Based Tama Tonga working this literal who in to an absolute seethe

Based Tama Tonga working this literal who in to an absolute seethe

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It's real

>deleted his twitter
Was it autism?

Mike Mendoza isn’t on the right side of the history

Tama is a shitter whenever they try to give him a serious singles push but I like the guy. This shit was funny, he got this guy fuming.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, did he really? That was quick.

Who the fuck is mike mendoza?

The STATE of american education

Is this shitter not Puerto Rican? Despite what they think, that's not America.

>sand nigger
Mike Mendoza confirmed for /pol/ then. Also, Tama is a coconut nigger, Mike.

literally and unironically who? Google doesnt even know this fag is so unknown. It knows every queer who ever used twitter and doesnt know this fag. Kill yourself OP on livestream and I will gladly do the sentence you fucking pig of a human

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Why do you simps get so worked when you don't know who someone is? Literally no one knows who this is, it was Tama working some retard

Holy fucking worked

fucking worked and seething loser

I'm working your mom's into a handicap match later tonight, I'll record it for ya little guy

My mom already has plans with tyrone and kunyae sorry little white dick

thats some trumpfs america bullshit wtf this country really went downhill

My mom's dead, so I don't care.

Latinos are even more Racist than your average /pok/ack & society doesn't hate them or guilt-trip them so they have free Reign to do this shit.

>Latino being Racist
>Trumps fault

time to die

Yeah, go ahead jabrone.

>there are people who actually dislike tama tonga.
Tama tongs easily the 5th best thing NJPW has going for them right now.
>Tama Tonga
In that order

>no u
die phoneposter. for the good of 4channel.

One last pathetic banter before ya off yaself, jabrone?

>he cant afford nice things and never socializes with the outside world.

wasnt me, thats how bad youre seething and losing

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>implying a phone is more than a pc
if you're a nigger
>goes on 4channel outside of his home
>no u
again, time to die.
doesn't matter. If you phonepost, you can get the rope.

because whites like you gargle black cum for breakfast everyday

>mass replying faggot



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>jungle monkey
Can you get called on racism while simultaneously playing the race card?

Why are you thinking about guys with cum in their mouths?

Based as fuck

>replying to 3 people is a mass reply

Take the L already, jabrone. Accept your defeat.


>phoneposter thinks he is ever a """winner""" in any capacity

>getting worked into a shoot by phonefags
back to developmental, simp

>i was just pretending
time to die

Based Tama working this mark into career suicide

What the fuck

I wasn't involved in any of your schizophrenic conversation, partner. Please buy a brain.


He's a coco Bulbasaur tho. Dumbass can't even get his Bulbasaurs right.

It tastes good accepting the death of your race

Temptation Island is fucking kino
bingo hall shitter just worked himself out of a job

Funny you completely left out the part where I said you dont socialize with the outside world.

retard monkey

Looks like a fake account meaning Tama isn't based as he got worked by some neckbeard in his basement.

Tama tonga BTFO

>thats some trumpfs america bullshit wtf this country really went downhill

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It's a fake account, Mike Mendoza no habla ingles

fucking based