what did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's a nigger
Jamacaicans count as niggers?
there’s never been a black wwe champion
He means black
have you ever been to Jamaica? it's crime-ridden
he wants a participation trophy and for everyone to thank him for being a sports entertainer while we work 50 hours a week for a fraction of what he earns
I dont smoke weed so no
>thought the meme about Kofi's blackness being a part of the storyline was Yea Forums cringe
>they're actually doing it the mad men
Last couple of weeks feel like they're edging away from the PG bullshit
I actually lol'd. I was like "HE'S GONNA SAY IT, HE'S GONNA SAY ROCK AINT BLACK!"
Would have been based.
pro-black, anti-white is PG
this will be the second time in two months this comedy midcarder will be carried through a gauntlet match by far superior talent
But Bryan is the opposite of le evil white man.Unless WM ends with them teaming up to kill the racist old boomer who runs the show.
>far superior talent
well accept Rowan the lumbering shitter. Thinking about it Sheamus barely has singles matches these days either
I felt so BAD for him. Kofi feels like such a real dude. Not some mega star. Just a dad who wants to prove that he always had it in him if WWE gave him the chance
Dude’s great at promos and he just proved it
People only care about Kofi chasing the title. Once he wins there's no where for the story to go unless they do some lame New Day break up feud
Kofi’s cringe ass promo and muh 11 years
Give Zack Ryder a push for being there over 11 years then. He can actually wrestle and isn’t a rumble spot monkey
And now next week through mania we’ll see Kofi bury half the smackdown roster
>kofi wins the title
>loses it the next night to some dastardly heel
>he returns to tag teams or maybe a run at the US title
>Unless WM ends with them teaming up to kill the racist old boomer who runs the show.
AHS already did that angle.
Zack got his IC win at WM and a one day title reign and that's probably the only 'reward' he'll get. Maybe a fluke tag win with Hawkins or something
Yea, it was a solid 10.5 mins vs Dolph, probably a better match than what DB will have to drag Kofi through
Dont care if it's Kofi or anyone else I'm still enjoying Bryan's new gimmick and him losing the title would ruin it
Kofi isnt awful in the ring and Bryan can have a good match with anyone not named Big Cass
Where the FUCK is based R-Truth's title shot?
Kofi isn’t world class by any means but Bryan is seriously a machine. He could have a good match with almost anyone in the world.
>the story is that he's worked for 11 years had a prestigious career always been prominently featured and has enough money for numerous generations of his lineage to live on but he's upset because he's black and has rightfully never held the top title because he's not even good
Yeah I'm thinking SJWWE is finished
Can't claim this until Kofi loses. If he wins SJWWE is very well alive and running.
It happened at a throwaway B PPV years ago when he turned heel. Conspiracy theorist Truth was pretty kino, it's a shame he went back to the midcard afterwards.
He had one 8 years ago. However he had the horrible HORRIBLE misfortune of A) Having gotten it in the middle of Cenation running wild and B) Having gotten it right at doors of CM Punk's rise to Superstardom.
i hate SJWWE
based and kramerpilled
I'm gonna rape and kill anyone who supports Kofi Kingston?
You hear me, libtards? I'm not the villain, here; I'm the prevailing hero. I'll slaughter all of you and sexualize your newborns with my throbbing, red-blooded, redpilled cock.
based saiyan
He can keep the eco-terrorist gimmick even if he isn't champ, and do some cool different things since he wouldn't have to defend the belt. There could also be a kino storyline like:
>Kofi wins at mania
>Hardyz win at mania
>Bryan/Rowan/maybe Harper take the tag belts off of Hardyz on Smackdown
>New Day vs Eco-stable for both titles
Really, a ghana world champ. Gtfo
He means people of color who have no Samoan blood are oppressed and held down in the world of pro wrestling entertainment
I was sure he was exaggerating for dramatic effect, so I looked it up and the lasts time a black person even challenged for the WWE Title was 6 years ago lmao
how many deserving awesome, over with the fans, awesome on the mic, black sports entertainers were passed over?
He's so fucking boring and performs the same shit every match in the same sequence just with a different person.
Mark was the only one that was worth it.
It's not WWE's fault fault the only over niggers in that span were comedy midcarders.
It is their fault WWE is so shit one of those comedy midcarders is now WWE title contention, though. That shouldn't be the case. Kofi's a B PPV defense at best.
He was CM Punk's closest friend during his time in WWE. Maybe Vince is still seething of Punk ruining his company so he's taking out his frustration of fucking Kofi over.
And before that was the fever dream that was John Cena vs. Confederate Smoker R-Truth in 2011 and before THAT was Cena vs. Bobbo in fucking 2007.
kofi is from ghana africa lmao
get worked
Booker T got two shots in 2004, one in 2001 and Viscera(!) got one in 1999. So yeah, 5 black challengers in 20 years. This concludes my extremely autistic investigation.
>Kofi will be WWE champion by this time next month
>Kofi's title chase is legitimately the only thing good about mania this year
>Kofi will highly likely have the match of the night
>Kofi's mania match will probably be a MOTY contender
>Kofi is immensely over and only contrarian virgins refuse to see it
>kofi is from ghana africa lmao
He moved to the States when he was a year old. He's just another suburban honkey.
How many of those title shots were deserved?
Booker deserved at least one of his. Truth was doing God's work on the build for his match, but yeah, no one could buy him winning for a second.
wow based workaholic father choosing to miss raising his kids in favor of chasing a temporary starring role on the TV show he acts in.
>black guy doesn't raise his kids
Well yeah.
Holy cringola
so cringe
What's the point if he's gonna lose anyways.
holy shit this thread,are /asp "smarks" actually WORKED by BASED kofi?
so what, the rock no longer counts? he is the first black wwe champ
How is their fault when WWE books it nobody looks good and if they do, they find a way to make them look like a jackass?
Also two words: Jinder Mahal.
WWE books everybody like a jackass in some shape or form. This isn't a stance particular to any ethnic grouping.
>muh Jinder
Muh "bar so low I can use it to validate other trash" argument.
Nakanishi was IWGP Champ. Doesn't mean I'm pulling for a Chase Owens run.
He actually meant midcarders but betas & w*men will act like he meant blacks.
Okay how about Bray Wyatt? That's another motherfucker that didn't need to win the title.
You can name however many simps you want. It doesn't really change that comprising your stance of poor choices to validate another poor choice isn't a good one.
Bray was at least organically more over at the time. Not by way of an underdog story, a surprise twist and a good heel
And there still won't be if he wins the Universal Title. If that's a world title, then so was Mark Henry's during his Hall of Pain run.
... But Kofi is fighting Bryan for the WWE Title.
the whole pity angle and cutting a promo that trys to get peoples sympathy is fucking cringe, so me a austin, hogan, or anyone decent talking about how proud they were to be there and how much they deserve it, it is just fucking cringe
>so me a austin, hogan, or anyone decent talking about how proud they were to be there and how much they deserve it
Ya mean like this? youtube.com
Why does he have the hairstyle of a 7 year old black girl?
Booking has nothing to do with Kofi being a C+. He had chances before. I remember once he was chosen for a big push against Randy and he fucked up. It's not WWE fault. It's his. Some people have what it takes to be superstars but Kofi doesn't
And before you go full retard, Jinder might have been a flop but at least he had the look and height. Kofi doesn't even have that going for him.
>yo dis dude seem REAL
>personifying niggers
good thing he's not fighting for the universal title then
>when u see kofi birdchest
>Falling for obvious leddit bate
The thing is - The company is a babyface. The main draw. So talking points about how it's a dream and shit like that and how everyone is a good soldier, it all makes sense, if you look at it from that side.
And that is one of the reasons why they are loosing viewers. Why would some redneck want to root for a guy who says "oi this company is the fucking best, the best thing is being company guy, oi, believe in corporation!"
Those people are fucked over by corporations... It makes no sense.
>There's never been a black world champion in WWE
>But what about Mark Henry and Booker T
>NO! They were not real champions because they held the WHC, which was a secondary main event title!
But currently the WWE championship is the secondary main event championship, in the same spot the WHC was when Booker and Henry won it. So which is it, either the secondary main event title counts for your "first black champion" bullshit or it doesn't. If it's the former, then Kofi winning the WWE title doesn't do shit. He would need to win the Universal title for it to mean anything.
I don't know why people are so hung up on the first WWE champion thing, as if the name of the belt means anything. It's positioning that matters, and a black man has never been positioned as a top act in WWE worthy of competing for the top title. The WWE title will play second fiddle to the Universal and RAW women's championship matches, and likely be booked in the middle of the card. Him winning the belt, then, is nothing but a token act and means nothing more for black people than Henry or Booker winning the WHC title.
If black people and progressives really want to rally for such a cause, then they'd be better off focusing on a black man getting a Reigns-level push where they're put in real mania main events and fighting guys like Lesnar for the top-billed belt.
Very well put.
>Mark was the only one that was worth it.
Mark Henry could barely move, was too heavy to work with, and mumbles when he talks. Why did he deserve a championship? Because he's big and strong?
Because he was charismatic as fuck and his HoP/Salmon suited villain story was twice as over as Kofi is currently.
You're right. It's time for Bobbo.
if they built bobo like lesnar with rush as his mouthpiece (heyman) it actually could be based, and i hate affirmative action
>Fucked up
He just didn't know he was supposed to take the punt, that's a miss cue from both parties. How would that completely kill his push unless someone with power politicked against him.