Here's your crowd for tonight, bro

Here's your crowd for tonight, bro.

Attached: D1fsEM1X0AABF1r.jpg (1200x900, 189K)

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Reasons why Tarps are BASED

> Would never question anything you do
> Will lay down wherever you want
> Doesn't talk back
> An integral part of the WWE Universe

The Smackdown Women’s Champion draws like THAT??!!?

Hardcam side you dork. They need that space for the HD 4K broadcast setup.

Nah, that's how Becko draws since she will be in the Main Event.

Attached: pol laugh.jpg (533x388, 78K)

That's just how the WWE draws now outside of special occasions.

I thought Kofi was a dimes machine?

Reminder they can't sell out anymore and ratings are diving because their fans are dying

Attached: 1552247642629.jpg (686x425, 114K)

>Asuka has been on Smackdown 2 of the last 4 weeks
>Both those weeks had ratings improvement over the previous week

Attached: 1543820117133.webm (640x360, 387K)

rent free

Attached: 049849654984.gif (200x150, 2.59M)

so this is the power of pure strikes...


The house that Randy Borton built

>10 minute Becky recap of shit we've seen every show for over a month
>Kofi "my boys tooth" Kingston

Attached: 1551306917858.gif (350x200, 997K)

It's true. They didn't need this during the attitude era because the cameras were only for fullscreen, not wide screen. These are undisputed facts.

they can't sell out half a high school gymnasium

Attached: worried.jpg (1162x847, 130K)

They always draw poorly in Dayton. Pic related is from 2012. Same exact venue

Attached: IMG_0373.jpg (1024x768, 137K)

yup the bigger cameras take up between 10k and 15k seats, that is why the picture is soo good


Ever since The Tran and Tofu Veganson became main even players, the crowds were cut in half

Attached: >her.jpg (294x442, 13K)

they should bring back the midnight express

>CM Punk was a dra-