What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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What does the N stand for?

They never got this

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No catchprashss, no cool logos, no meme chant.

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Cena going over at Summerslam (2010?) killed them. Pretty sure he's even said on record that it was a mistake in hindsight.

Half the group had no talent. Daniel Bryan was released before they were officially the Nexus.

Since there's seven of them, my guess is niggers


Are any of them still even in the WWE?

Slater and technically Otunga


none of them could do a promo. Barrett was boring but the best of the group.

tfw you thought michael tarver was unironically neat

Only right answer

They debuted in the very worst of the cenawinslol rampage. Never stood a chance.

Dude had Edge and Jericho tell him it wasn't a good idea just to discard their opinions so he could get glory and bury a half dozen wrestlers with potential, the cheek of him to think that an oops cuts it

>No catchphrases
You're either Nexus or against us
>No cool logos
I dig the giant N, the armband and the other Nexus shirt looked slick
>No meme chants
This was befor those were a thing

Cena literally buried them.

None individual.

>"Oopsie poopsie, I did a fuck uppsie! Sry fur burying your careers! UWU"

If Hunter had buried those guys we'd never have heard the end of it, but for some reason Cena gets a pass.

Nexus was actually white hot and wwe had the potential to build up a major heel faction. Yet Cena refused to put them over, and killed them off in one night.
Ryback soon after got injured and missed like a year.

Tarver got into a backstage incident with Cena and was let go so after recovering from an injury.

Barrett got over as Bad New Barrett. But for some reason they told him to stop doing the gimmick because he was getting too over.
Otunga became a lawyer for wwe and stopped wrestling.

Slater became a massive jobber.

Gabriel while great in the ring had zero charisma. Last I heard he was Adam Rose's bunny before he got released.

Forgot Darren Young.
Got somewhat over with Titus, but they were split up. Given a shit gimmick soon after, also was always injured.

Bryan getting fired killed it before it started. He was obviously going to be the workhorse and probably have a long term power struggle with Barrett but they had no real top talent without him

Yeah, because they were all shitters

This is pre-US title revival Cena.
He was absolutely buried for it at the time. We've moved on because most of them ended up being complete shitters.

The past decade has so many good factions that they refused to let prosper that it's almost insulting
>The Corre was their second chance at Nexus kino but they screwed the pooch again
>Straight Edge Society got its legs kicked out from under it before it got going
>Wyatt Family fizzled out from shit booking
>League of Nations was all their good foreign talent that they were wasting put together so they could be wasted as a stable
>Sanity the champs in catering or something
>Forgotten Sons in NXT are goners if they don't go over in the Dusty Classic

LOL, that sums it all up perfectly.



nothing its kino the story of how much of a failure the whole nexus saga was is based desu

>cena literally buries wade under an avalanche of chairs
That really made me seethe

Cena buried them

The Summerslam where Team Cena beat them pretty much destroyed them. Then whatever heat they had left was taken away when Cena joined them and made them look like idiots again when he left.

I'm still waiting for them to explain to me why they helped Kane out in the Kane/Undertaker buried alive match in 2011.

And don't tell me "the bigger picture", I want a straight answer.

It helped in the grande scheme of things

>cena buried them

You guys know Cena doesn't do booking right?

They had some weird "higer power" angle that they just randomly dropped. Kane was either going to be it or a red herring.

The correct answer

Nexus were supposed to go over, but Cena talked to Vince and changed his mind. Edge talks about it on Jericho's podcast.

Had less to do with Cena than people think.

Vince had a choice going into the fall as to who his top heel would be: Wade Barrett or The Miz. Vince was eyeing The Miz for the top heel spot ever since he had the MITB briefcase.

When it came time for Orton to drop the title, Vince did a hard pass on the unknown Barrett, regardless of how hot the Nexus was, and decided that The Miz was going to be his guy.

People who blame Cena constantly forget about the looming threat of Miz cashing in and you can't do that when a heel is champ.

Who would have thought Slater would be the Michael?

not a single draw

What happened to The Corre?

any more info on the incident between Tarver and Cena?

Cena broke Tarver's arm with a sloppy chair shot. When they went to the back Tarver called him out on it. Cena was said to have just blown it off like he gave no fucks. Tarver (a former golden globe boxer) told Cena he would fuck him up if he ever caught him out on the street. Tarver then was sent back down to developmental to rehab. Got cleared and worked a few match to knock the rust off, and was strangely fired out of the blue. No excuse was ever given to why he was fired.


Literally Cena








MODS, take him away boys

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Exactly. Did nothing and people barely remember it was a thing

I remember they had the same theme performed by a different artist and style every other week.

Anyone who watched the first season of NXT and saw him dominate most of the physical challenges even though he looked like an goofy unknown ginger runt next to the rest.

That was 3MB

But Wade is now General Manager of World of Sport Wrestling so who's laughing now?

Actually, yeah, probably still Cena

it woz all part ov tha biggah pichah :^)