cringe at the "impact bad" drones desu
Voices of Anti-WWE
They haven’t deserved to win the award since 2015. AAA has been a bigger train wreck.
That's anyone with a brain droney
so people who actually have brains then? Got ya
Hi Rich
The only thing bad about impact is that if you're watching it on twitch, the host keeps interrupting. Or there's cringe "commercials." There hasn't been a major LOLTNA thing in years. You want shitty promotions? AAA, LU, ROH or WWE. I'd throw AEW up there too, but it's just a t-shirt company
That's Captain to you.
These nerds actually believe the Slammys are real and legit too
I can assure you that they don't, bud
They are damn ding-dong diddly real ya goof I'll fight ya
Prove it
AAA was kino last year tho
>spent all their early years shitting on CAWdy
>block each other on twitter
>CAWdy gained relevancy by aligning with the Bucks
>OMG CAWdy will now save pro wrestling we are now best friends and sing his praises because he gives us workrate matches and VIP passes to his press conference
What cucks
Wtf, 2018 Impact was the best product TNA had in almost a decade
They still shit on his wrestling.
>What cucks
They do not praise him. They say he sucks in the ring. Rich was there live at ALL IN and he said that the match with Cody was not for him (read - it fucking sucked), but people were going insane for it.
Joe is saying how good IMPACT is behind the paywall. But I guess, you think they are just workrate smarks.
He likes it, altho he hates everything with Rosemary and Su Yung and Dark Allie.
Handsome Captain.
WWE is the worse show on tv right now.
>Thin skin Rich is unironically lurking and posting here
Wwe is worse than bad right now, it's fucking boring. An actively bad show will at least have hilariously awful moments or a crowd shitting on it. Wwe is so fucking milquetoast right now that the only fans paying to get in are too lethargic to even react.
Its even crazier that we are barely 3 months into the year and they've already squandered so much potential in that time frame. Why did they waste the women's tag belts on a c-show event? Why did they call up so many NXT guys with zero real plans for them? Why is the US title getting hot potatoed all over Smackdown?
You know shit is bad when fucking 205 Live has the most consistent writing in the company.
Dude, that's the HD 4k widescreen hardcam side! Strong enough to pick up the abortion scar on Becky's tummy. Unlike her baby, the camera needs a wide birth!
rent free
VOW rides wwe dick all the time. Tf are you talking about?
Based Cody!
>decide to watch impact
>interrupts a match right in the middle to show a completely different match from an impact 10+ years ago with no reason or context then picks right back up in the middle of the first match
Impact is pretty shit m8
Holy fucking kek
ya seethin?
it's called a commercial
you're a spic aren't you?
don't ask, just a hunch
Don't you have Joe's dick to suck?