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It was dead the moment the guys are the forefront of it all fucked off and used the exposure to start their own promotion.

remember when Meltzer told them to go to San Fran because he's in San Jose and they couldn't sell out?

thanks for killing the western expansion Kenny!


The entire floor sold out immediately, sad I couldn't get one down there. Still got my tickets.

Kenni doesn't owe them anything. He fulfilled his contract.

they're just mad their japanese guys didn't draw and the japanese audience wanted to see the white guys instead, but since they weren't paying kenny and company their fair share, they jumped ship and now their ship is regressing to the bingo halls from whence they came

>Meltzer indirectly killed his favorite company

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This, A&W's whole exposure and interest was based on the idea that they'll work with NuJapan, but now that that won't happen, both of them are fucked, one only has chinks and a edgelord and the other ones got trannies and faggots

Puro Twitter onions boys couldn't cope with the idea that the ELITE were putting asses in seats when it was the clear and obvious truth. Cody moves the needle overseas, Naito and Tanahashi don't.

Dallas is a bad market anyway. They should have gone to Austin for the huge onions population or San Antonio for the Mexicans

>favorite company
At the end of the day he favored the elite fags over NJPW as a whole

Aside from getting buried by the filter, you're 100% right. This would've done better in Austin.
Would've been a bomb scare in Houston or San Antonio though.

>le elite didn't draw

Kenny drew.

Not true, he saw what everybody is noticing now, Kenny and The Elite were the draws. Not Bullet Club. NJPW management is very naive if they think that they can continue their growth on the west without Kenny, The Elite and Jericho.

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>Kenny and The Elite


Wow the gay pride festival drew some queers to sell some tees

Only in America

If Harold can convince everyone else to at least pretend to not hate Chinese/Koreans/Filipino people they can make a lot of money from that Market given how those gooks no matter how insecure they are about "Muh warcrimes" worship Japanese Pop culture

Despite being a shitter Cody is a big draw.

Plenty of seats available despite the tarps.

Who the fuck will even be in the ring?


Keep Japanese wrestling in Japan and Lucha Libre in Mexico

>The Elite didn't draw
Was that really a thing people said? You'd have to be blind and stupid or at least dangerously delusional to believe it.

>jap fans want gaijins and stars
>gaijin fans want japs and meme wrestlers

puh, that was hard to figure out.

leave your young lion shitters and grandpas out of prominent roles.

Yes, people let their bias against Kenny or the Bucks blind them.

I can fathom paying a ticket to see the Cucks in some fucking meme match on the undercard at a G1 show. I know there are people out there- obese, smelly people, that would unironically buy a ticket just to see that but I feel like I have nothing in common with them on a human level so I'm glad those people will no longer be going to New Japan shows.

some fucking reason a ring side seat is 300 FUCKING DOLLARS When a ringside seat at the NJPW cup show today is $85 at most, Tho it's the first night of the G1 so i expect it to sell out due how to stacked those cards are when they announces the card

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The Elite bought their own tickets. I have two lower level seats for sale on stubhub at facevalue. They arent selling. Double or Nothing is not the in demand show they make it out to be.

>when they announces the card
Good job retard.

Sup Harold

Their expansion will be fine as long as they show some fucking patience and build things up slowly.

On another note the UK show is like %70 sold out.

The card isnt going to be announced until Dominion. This show isnt selling out.

Only way to save it is if they announce asap that Liger will have his last match in the US on this show. People won't be able to fly in on such short notice when they announce the card in June.

No he is not, he wasn't shit until he joined bullet club.

Why was it called Western Expansion when America is to the east of Japan?

>No hes not
>ROH match against Kenny
>KOPW Threeway

>Their expansion will be fine
They couldn't fill a small arena with Omemega and the Cucks, you think they're gonna be fine without these meme wrestlers? The American expansion was a mistake, the sooner they purge it the better. The best they could do is to focus on the UK and Australia where NJPW is more over.

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Im from AUS and iv'e seen a decent amount Bullet club and Los t-shirts and hats

Because America is a part of the Western Hemisphere.

>UK and Australia
Unironically would be better than burning money and resources in the US. They have wrestlers who would draw the houses there, that is Ospreay and Jay White. Add Okada and you'll earn more than the American shows.

That show was more a "fuck you" to wwe. People also forgot before they sold it out. They heavily implied Punk was coming back and also announced Rey at the same time and had Kenny vs Okada and some elite drones legit thought they were getting Kenny vs Okada
>ROH match against Kenny
Kenny only was coming to states 3-5 times a year and had months of build
>KOPW Threeway
KOPW didn't sell out. Kazuchika Okada vs Evil outsold it the year before
Built on Jericho vs Kenny. We still don't even know Cody's match

I was talking about long-term expansion, not just about selling out one show, or any shows this year.
You're not wrong about focusing on the UK and AUS, but I have a feeling they wanna do the US because of prestige and pride as it's been a WWE stronghold for decades. Doesn't help that NJPW and other Japanese companies have lost so many wrestlers to WWE.

>a t-shirt company crippled the #1 wrestling promotion in Japan plans for US expansion

only in prowrestling

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AEW is fine. China is a bigger market than Japan anyway and they also got the DDT contacts from Kenny.
NJPW/ROH are fucked.

Bucks have been the big Indy draw before Kenny left Japan

Jay White and Tama Tonga will draw the house... anytime now

>weebs on suicide watch

feels good to be an E-Chad

Check the archives of this board the day after they left nu-jamal

>That "seamless transition" of swapping Kenny and all his booking plans for Jay White
Americans just want another foreign guy on top that they can root for, Jay White vs Ibushi or Okada will draw just as big as Kenny vs them, right guys? -Gedo and New Japan logic

That's AEW fault for allying with fucking AAA of all people. What they were thinking partnering with CMLL biggest enemy?

>NJ doesn't want to partner with AEW due NJ loyal with ROH
>AEW can't partner CMLL due CMLL relationship with NJ

>Asians not hating each other
this will never fucking happen.

Still got my ticket who fucking cares

So, because one of NJPW major partners fucked over the partnership plans, AEW in their infinite wisdom decided to antagonize the second major NJPW partner, so even after MSG show NJPW won't ally with them?

>AEW partners with the one mexican and japanese promotion NJPW will never wanna have a deep association with
>They just had to wait until the end of June when the ROH partnership is up and NJPW reviews if they want to stay with them (they didn't want to)
>NJPW alienated now and made sure to keep in touch with Jericho and Omega as they have it in their contracts that they can bail at anytime if they don't like AEW's TV deal

Someone's getting screwed in the end.

AEW and ROH are considered competition with one another.

They had meetings during WK. NJPW doesn't want to break their relationship with ROH. AEW doesn't want to be waiting for a deal thay may not even happen. They made the right decision.

Plus Cody and Kenny already stated that they want to work with everybody if they are interested in. Fuck the old grudges.

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Source on the webm?

They stole Trent and Kenny while offering Juice a contract
NJPW probs is mad

Fumi Saito said that the door is still open to Kenny and Jericho. They are not mad.

maybe New Japan will get a clue

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ROH are the ones mad with AEW. You can count that guys like Bandido, Cobb and ofc Marty will be in AEW when their contracts end.

They will have no ding-dong diddly choice

They did all of this because they were paranoid that paul was going to start another no dimes NXT-lite promotion in Japan kek

Japanese fans aren't like the western fans. NJPW fans don't follow WWE and NOAH fans don't want NJPW. NXT-Japan doesn't have a chance.

What's british promotion would AEW partner with?

None, all of them are WWE puppets except RevPro.

Only a matter of time till Impact and MLW get a clue

that and RevPro has New Japans hand up their ass


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Any lucha friend knows at what hour the AAA show on friday starts? (UK Time)

>The elite is a draw.
Fuck off, Kenny's THE draw. When the fuck did anyone say 'I came for the bucks/cody....'

Ever been to a ROH show? It's full of fags with bucks and cody shirts


His favorite company is CMLL though.

I thought he hated CMLL matches because it's always one sided and then the other guy wins at the end

He said on twitter once that CMLL was his favorite because it´s has a similar atmosphere to the wrestling he grew up with.

>A&W's whole exposure and interest was based on the idea that they'll work with NuJapan, but now that that won't happen
When will this meme die? New Japan CAN'T work with AEW until AFTER Wrestlemania because New Japan are co-promoting a show with ROH. Ring Of Honor is a dying company with no buzz or notable personalities, if All Elite can get a TV deal they'll be fare more attractive a partner than Ring Of Honor who New Japan will drop at the first opportunity to do so.

I don't give two shits about All Elite but the "hurr New Japan chose Ring Of Honor over AEW" narrative is retarded as fuck.

naut uhh muh bullet club will outdraw them with...Chase Owens

Fight Club Pro even though they use WWE guys (not as often anymore).

>the G1 is the draw
When are nujapanlets going to realize that no casual fucking fans (you know, the ones that you NEED in order for an expansion to work) don’t fucking know what the G1 actually is.

They don't know who Kenny Omega is either

How come you guys are such casual experts?

>new japan is going to stop catering to burgers