Would Yea Forums workout with Vince?

Would Yea Forums workout with Vince?

Attached: mcmahon.jpg (768x768, 81K)

Hell yea, I love anytime fitness. Its one of the few places where people and trainers leave you the fuck alone.

imagine getting into a car with vince

Legitimately doubt I could hang with the old man


Whos that in the mirror taking the pic? Gaitch?

You sneeze and he beats the shit out of you for not having willpower.

Either the manlet franchisee or store manager

Jesus he's fucking jacked. Are there any other billionaire businessmen who are this muscular?

Vince was mad enough to kill himself trying to keep up with Mark Henry in the gym everytime they went togheter, I recall Mark saying. 400+ pounder nigga with a legit claim on being the world's strongest man based on a shitload of records. You gotta appreciate the way McMahon operates throught sheer autistic force.

Attached: Vince-McMahon.jpg (594x396, 55K)

Pretty alpha af

I have no idea how he sleeps 3-4 hours a night and to this day at the age of 74 is still on supplement routines without his heart having exploded

Aside from Billionaire health treatments I think he just has amazing genetics. His mother is like 98 and still lucid

Think she's as peculiar as Vince?

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Bezos got lean with some nice arms once he went full supervillains and built a clock themed lair in a mountain + founded a space company with a Latin motto.

Weird that Vince wouldn't just work out at his home gym. Guess he likes the action of being there and getting attention.

Old people sleep less and steroids mean you can recover without getting much sleep anyway.

Or maybe he travels with the roster and crew most days of the week and doesn't only work out when he's at home

As per the Muscle and Fitness article
>Vince typically trains four days a week (depending on his work schedule) and trains each body part once a week. He alternates between “Heavy” and “Not-So-Heavy” days for each body part. He trains calves every third day and abs twice a week.

I didn't think Vince was still on the road regularly.

I don't associate with dirty pissers.
