We want the white trash boomer audience

>we want the white trash boomer audience


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I thought his publicist already deconfirmed this?


Hope he brings an epic Drumpf roast haha #impeach #itsherturn


That's not even his target audience anymore

>we don't need stars anymore
>constantly use stars made decades ago to prop up PPV
>use musical act that was popular decades ago

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Could be decent ratings grab desu. They should work an angle with him. Even do some shit with his Slim Shady gimmick, could be kino.

Do people still listen to Eminem?

>Vince works Eminem vs MGK in a no DQ match on SmackDown

Eminem and Smackdown, 2 things that peaked 15 years ago.


Where were you when Em changed his market from homophobic conservicuck white teens to late 20s liberals?


Revival was a god awful track what are the chances he makes anything good for the WWE?

Still by far the best MC in the game. Listen to his new song with Joyner Lucas. Shit is crazy.

Considering his last album blew the entire industry out of the water, probably decent. Depends on how much control WWE wants and how much they have to edit.

Em's song on 2K19 is just a beat several times due to all the censoring kek

Between last night and this morning, finding out asp are big Joyner marks makes me so fucking happy

whens SDL moving to FOX again?

>The Marshall Durst LP

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>le best mc in le game

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Aww babby feels left out not being able to converse with the other anons

>you don't see the value of the contents of my toilet bowl, lol sucks to be you

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>Still by far the best MC in the game. Listen to his new song with Joyner Lucas. Shit is crazy.

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>Still by far the best MC in the game
Maybe like a fucking decade ago but for real nigga?

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The crossover 20 years too late


Keep clutching to Breaking Benjamin's balls hoping for another rock revolution faggot

Name someone better

Now that he’s out of prison, DMX


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Naw famicom

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Oh fuck my nigga free?

Based leftist CHAD living in your convervacuck head rent free

Joyner is garbage

lose weight

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Denzel Curry, Vince Staples, Earl, ski mask the slump god, flatbush zombies the lost goes on and on

Is there anything more cringe than a white reddit boomer that still dick rides Eminem?

cringe white zoomers who fling shit at him and listen to le deep lofi-esque rap

white trash boomer SEETHING