Did Charlotte finally find the one?

Did Charlotte finally find the one?

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Bitch has been divorced how many times? She's never going to find the one because she's fucked up in the head

>She's billed at 5'10". He's billed at 5'9".

The third the one.

hes a based mexichad
he will put her in check

not gay or anything but Andrade Almas is one sexy fella

T. Incel

There will unironically be a marriage this year

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Charlotte is punching WAY above her weight, let's be honest here.

I almost never said this about the man in the relationship, but he is way out of her league.

Do you guys think he is dating only for political gain within the company?

She's got no ass, latinos are used to women with curves. She's definitely thirsty as fuck for some mexican dick though

Hell yeah Andrade is trying to get that world title run.

Yes, but also I think he's trying to make "El hijo de la Sombra Flair".

She loves spics and beaners doesn't she. She was getting it off Del RRRRRRRRIOOOOOOOO too at one point.

Can’t wait for the HOF this year when she wears heels and towers over him

No, she's mentally ill.

>Hit the wall
>Be forced to marry ugly spic
roasties should be caged up

Charlotte could probably outbench this dude, he's shoot 5'3 or something

>Ugly spic
Motherfucker are you blind? Andrade is seriously the best Charlotte is ever gonna get.

Why the fuck are women attracted to brown dudes. Plus he's a manlet.

True, but he's still a low smv spic

Because of one thing.

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No way. He's shorter than her and he's not white.

women love brown manlets

>he's still a low smv spic
nigger you've never even touched a titty or held a girls hand

cope harder darkie, nobody how much jews tell you, white women still want white chads

Show 20 random girls on the street and show the pic a pic of andrade, then show 20 random dudes a pic of Charlotte.

And then see who gets the most compliments.

>Is on national tv
>Still only gets less than 7k likes for a shirtless picture

One woman out of 5 likes a dark dude and you faggots act like the other 4 don't exist. Seek sunlight.

Based Andrade. once the whore is in the bag, he'll have the leverage he needs to ask for a main event spot.

Mexican Flair would be a fucking prodigy


Woah, youre saying the average woman likes ripped guys more than blonde bimbos?

That's bullshit. Where did you find this stats? You can like whoever the fuck you want independently from height, weight or skin colour.

I'm not even a gay, and I can recognize Manuel "La Sombra" Oropeza as a good looking man

>Skin colour

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Wonder if he's informed rush on the way to become world champ is fucking someone with leverages daughter

>"teehee we're a couple! teehee we like each others posts on instagram! teehee! teehee!"

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What does that emoji he commented even mean?

He's literally not

>nobody how much

Looks like you can't be polite without being a basedboy. What an ignorant cunt you are, go back masturbating on Natalya's ugly selfies.

Mexican kids start training in ring at fucking 13. A decade of experience by the time he’s a young adult and juiced to the gills with Flair height genes...
For the love of god Andrade give us La Sombra de Flair

Well, where I live most girls wouldn't like Andrade because he's not white but I guess it's different in America.

>implying that isn't hot
shame about her face and body though.

nope, equating race with skin colour is the ultimate normie beta move

Of course they don't like non-white people since that means they aren't related, inbred.

i'm better looking than this guy

proof or die :)

It means I'm standing behind you

Don't turn around

>hes gonna get to blast all over those luscious bolt ons

Real jealous/10

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i dont gotta prove shit, bucko

Then everyone will just discredit your post and move on, uggo. ;)

I think its more hes an athlete in incredible shape. Personally my dick doesnt see color i just see curves and breasts.

Why are you so upset?

Race is a complex topic, especially within Latinos because of the history of colonialism and slavery so I said "skin colour" just to simplify my thought. But you're right, I botched

As long as Hana is safe, idc.

but at least he isn't a virgin

Reminder that Charlotte has been married and divorced like 3 times before 30, and that emoji she used is what every woman -- including your wife/girlfriend -- is feeling on the inside whenever she sees an attractive guy. Every man is mentally/emotionally cucked multiple times a day. There's no way around it.

Looks like a cross between Rusev and Roman.

True but most of my beaner friends and their families are very loyal and traditional
My only concern is guessing how they communicate? Charlotte doesn’t speak Spanish and Alma’s doesn’t speak English that well

Seething insecure /pol/tard
There’s more to it than just looks and skin faggot
For all we know they probably just bonded from being lonely on the road
Happens all the time

>t. manlet

Nice cope, browncel.

This is smart move. Taking one for the team by fucking Charles and getting that monster push

Good job triggering the browncels, bro.

Can’t wait for him to give her a Mexican flair baby. Best of both worlds

>meet the new Deaddie Burrito

i really hate the term "bolt ons"

eventually the relationship will end, olr she gets mad at him for some dumb shit, and then he's fucked.

>planet fitness Chad
/fit/ SEETHING. Also I unironically use them and it's not even 1/100th as bad as the roid """""natty's"""""" claim it would be.

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>thirsty as fuck for some mexican dick
You wished this happened in real life, browncel.

Almas speaks decent english.
Having two divorces by 31 is fucked m8

what else do you call fake tits way too big for a girls frame?

>La Sombra de Flair
or "El Nieto del Ric Flair", absolutely based

By that logic every guy is cucking his waifu by scrolling though social media too

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My number one turn on.

her frame is huge though

Una Sneeda

She's Ric Flair's daughter and a power player, retards. She can have her pick, like Steph did.
