So I can see all of the /pol/ tards seeth like stupid children.
I hope he wins it
>being this autistic about /pol/
How many times do niggers fuck your family members?
go back faggot.
Ahyy mon dis ganja jamaican boutta smoke de belt?
He'll be even worse than fucking Mahal as champion.
Should just let Bobbo beat Lesnar instead of having this mid carder win the B Title.
If this fucker wins the title,of all black people he has employed in history, then vince has truly lost it.
Mentioning /pol/ makes you /pol/tard, so go back there
Already seething I see.
/pol/ are Yang commies now
that's not very pc of you
It's an easy decision
take your stupid yang posting shill shit to reddit you discord tranny faggot.
Sorry, uh, Trump is based and redpilled and making america great again
Fuck /pol/, his slow burn heel turn will be one of the greatest things WWE has produced in a fucking decade.
Kofi kills it on the mic. This dude is money. Heel Kofi's going to carry SmackDown on Fox.
We wont seeth cuz there's been like no black champions yet, I think it's about time. Plus, his opponent is a literal basedboi libtard, it will be a victory for us. Based kofi
I wish he came out to SOS
Wait a min.. *basedboi
Imagine Koko B Ware winning the title in the 80s.
Lol, it's like the same exact thing.
might as well take the extra $1k/month, i guess im yanggang now
based /pol/ living in these faggots heads rent free
BASED KOFI making the boss look like the racist fuck he is in front of the world
>i only enjoy things depending on other peoples reactions
Interesting, why do you think that is?
Does it matter?
It's the SD championship
Even the women's tag titles with the Samoan Slaughterhouse is considered of greater value
based filter sweeps the best of 3 match
Mark Henry