

Attached: Cigarette_DS.jpg (3019x2000, 490K)

Based Cigarettes going over every time

imagine consuming nicotine in the current year kek

Smoking is unironically cool and girls who smoke are sexy

Lungsetty never drew a dime

*Types this as he eats his processed food with added hormones, steroids and gmos

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Smoking hasn't been cool in decades you fucking boomer. Kids are vaping nowadays.

Imagine being a wrestling fan and not chewing Copenhagen or Skoal (Skoal being pussy shit for AEW and indy fans instead of E-Chads). Also
>not snorting cocaine or stimulants and developing a cigarette habit
lmao your life

Tobacco is good for you

This user is WOKE. Also why I smoke Camels as my doctor recommended them.

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based & redpilled. they put so much shit in our food. also your smartphone in your pocket is making you infertile, the pollution from cars & factories is giving you lung damage, etc. might as well smoke who gives a fuck. only exception is living in cities like NYC where packs are $15 - not worth it, and if you live in some small comfy town in Switzerland in which case don't smoke just enjoy your amazing life instead.

I smoke just to work non smokers into a shoot

Nicotine is a nootropic is so it's based
*vapes like a boss*

this. i don't even inhale. i just make sure to blow it in their general direction on the sidewalk to watch them seethe

buncha little lung simps on this board

>Other things are bad so I should main line some more bad.
Imagine being this much of a waster.

Vaping is safer...

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they don't smell cool.
this. cigarettes are a crazy dose. I don't drink but it's like if alcohol only came in poptop 22oz cans of vodka.

> Shortens your lifespan so you don't have to exist on this planet for as long
> Makes you smell so people avoid you
> Makes you feel good
> Looks cool

what's the problem exactly?

Remember when hookahs were a thing?

ahh poor little lungs
*in a great big woorrllddd*

>not smoking cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?
>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Is life a competition about who lives the longest?
>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, except if you're underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.
>I-Its expensive!!!
Who's forcing you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

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Girls are still attracted by it regardless of what they say on twitter. Vapers are mocked.

Ya seethe

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>not stepping out of parties or events to take a smoke break
>not looking up at the night sky as you take a long, deep drag
>not listening to the car engines trailing off into the distance as you exhale

being a smoker is pure kino. anti-smoking is pleb shit.

also offering a girl a dart or lighter is the easiest way in to her pants

Grampa just because Barb thinks the cigarettes are cool doesn't mean the 20 something American sluts riding black dick even know what Marlboro is. You don't have a ding-dong diddly clue what girls today like so ya need to ding-dong diddly stop.

Anti-smokers think their bing bing wahoo and internet debates with Christians would land them a woman.

Anti-smokers will live in cities like New York and Chicago breathing in car exhaust all day and not see a contradiction.

based cig chad

Based OP working the dregs of life into a sputtering, hacking, ash-covered shoot

Or walking outside with a cup of coffee and lighting up, or being hammered with bros and standing around smoking telling stories, or pretty much anything involving a cig.

Good times, quit smoking and drinking cold turkey though same day 4 months ago, miss it every day brehs

Chain smoking is retarded. Social smoking, however, is a seven star habit.

Fucking based

this is based and why i love cig smokers, taking extra breaks at work, blowing their smoke on people and just not giving a fuck. i dont smoke but i really do like them. fuck these pussy sjw queers

Based Rööki burning the logs

Smoking cigarettes is pretty aesthetic desu

boomer education

>all these brainlet smokers in here in full on cope mode


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You're no better if you live around motor vehicles

Never underestimate the human ability to do something completely pointless, retarded, and self-harming then turn around and produce a laundry list of half-baked justifications for doing it

>that flimsy cope
who knew smokers were this insecure and easily triggered
have a cigarette and calm down lmao

Based. My last girlfriend was an ex-smoker. I got her back into them because I thought it was sexy, but dumped her because her teeth started to get yellow. She still smokes a pack a day apparently.

>ignoring every other point in this thread
Have sex


>every other point in the thread
>anything more than flimsy cope
If ya seethe any harder ya gonna have a heart attack

Dumbest decision I ever made was to start smoking at a late age. I was 19. Smoked for a decade. When I started, quite a few of my friends, coworkers and acquaintances smoked. As the years went on, more and more stopped as it became uncool and prices skyrocketed to twelve dollars a pack here in Massachusetts. I couldn't stop, though. Hated being the only one that would have to go outside in the cold to smoke, and then coming in smelling like shit. About five months ago I got put on some different anti-depressants and crazy pills, one being bupropion. It all but eliminated my urge to smoke. I can smoke one butt a day. A pack now can last me three weeks. The only time I feel like smoking more than that is if I'm fucked up on painkillers or coke and in a social situation with other smokers.

TL;DR Smoking was cool when I started, but I'm glad now that I've almost completely given it up.

Why do you have an issue with smoking and not car exhaust?

Why are you so insecure and easily triggered?

If youre fucked up on drugs or alcohol its ok to smoke. It doesnt count.

Not that user but
Ya seetbe

Answer me.

>tfw Australian cigarette prices

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>all this upset crying
So much for smokers being cool and calm and not insecure and easily triggered

Just admit you got BTFO.

i just took metaxalone. is this based or cringe?

I don't smoke but keep seething ya slapdick

They dont smell cool, they smell kool

>I'm not mad let me continue to reply telling you just how not mad I am
I guess cigarettes don't make you cool after all, in fact seems like they make you as sensitive as a tumblr kike

only thing I smoke is CHRONIC, cigettys BTFO eternally

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Ya ding-dong diddly seem to be seething like a tumblirina though?

Yet you are also still replying. BTFO again.

>brainlet smoker thinks you can't dislike more than one thing at once
>comparing something that actually helps everyone in life to smoking which is pointless and retarded

Car exhaust kills.

>Pointless and retarded
So is wrestling, yet here you are.

I don't watch wrestling, but the autists that do watch it get entertainment out of it. You look like more of a brainlet with every retarded post you make

>girls who smoke are sexy
No they aren't, they stink and have yellow teeth

>quit smoking and drinking cold turkey though
why would you do that if it is so 'le based and cool'?

>wanting tyrone's sloppy seconds
i hate kids