ITT stiff shit

ITT stiff shit

Attached: DO0hZPzUEAEU8idG1CLIMAX.jpg (640x565, 50K)

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my penis when I see Paige haha

I miss him so fucking much bros.

Attached: 2019_01_27_06 (1).webm (600x360, 2.22M)

holyshit who

Get up, come on get down with the stiffness
NJPW G1 Special in USA (2017) Tomohiro Ishii vs Kenny Omega

Attached: 91ktvm4GOhL._SX342_.jpg (342x427, 40K)

that pair of black tights makes me penis the stiff shit

Attached: ishii stiff.webm (656x368, 791K)

Attached: Di0to7GUwAEW-4b.jpg (802x1200, 149K)

Honma always improves one wrestling watching experience

ishii vs nagata

>Toshiaki Kawada vs. Kensuke Sasaki
One of the top three CHOPPA matches (along with Kobashi vs. Kensuke, and Shibata vs. Ishii). It's not exactly a sprint, but they do an extremely good job of making every hit feel like it counts. Also, probably because they really tried to hit the shit out of each other.

Fuck I might as well post this too.
>Kenta Kobashi vs. Kensuke Sasaki
As with the Kawada vs. Sasaki match, be sure to watch the entrances because they add so much to the big match experience. As much as Japanese wrestling has gone through a revival, I struggle to think of many match-ups and wrestlers who can bring this sort of big match feel to the Tokyo Dome.
If you like your CHOPPAs, watch this. There are many CHOPPAs. And if you're fairly new to Japanese wrestling and missed out on the 00s, this match should give you a decent idea why Kobashi was one of the best in that decade. Did I mention there will be CHOPPAs?

Shibata vs Akiyama WRESTE-1 GRAND PRIX 2005

Attached: FondLikableArieltoucan-size_restricted.gif (263x197, 2.19M)

shit like this is awful, literally just 1 of these elbows would be enough to bust you open yet in jap land you can take a dozen without a scratch

Based. How can WWMeme divas even compete?

Attached: shibbyishii.gif (280x156, 3.87M)

Do the gooks know wrestling is fake?

>I want it to look fake

t. faggot

This one BASED as fuck

It’s called fighting ding-dong diddly spirit.