Ever do wrasslin moves irl?

ever do wrasslin moves irl?
i remember when i was in high school i got my bully, switched around to his back, and gave him a brutal german that knocked his ass cold

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I lead a fight I had in middle school with Austin's running tackle and punch combo and as security was dragging me from the kid's bloody face I flipped the bird to camera side and let out a "OH HELL YEEEEAH!"

Nearly broke a kids neck when I got him up for a powerbomb and my mate gave him a neckbreaker on the way down


I got banned from Judo because I put a kid in a crippler crossface.

Not really wrasslin related but I did a MGS3 CQC slam to some kid into the mud. He started sperging out and began picking up dog shit and flinging it at people.

Hit my friend with a Owen hart piledriver for punching me in the face.

Probably have done loads but can't remember

My go to was the Million dollar dream.
Put those simp asses to sleep.

Stone Cold Stuner on a bully, he was out of school for a week since I injured his neck

>middle school
>autist kid who always wears big puffy winter coat and sits in the back is getting stuff thrown at him as usual when the teacher is out
>today he's had enough
>picks up his chair and goes fucking berserk, screeching and chasing the bullies around the room
>hits an unrelated girl in the face
>gets one bully pretty good in the back
>people stopped throwing shit at him after he got back from his suspension

I tried sweet chin musicing the local bully when i was a kid but he grabbed my leg threw me on the floor and kicked me till the teacher had to pull him away from me.

I heard multiple news stories during the 90s about people using stunner/diamond cutter to stop attacks or crimes. Moves so based even reality sells for them.

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Did you forget to tune up the band?

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just mainly messing around and yardtarding with my friends
had one in a firemans carry and did the airplane spin and i lost my balance and wound up samoan dropping him and knocking my head silly
also ddt'd some kid straight on the grass with lots of snap, can't believe i didn't break his neck
that and a bunch of chokeslams and rock bottoms on the trampoline

I hit a kid with the rko, it had no effect whatsoever

one time my buddy had me pinned down so i took a page off of the nature boy's book and gave him one of these.Me and my friends would shoot wrestle each other so i have applied and have been on the reciving end of most submission moves.Also i have been side slammed on a concrete floor which feel very nice

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Giving a shoot piledriver or DDT would probably legit kill someone

I once piledrove a kid when i was in first grade or something, but i botched it cause he was fat and i didnt lift him him that much, but the fucker as still bleeding afterwards

Gave a kid when i was 11 or so a piledriver. He got woozy for a good 10 minutes.

Any shoot move that brings the head to the ground would kill with enough impact.

It is what killed my brother.

way to stand up for yourself

rear naked choke, sleeper hold or whatever joe calls it is the realest most effective shit, they might die though so only use in defensive scenarios

Some meth head tried a running tackle at me and took all his momentum and shoot ddt’d him onto the blacktop. He was out cold for 45 minutes laying in the middle of the street. He also sprained his neck and crushed his voice box to where he has a permanent hoarse/ whisper like voice. He’s been real friendly towards me ever since.

They lucked out, today they would have been shot instead of slobberknockered with a chair

I got bullied a lot because I was short and skinny. Three bullies in particular in middle school. One time after school they started pushing me around, I got angry, and tried a crescent kick on the big one.

Anyway I missed and fell on my ass and they beat the shit out of me. When they got out of 2 week suspension they came after me again. This time I tried for a clothesline and it didn’t do anything and they beat the shit outta me again. This time they dragged me behind the schoolbuses, bashed out a few of my teeth, then sodomized me and forced me to give them blowjobs. When I tried to bite down they knocked me out and I woke up covered in their shit. They finally got sent to juvie at this point.

Hi Kev

My name is Matt and I’m already regretting posting that. Can a mod delete it? I shared a bit too much I think

delete it yourself, retard

We used to do this low blow to each other in grade school just for the lulz. Also a friend of mine did the umaga submission where he was pinching the shoulder of a kid. The kid kept taking it like a pro. He had a bad bruise after.

Did a DDT to someone, they ended up with a fucked neck and a broken nose.

DDTs and stunners aplenty on the trampoline with buddies. Swantons and frog splashes as well.

One of the things on my figurative bucket list is to spear tackle someone at full sprinting speed.

i did a chair to the face followed by an icepick to the liver in one of my fights in grade school
beat of all the guy i was fighting with fot all the punishment because of our schools first punch rule

Don't do this guys, you could break your neck like that guy

My bully was pissing me off once, so I did a 619 around a lightpost and hit him right in the face, then put him in a figure four leglock.

Once in middle school I did the big show punch to a bully that kept tormenting me and (mostly) my friends.
The best thing is that teachers probably knew he had it coming because I got away without consequences, only some teacher came in my classroom and literally said "Just don't do it anymore"

i'm not sure how. You'd risk breaking your tailbone or compressing your spine taking a flat-butt bump like that.

>not wearing springs on your ass so you just bounce back up

one time my school bully shoved me into a locker and I had finally had enough so I ran up from behind, spun him around and hit him with a rock bottom. the whole hallway started cheered and carried me in the air. I got voted prom king and my bully killed himself. thanks dwayne

Yeah almost on all of my friends birthday parties whose parents could afford to rent a bouncy castle we use to do all the finishers to whoever was standing in the middle, I always loved to do the chokeslam



You mever really could slam a tornado or dry up a sea huh

Why the fuck would you try that?

Based German suplex user, I’ve clothes lined someone once and pulled off a German suplex on a different occasion.

That was a belly to belly, you pin head.