Racism is still alive

Racism is still alive

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Why do they always try to play the victim?


I love that promo

Because the average IQ of their ethnic group is 85

It is literally a scripted television program and he is an actor playing a character that is a victim.

Would it kill this nigga to at least do some bicep curls? He's fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship and looks like he still lives in Ghana.

i went to a smackdown taping in like 2008 and i had floor seats and when kofi came out i started doing his hand clap, this was when he just debuted and noone really cared about him. and i was putting him over hard doing his hand clap and he was in the ring hand clapping and looking at the crowd for people hand clapping, cuz no one was, and he would point if he saw one. This whole time, he didnt even LOOK in my sections direction.. it was fucking awkward. And im not a wh*te person either. Fuck this piece of shit. you cant use those tricks on me kofi. ur not getting ur mania title match buddy.

Isn't his chest fucked up?

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are they literally running two versions of the Daniel Bryan/Batista angle at the same time?

Wrestling isn't real

Because it's a work, and "the Vince and Co keep holding me back!" is the only way this company can get anyone over.

this isn't a thread about white people though user

this was the last wwe show i ever attended by the way. they're actually really fucking rude to the fans at wwe shows.

ya seethe chimp


11 Years a Slave.

nerve damage is real user

Kofi mentions his race literally zero times in this post. He’s just saying that he doesn’t fit “Vince’s idea” of a champion.

of course, because 'people like him' don't get to be champion

why are they cheering kofi now, of all times? what the hell has he done to get cheered all of the sudden? its all reddit smarks trying to dictate booking, like they did with bryan danielson and kevin owen and all these other shitters, becky included. Im sick and tired of it, and so is vince.

It's a storyline

Kofi's been carried by Daniel Bryan and the heat Daniel Bryan has is the only reason Kofi got over in the first place. Daniel Bryan has made jobbers relevant during this title run. He should bury Kofi at Mania, honestly where does Kofi go after winning the strap anyways?

He’s a skinny black flippy manlet with a sunken chest and a comedy gimmick for the past 4 years. He’s not really a Hulk Hogan or Lex Luger who gets Vince’s dick hard.

It sure looks fucked up. He looks like he hasnt done a bench press or bicep curl since '03

Thats a good question, where does he go after WM, assuming he wins? Do the New Day FreeBird the WWE title? Does Big E turn on Kofi and they feud for the strap?

Kofi had been rather relevant for like 3 years now. Many of us knew he just needed a little spark to look and feel like a main event player and his run with the New Day is exactly that. It's time to give him the strap, brother.

You just wrote their damage control statement. Can't wait.

He is a victim?

>wanting an eternal mid-card shitter as champion only because he's with in the company forever

Trying to create Bryan 2.0.
Trying too hard.

WWE is pulling a D-Bry 2.0 with Becky and decided to tow Kofi into the mix.

>WWE takes their simp characters and puts them into the spotlight.
>E-Drones eat it up because they're content on living like simps too and relate.
>WWE then rejects and takes their simp characters spotlight away.
>E-Drone fans get mad.
>WWE no care doe te-he
>E-Drones cry on tweet-tweets
>Stephane McMahon Books simp characters into Wrestlemania matches because WWE listens to its fans, and acts like a mark.
>Hurray for fake non opportunities for blacks and women and smashing the false social construct that never ends!!
>We did it!!

>Ahh shut up!

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He wouldn't even be in this position if Mustafa didn't get injured

>be black in trumpfs america

>get screwed at the peak of your career

i feel so bad for any minority living in the orange reign of terror


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Kofi has like 20lbs on Finn Balor, who is a former world champion.....just sayian.

that's a little generous

Same can be said about Stone Cold.
HHH was suppose to get a massive push and win that famous King of the Ring Austin won. But got buried due to the Curtain Call incident. Shit happens.
It's what you do with the opportunity that counts.

>Bork fucking Laser has been champion for 5 years
>Kofi has the chest of a 5 year old boy.

Of course Vince will never push him.

He has the Daniel Bryan rematch(es), Ali, and possibly a kino as fuck orton feud all in the wings.

That's just off the top of my head without mentioning any rivalry within ND and each feud could easily last a season.

The future could be very bright for a Kofi title run but it's also WWE so it's more than likely it would be flubbed up either way.

Record low black unemployment

Balor was super over in Japan. Kofi is nobody jobber who only gets attention from fragile blacks and their cuckolds.

>some jobbing negroid is the best you can muster up for a main event title shot for Wrestlemania

lmao, the absolute state of this fucking company.


>see you tuesday
>not C U Next Tuesday
Bottled it

Difference is, Kofi has done nothing to deserve this. His Chamber push came literally from a place of pity because he had worked here for so long and was undercarder and bla bla bla. Pretty much the same reason why Santino Marella almost beat a heel Bryan in the chamber seven years ago.

You already watched WrestleMania? How do you know who wins? Not trying to be an e-drone but take the dick out of your ass you fucking faggot


Finn is a manlet but at least his physique actually malkes him look like an athlete or that he's been in the gym for the last 11 years. Finn is more convincing as a WHC than this shitter who looks straight out of a Unicef food and supply drive.

>standard twitter promo
>"mu-muh race baiting!!"
Black warriors living in cumskins heads' rent free

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you seem surprised that WWE is shamelessly repeating something that worked.

ya ding-dong diddly got worked, pinkdick


Except that didn't work. All those 27 out of 30 million wrestling fans who stopped caring after 2000? They would've been shocked and disgusted at the whole ordeal. Of course the remaining cultists would have thrbopposite opinion.

He loses it right back to the best damn heel in the company so he gets his heat back and builds someone worthy up. Not the fucking Jannetty of New Day

11 years a midcard

>Phil Brook's pipe bomb promo
>breaks the 4th wall
>calls out people in the back as the reason he is not getting big enough pushes
>had been legit one of the best performers in the company for years
>had legit suffered shit booking probably partially due to Paul's beef with him
>gets over af because of it
>fans get impassioned in support of him and feel like they are forcing the company's hand to give /theirguy/ what he deserves

>every underdog babyface now has to do the 'the company are holding me back guise lel' meme

It is so fucking cringey because it is always an obvious fucking work while also breaking kayfabe. Is the pipebomb the new Montreal Screwjob angle in that it was impactful the first time but now is going to be recycled for the next 15 years until it is the hackiest shit?

Yeah it might be even less now. As a spic it irritates me to no end that black people get this preferential treatment over all other minorities. We out numbered these fools for so long and we can’t any fucking representation. Biracial Spider-Man don’t even eat tacos. Fuck this gay earth.

Just die, fool

Remember when ratings sunk when Bryan won at WM30?

Ratings will die when Kofi wins

I lose every time. It's just so perfect.

WWE are retards, but they're not THAT stupid to put the 2nd biggest belt on someone who looks like the wind would blow him over and has the charisma of a gnat.

>ratings sunk when Bryan won at WM30
This never happened.

You actually think Becky and Kofi are going to lose?

WWE is so stupid predictable that they can't even book an end to a match ending by a pin that wasn't caused by a finisher.

Hi Phil

>actually worked

Imagine the SEETHING meltdown on Twitter when Kofi gets Booker T’d at mania by Daniel Bryan

I hope he loses now.

based kofi ignoring this dime repellent

Prove me wrong. It absolutely did.