Whats your guys opinion on airsoft and those 500-900 dollar replicas?
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Milsim using real guns and blanks with gas modifications is less faggot tier than airsoft.
Fucking stupid
Buy a real gun
And if youre going to be that LARP tier go paintball
Fucks sake
Yeah cause I’m just going to shoot real targets with real guns
Airsoft offers much more realism than paintball due to the smaller projectile and costs much less for ammo, as well as having higher range and no paint splatters on expensive gear
This is an airsoft thread; if you’re here to complain just fuck off
>Yeah cause I’m just going to shoot real targets with real guns
Uh yeah?
I like GBBRs, particularly GHK AKs for this price range- $500 for gun, $200 on mags and the rest on upgrades makes for a pretty sweet gun
> real targets
I meant real people: the analogy I use is you use real guns to shoot fake (paper/wood/metal) targets and airsofters use fake guns to shoot real targets (people)
To use real guns would kind of break the respawn mechanic
Tbqh, airsofters are the cringiest of larpers. They:
>dress up and cosplay as faggy chars or actual opr8rs
>have fake props on their plate carriers
>use fake flash bangs cuz autism
it's 2 steps away from larping harry potter and playing quidditch in a park-tier gay. Sorry. Paintball/woods ball, even scenario play will never be as cringe as a Saturday afternoon at the airsoft field.
Airsoft is gay and cringy as hell. I don't say that as a gun owner since I don't own any real guns but as a paintball player. Fuck airsofters
What about those tacticool guys who eat MRE's and use "real military tactics"
it’s only fun in small doses
>Be me 3 combat deployments
>2 in Iraq and 1 in Afghanistan with 3rd ID And 173rd
>Recently about two years back I decided to play airsoft
>Get into full gear with my old ACUS but have to buy a whole rig and molle also buy green gas KWA rifles SR-5 or something like that?
>Get into game mode and I find it hard to take serious because team mates are either stupid kids who don’t know how suppress and slice the pie let alone they treat it like a actual battlefield at times
>Or it’s hardcore try hards that think they’re rangers or Delta
>The few military guys I do play with are just as bad if not worse than the kids and try hards
>They brag about their deployments and think they’re some billy badass squad leader or senior NCO
>It’s does get fun at times because military guys will put up a challenge, but everyone else is easy pickings and easy read outs
>Military guys want to recruit me into their “clan” because I’m good and actual military
>No you guys are try hards and I’m here to play and not relive my deployments
>Yeah right and there’s pedophiles that play here too, no check that, that’s why you play with little kids every day here right?
Pshhh, it’s only fun in small doses.
I get where you’re coming from. But goddamn dude, you’re a fucking asshole talking to them like that. Better they play airsoft instead of being mass shooters.
Airsoft is for monkeys
Man, just a bunch of hasbeens. If they really wanted to relive their deployments. They’d either re-enlist or actually go fight in Ukraine or Syria.
Fun game. Lots of people ruin it for others by taking shit to seriously but that applies to almost everything.
>taking shit to seriously
Poo ?
Yeah m9 they throw the poo poo
>implying faggots who shoot paper targets don't do the same
paintball is just as gay as airsoft
fuck off noguns
I dont buy replicas. I buy a cheap break barrel or use grandpa's gun to shoot quarters and soda cans in the garage.
Much cheaper than having to dive out to the range for my actual rifles.
Maybe stop going to /k/ meetups and you won't see autists flooding the range?
If it's all you can buy then go ahead. My buddies and I used to larp with dozens of cheap shit airsoft guns. We were like 15 though
500+ seems excessive, only if you are some speedsoft fanatic or really have cash to throw away.
I have a Evo Scorpion and both me and my friends know it's too much for an airsoft gun (Eastern Europe).
First actual field here is my friend's so we usually get good games.
people who take airsoft/paintball seriously are quite possibly bigger fucking dorks than edrones
Fuck you faggots for banning me from your discord sewer