put him over.
How exactly is this breaking kayfabe?
dude's living the gimmick and OP is too much of a brainlet e-drone to know it
Cant wait for Okarder to destroy this geek
Unironically really want to fuck the Prime Minister of New Zeland
This doesn't break kayfabe. Jay White 's character is a bad guy but that doesn't mean he suports people being shot for a shoot.
is there anything more pathetic than saccharine post-massacre hashtags
Everyone missed his warning.
For the last time if you care about kayfabe, stay the fuck off of Wrestlers twitter pages.
lel Gay White getting flagged like fuck
He tweets while unironically working for one of Trump's only friends
Being heel doesn’t mean you must ignore serious shit like terrorist attacks happening in your home country.
>A member of the religion of hate taking the moral high ground
>religion of hate
But nobody is talking about Christianity
Since when was the pime minister of New Zealand a ghoul from fallout?
He should have been shot while on patrol in Chicago.
Pretty sure this is something Switchblade would do if he wasn't given the IWGP championship
>Defending a 1400 year old delusion
Cringe, Atheism is the only moral high ground
holy cringe
Nice mental illness. Are ya committing suicide soon?
>Run an oppressive socialist state that, among much other bullshit, furthers western culture's persecution of men
>Claim that anyone who disagrees with you isn't human
Can't imagine how people ended up getting shot. Damn shame this cunt wasn't capped instead of some random Muslims.
>oppressive socialist state
brainwashed stupid burger
He's mad the guy didn't use a knife
>If this mosque shooting ends cringeblade posting once and for then honestly it was worth it.
Kiwishoot seething
He stole his gimmick from Big Knife Manju, he'll be stabbed himself soon enough. Quote the Streetshitter, nevermore.
LMAO Who Japan is gonna have him drop the title now. Can't have your world champ be from a fucked up place shooting up innocent people, that's a bad look for your company. Cringeblade is over.
>Work for a living
>Get taxes out the asshole to pay for gibs
>Laws against whatever the government considers "hate speech"
>Told you're a bad person the entire time
Yeah, NZ totally isn't an Orwellian shithole in the style of Mother England. GTFO scrub
>antisocial knife brandishing manipulator
>sad when a lot of people from his homeland gey shot up
He's a cunt, not a monster. Praising a shooting for nuclear heat is a very rosky path to go down.
That said, fuck mussies.
>So Dave tell us about the shooting
but they've had loads of american champs
I’m an atheist too but Jesus Christ don’t fucking spread that shit like you’re some sort of prophet retard. It makes you look like a fedoralord
Based haider putting rajah.com over
Good, hopefully hirshomoot can close /pol/ now and send those jobbers to octo chan
Ali beating Lesnar for the title next week on Raw confirmed!
Octochan did it lil redditor
>Jesus Christ
Nice try Christfag. Atheism is the scientific, therefore logical choice for the deep and rational thinking.
ITT we thank /pol/ for drawing the house
> shooting happens
> “wow this is a tragedy that should’ve never happened”
> everyone forgets about it
> repeat
So it was a neo-pagan?