Name a more based moment in wrestling

Name a more based moment in wrestling.
You can't.

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That is one based legdrop

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Vince is so fucking based when he wants to be, why does he allow current
WWE to be so shit? Brain damage from drug abuse?

>Announces Q4 record revenues yet again
If it ain't ding-dong diddly broke, don't ding-dong diddly fix it son

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Bex did literally the same thing and you all hate on her. Only time I'm going to call you guys incels.

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Okay, maybe not all of Yea Forums but a good percentage.

>different contexts
>different people involved
>hurr but da same move!

ya dumb?

Because she is cringe and ugly.

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that's a lot of (you)s. mega heat

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I like Bex, but this is an absurd comparison.

That bitch is a potato.

Its sucks that WWE will never get a camera shot with a crowd like that again.

It was cringe both times, douchebag. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

They do. It's called Wrestlemania. The same event where that clip was taken from.

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The difference is history. Hogan both testified against Vince at the steroid case (though he really covered for Vince in his testimony) and worked w/Bischoff and Nash to kill Raw when it was at its nadir. If not for the screwiob, Austin and fucking up Goldberg's title run, they had a chance. This was Vince getting back, though in a kayfabe manner.

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what does this ding-dong diddly mean?

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it's amazing how that webm will never fail to make me suffer

Based the man working the obese anons into a seething shoot?

He knew the PC sjw were coming.

Every match Vince was involved in was based. Just shows that charisma and character work is far more important in pro wrestling than great technical skills and athleticism.


>Every match Vince was involved in was based

Bro Vince was in some of the worst mania matches in history

What are you on about? The matches with Shane, HBK and Hogan were all great. The only bad one was against Bret, and that was down to Bret's limitations.

There's probably five guys who did this in high school gyms this week alone

summer of 89

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I'd say you'd never see Roger Goddell go into an NFL game and attempt a PAT. Then again, if he did, the other 21 guys on the field would all tackle him at once, from both teams.

>revenue = profit

Undertaker slapped Vince with a shovel

>White knighting a talentless cunt
She isn't going to have sex with you


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Waifufags are mentally ill.