What ya ding-dong diddly say?

what ya ding-dong diddly say?


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Other urls found in this thread:


Watch Batista v Triple H main event

No one is star aside (aside from Bautista)
Unlike i may main nigger chadblade

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>Please indicate your interest in this announced match: Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey vs. Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair (Triple Threat Match)


"So hyped for this. Feel like it's history-making.

For this to main event WrestleMania would be incredible, and would make myself and my daughter so proud. To witness the first ever women's WrestleMania Main Event to end the show would truly be a once in a lifetime moment that will be remembered by the WWE Universe for years to come."

Attached: 1549511560634.jpg (400x400, 45K)

Attached: wm35 survey.png (939x599, 47K)

>hhh vs Batista
>Who the fuck is batista

>Women’s Match
Could have actually be somewhat interesting but the past couple of months have been so convoluted and bullshit that it’s hard to give a shit. WWE somehow turned one of the simplest storylines you could write into a mess of twists, authority moves and bullshit
>Brock vs Rollins
Will probably be Brock’s worst match because I honestly don’t see Seth being able to do anything new that AJ, Finn, Roman, etc haven’t already done with Brock and won’t be able to out do them.
>Batista vs HHH
Literally “Ah fuck we didn’t really have any MANIA MOMENT matches planned and have to scrap something together last minute” the match

I told WWE Seth Rollins was ding-dong diddy cringe.


Man this made me realize that I don't really care about any of the Mania matches, wtf bros I'm going to be disappointed by this event

I did it and tried to not sound as smarkish as possible.

I didnt care about any of the matches in the survey at all


Christ the state of this mania
Do the casuals even care for this shite ?

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am i doing it righ, lads? i'm trying to redpill wwe

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voted extremely interested for bex

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Do you think they will take into consideration my desire to see Becky, Charlotte and Ronda’s butthole?

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begging ya to have sex

also put "seethe rollins is not a credible threat to the beast incarnate" kek

Attached: h.png (955x374, 28K)

I wrote the same thing lol

Calm down watery-eyes.

Don't consider suicide the RAW after WM please.

Calm down. Have sex with bex.

Attached: D0g4MPXXgAEKkdJ.jpg (746x847, 44K)

>Hunter vs. Batista
Somewhat Interested
Somewhat Interested
Not at all interested
>Shane vs. Miz
Not at all interested

Hopefully the intern has some laughs over the shit I wrote

follow the based nash advice and get laid, bexcel

Attached: 1506995168069.gif (245x145, 1014K)

Others were
>Seth Rollins is an antidraw shitter that wants to be Kenny Omega so bad
>Woman are not a draw

Attached: Screenshot_20190314-192209_Samsung Internet.jpg (1439x1538, 348K)

Thats not PG my guy this is a family board

who is Hana wrestling?

So glad I gave it the lowest amount of interest multiple times and buried Becky as stale kek

>Seff vs bork laser
Seff is a good athlete, but has no ring psychology and wont be able to ring general bork to a good match even though bork likes putting guys like Seff over
>womeme match
Let them do what they like, have Charlotte general
>Shane vs Miz
Cut it
>Gaytch vs Dave
Clearly the stip is to hide the lack of mobility, if they don't bring back a piece of the RA era it'll be shit.

Calm down.

Have sex with bex

The WrestleMania main eventer.
Number 1 contender
Ronnie's disaster
Charlotte's Dis-arm-her

But, ultimately The Man. And the woman that runs this board up until April 7th.

Calm down. Have SEX WITH BEX

Attached: 20190310_211858.jpg (1066x598, 316K)

kek I did some form of this about 20 times on VPNs

Attached: becky boring.jpg (3081x845, 180K)

That's sad. I hope you're joking.

>Based The Man Working The Obese Yea Forumsies Into A Seething Shoot
Record Revenues Sex with Bex the new Roman.

Attached: D0fqpINWwAIq6B4.gif (268x350, 2.96M)

holy based

worked simps

based user working the waifutist


Attached: Bexcels.jpg (720x960, 67K)

Everyone will have sex with Bex at WrestleMania 35. It will be a celebration of Becky Lynch's hard work and passion throughout the years, and for becoming the most interesting star with huge genuine reactions since Bryan 5 years ago.

And Yea Forums will have no choice but to watch The Man become the RAW Women's Champion.


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I love breathing with the chadblade

Not Interested in all 4.


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