Who should Kurt's last match be?

Who should Kurt's last match be?

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jason jordan.

It should be Cena but it’s going to be Corbin

EC3/ Drew WolfpacIntyre/ Cristiano Ronaldo/ Henry Cavill

Cena is the obvious and best answer so it’ll be something awful like Corbin

This. Cena being Angle's last match make sit full circle and too much sense. That's why they won't do it.

Screencap this.

*makes it

Shelton Benjamin would be a sentimental favorite for me. Going back to Team Angle and Shelton's first push.

But the second option is John Cena, who I think it will be

It's going to be Taker. Screencap this.

His first WWE opponent, Shawn Stasiak.

>Finn Balor is not even considered an option

Probably Taker. Wish it was Cena desu

If WWE weren't such bitches, Joe. I doubt they'd want to acknowledge Kurts TNA run though.

Cena. But retirement matches hardly mean anything anymore when they keep coming back.

It should be Lesnar and will be Lesnar

Me. I’d love the honors of putting him over one last time before his retirement.

This hurts

It should always be Lesnar. Angle Vs Lesnar was THE Ruthless Aggression era feud

It should be Cena but they'll just put Angle in the jobber battle royal.

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President Xi


Gaytch will book himself and bury Kurt with a pedigree.

Cena makes the most sense.

Jason Jordan also but *ONLY* if they have JJ win with an Angle Slam/Ankle Lock, as a symbol of him passing it down.

Kinda like Seff beating HHH with the pedigree a few years ago, but less gay

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Zach Gowan

Cena so it would be full circle.



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Cena v Samoa Joe v Angle v Shelton Benjamin

It shouldn't be Cena since he's barely there any more and would be a waste of a rub. I do like the idea of Joe doing it, esp for the US title, but he should still lose rather than what they did with Stratus.


What if the battle royale is actually a gauntlet match where they have Kurt face them all in a row going to the least attached to him to the most, last man being Jason Jordan who pins him after a final emotional Angle Slam?
Can you see it Yea Forums, everyone coming in the ring after the match, hugging him and elevating him and placing the gold medal on his neck one last time to the collective chant of "YOU SUCK!"?
It's corny but I know I'd cry like a bitch.

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It was obviously meant to be jason jordan.

This spot was going to be built up for nearly 2 years

ur mom

